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Those of you who are defending those pigs read this story and try defending them
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LAS VEGAS (CN) - Henderson police arrested a family for refusing to let officers use their homes as lookouts for a domestic violence investigation of their neighbors, the family claims in court.
*****Anthony Mitchell and his parents Michael and Linda Mitchell sued the City of Henderson, its Police Chief Jutta Chambers, Officers Garret Poiner, Ronald Feola, Ramona Walls, Angela Walker, and Christopher Worley, and City of North Las Vegas and its Police Chief Joseph Chronister, in Federal Court.
*****Henderson, pop. 257,000, is a suburb of Las Vegas.
*****The Mitchell family's claim includes Third Amendment violations, a rare claim in the United States. The Third Amendment prohibits quartering soldiers in citizens' homes in times of peace without the consent of the owner.
*****"On the morning of July 10th, 2011, officers from the Henderson Police Department responded to a domestic violence call at a neighbor's residence," the Mitchells say in the complaint.
*****It continues: "At 10:45 a.m. defendant Officer Christopher Worley (HPD) contacted plaintiff Anthony Mitchell via his telephone. Worley told plaintiff that police needed to occupy his home in order to gain a 'tactical advantage' against the occupant of the neighboring house. Anthony Mitchell told the officer that he did not want to become involved and that he did not want police to enter his residence. Although Worley continued to insist that plaintiff should leave his residence, plaintiff clearly explained that he did not intend to leave his home or to allow police to occupy his home. Worley then ended the phone call.
*****Mitchell claims that defendant officers, including Cawthorn and Worley and Sgt. Michael Waller then "conspired among themselves to force Anthony Mitchell out of his residence and to occupy his home for their own use." (Waller is identified as a defendant in the body of the complaint, but not in the heading of it.)
*****The complaint continues: "Defendant Officer David Cawthorn outlined the defendants' plan in his official report: 'It was determined to move to 367 Evening Side and attempt to contact Mitchell. If Mitchell answered the door he would be asked to leave. If he refused to leave he would be arrested for Obstructing a Police Officer. If Mitchell refused to answer the door, force entry would be made and Mitchell would be arrested.'"
*****At a few minutes before noon, at least five defendant officers "arrayed themselves in front of plaintiff Anthony Mitchell's house and prepared to execute their plan," the complaint states.
*****It continues: "The officers banged forcefully on the door and loudly commanded Anthony Mitchell to open the door to his residence.
*****"Surprised and perturbed, plaintiff Anthony Mitchell immediately called his mother (plaintiff Linda Mitchell) on the phone, exclaiming to her that the police were beating on his front door.
*****"Seconds later, officers, including Officer Rockwell, smashed open plaintiff Anthony Mitchell's front door with a metal ram as plaintiff stood in his living room.
*****"As plaintiff Anthony Mitchell stood in shock, the officers aimed their weapons at Anthony Mitchell and shouted obscenities at him and ordered him to lie down on the floor.
*****"Fearing for his life, plaintiff Anthony Mitchell dropped his phone and prostrated himself onto the floor of his living room, covering his face and hands.
*****"Addressing plaintiff as 'bubblegum', officers, including Officer Snyder, shouted conflicting orders at Anthony Mitchell, commanding him to both shut off his phone, which was on the floor in front of his head, and simultaneously commanding him to 'crawl' toward the officers.
*****"Confused and terrified, plaintiff Anthony Mitchell remained curled on the floor of his living room, with his hands over his face, and made no movement.
*****"Although plaintiff Anthony Mitchell was lying motionless on the ground and posed no threat, officers, including Officer David Cawthorn, then fired multiple 'pepperball' rounds at plaintiff as he lay defenseless on the floor of his living room. Anthony Mitchell was struck at least three times by shots fired from close range, injuring him and causing him severe pain." (Parentheses in complaint.)
*****Officers then arrested him for obstructing a police officer, searched the house and moved furniture without his permission and set up a place in his home for a lookout, Mitchell says in the complaint.
*****He says they also hurt his pet dog for no reason whatsoever: "Plaintiff Anthony Mitchell's pet, a female dog named 'Sam,' was cowering in the corner when officers smashed through the front door. Although the terrified animal posed no threat to officers, they gratuitously shot it with one or more pepperball rounds. The panicked animal howled in fear and pain and fled from the residence. Sam was subsequently left trapped outside in a fenced alcove without access to water, food, or shelter from the sun for much of the day, while temperatures outside soared to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit."
*****Anthony and his parents live in separate houses, close to one another on the same street. He claims that police treated his parents the same way.
*****"Meanwhile, starting at approximately 10:45 a.m., police officers entered the back yard of plaintiffs Michael Mitchell and Linda Mitchell's residence at 362 Eveningside Avenue. The officers asked plaintiff Michael Mitchell if he would be willing to vacate his residence and accompany them to their 'command center' under the guise that the officers wanted Michael Mitchell's assistance in negotiating the surrender of the neighboring suspect at 363 Eveningside Avenue. Plaintiff Michael Mitchell reluctantly agreed to follow the officers from his back yard to the HPD command center, which was approximately one quarter mile away," the complaint states.
*****"When plaintiff Michael Mitchell arrived at the HPD command center, he was informed that the suspect was 'not taking any calls' and that plaintiff Michael Mitchell would not be permitted to call the suspect neighbor from his own phone. At that time, Mr. Mitchell realized that the request to accompany officers to the HPD command center was a tactic to remove him from his house. He waited approximately ten minutes at the HPD command center and was told he could not return to his home.
*****"Plaintiff Michael Mitchell then left HPD command center and walked down Mauve Street toward the exit of the neighborhood. After walking for less than five minutes, an HPD car pulled up next to him. He was told that his wife, Linda Mitchell, had 'left the house' and would meet him at the HPD command center. Michael Mitchell then walked back up Mauve Street to the HPD command center. He called his son, James Mitchell, to pick him up at the HPD command center. When plaintiff Michael Mitchell attempted to leave the HPD command center to meet James, he was arrested, handcuffed and placed in the back of a marked police car.
*****"Officers had no reasonable grounds to detain plaintiff Michael Mitchell, nor probable
*****cause to suspect him of committing any crime.
*****"At approximately 1:45 p.m., a group of officers entered the backyard of plaintiffs Michael Mitchell and Linda Mitchell's residence at 362 Eveningside Avenue. They banged on the back door of the house and demanded that plaintiff Linda Mitchell open the door.
*****"Plaintiff Linda Mitchell complied and opened the door to her home. When she told officers that they could not enter her home without a warrant, the officers ignored her. One officer, defendant Doe 1, seized her by the arm, and other officers entered her home without permission.
*****"Defendant Doe 1 then forcibly pulled plaintiff Linda Mitchell out of her house.
*****"Another unidentified officer, defendant Doe 2, then seized plaintiff Linda Mitchell's purse and began rummaging through it, without permission, consent, or a warrant.
*****"Defendant Doe 1 then escorted Linda Mitchell at a brisk pace through her yard and
*****up the hill toward the 'Command Post' while maintaining a firm grip on her upper arm. Plaintiff Linda Mitchell is physically frail and had difficulty breathing due to the heat and the swift pace. However, Doe 1 ignored her pleas to be released or to at least slow down, and refused to provide any explanation for why she was being treated in such a manner.
*****"In the meantime, the officers searched and occupied plaintiffs Michael Mitchell and
*****Linda Mitchell's house. When plaintiff Linda Mitchell returned to her home, the cabinets and closet doors throughout the house had been left open and their contents moved about. Water had been consumed from their water dispenser. Even the refrigerator door had been left ajar and mustard and mayonnaise had been left on their kitchen floor."
*****Police took Anthony and Michael Mitchell to jail and booked them for obstructing an officer. They were jailed for at least nine hours before they bailed out, they say in the complaint. All criminals charged were dismissed with prejudice. They claim the defendants filed the baseless criminal charges "to provide cover for defendants' wrongful actions, to frustrate and impede plaintiffs' ability to seek relief for those actions, and to further intimidate and retaliate against plaintiffs."
*****None of the officers were ever subjected to official discipline or even inquiry, the complaint states.
*****The Mitchells seek punitive damages for violations of the third, fourth and 14th Amendments, assault and battery, conspiracy, defamation, abuse of process, malicious prosecution, negligence and emotional distress.
*****They are represented by Benjamin C. Durham, with Cofer, Geller & Durham, in Las Vegas.
I feel like there's a lot of things policemen & departments could do to improve a communities opinion. Very little of which seem to make it into practice anymore.

Irrational reactive violent behavior:

- Hiring unstable officers from the beginning.

- Officers becoming unstable over time.

What's "legal" or "illegal" is not a moral excuse.

When you or those who surround you are employed to act in a manor that yourself, or your community disagrees with, some one takes the toll. It could be either side.
I feel like there's a lot of things policemen & departments could do to improve a communities opinion. Very little of which seem to make it into practice anymore.

Irrational reactive violent behavior:

- Hiring unstable officers from the beginning.

- Officers becoming unstable over time.

What's "legal" or "illegal" is not a moral excuse.

When you or those who surround you are employed to act in a manor that yourself, or your community disagrees with, some one takes the toll. It could be either side.

I really noticed a change in how cops acted and who they would hire back in the late 80's and early 90's. Believe it or not I think the show COPS had a lot to do with the problem.
Every show consisted of cops grandstanding for the camera, harassing blacks and rednecks and in general acting like a bunch of pricks. I think a lot of overgrown hall monitors, control freaks, and mall ninjas watched that show and found their calling in life.
And yet another one

Attorneys for the plaintiffs say police officers demanded they be allowed to occupy two homes owned by their clients on the city's Eveningside Avenue in 2011 in order to conduct an investigation involving a neighbor's residence. When the owners refused to comply with the request, they were reportedly arrested for obstruction and brought to jail.

No doubt some cops go way over board on stuff but what bothers me even more is that our legal system seems to have lost any kind of decency and common sense on some stuff.

BTW, the example about breaking federal law just by destroying or throwing away mail that isn't addressed to you ..... I would probably have to serve 15 life sentences for the number of times this has ocurred in my mailbox. How many times do I have to tell the post office that so and so doesn't live here or that the person listed has NEVER resided at this address since the house was built (1964)????
Before I had only read the article and did not want to see it with the dog getting shot. I just watched the video and I'm fired up now.

Rosby was taunting the cops with his loud music and recording of them while they were on a call. At no time did I see the cops come over and tell him to turn the music down or off. After the initial suspect was arrested the 2 jackboot a-holes decided that since contempt of cop was not illegal, they would get him for obstructing. An obstructing arrest is SOP when you piss off a cop and/or don't cooperate with them.

Well the 2 JB AH's hook Rosby up and then officer, I'm a f'in moron about dog behavior, comes over to help. They have the dogs master in cuffs and to the dog it looks like they are hurting him so he jumps out of the car to protect his master. Well let's see, then officer moron in his infinite dog behavior wisdom thinks that grabbing for the dogs leash is the way to control it. The dog was not attacking BOTH times officer moron tried to get the leash and only lashed out when he tried and the dog felt threatened.

In conclusion: I am hoping for the worst of luck for the 2 JB AH's and I'm not going to say what I'm thinking. Officer moron needs to be transferred to the K9 unit and used as a chew toy until he understands how dogs think. Rosby will sue them and I hope he gets a boat load of money.
That video made me think hardcore about who was to blame for the dogs death. As I watched it, I filled with anger. As I thought about it more, I was P.O,ed the dog died doing what he was supposed to do, at the police for doing it, but also at the owner for not securing an animal that loved him so much he had to die proving it. I think I would have rolled the windows up more and locked the vehicle if it were mine, I know mine would jump to my defence, and this incident wasn't worth him dying to protect me. There are people that own particular breeds of dogs who probably shouldn't, and there are those that should never be allowed to wear a badge. The man in the video knew flat out he was being approached by the police as demonstrated by his blase (this ain't the first time) manner in the video, yet he failed to secure his dog and his dog died for it. Apparently this encounter between him and the cops has played out many time before.
He did nothing illegal by filming the situation, and as such should not even have been approached by the LEO's in the first place, Yet his dog's dead. Yes it angers me, but for more reason than one.
Swain was not the shooter, he is the spokesman for the department. The shooter was Officer (Moron) Jeffrey Salmon and the 2 jackboots that caused this have not been named.

Check out the reaction at that filthy swamp known as

In summary:
1. The kid is a "punk" for questioning orders, even though he was impeccably polite throughout the encounter and the cop was rude from the outset

2. Stops are "legal", if you don't like it take it up with the legislature/courts (the Fuhrerprinzip/superior orders defense)

Translation: cops are mindless animals incapable of moral judgement
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Our shooter Jeffry was part of a million dollar payout a couple years ago:

Hawthorne Police Department Pays $1,000,000 To Settle Police Brutality & Corruption Lawsuit

The Hawthorne Police Department paid One Million Dollars to a Settle Lawsuit in which it was alleged a man was kicked in the face while handcuffed and then falsely prosecuted along with his wife to cover up the brutality. Evidence the plaintiffs were prepared to present at trial included a photograph of an officer appearing to kick the handcuffed plaintiff in the face and a surveillance video allegedly depicting officers high-fiving each other as the injured plaintiff suffered from a broken jaw...

Hawthorne Police Department Pays $1,000,000 To Settle Police Brutality & Corruption Lawsuit
Most contemporary laws are fascist and oppressive, by enforcing such laws modern day LEO are outsourcing their morality to the state, no different from Gestapo, Schutzstaffel or NKVD agents.

There's a reason why police used to be called "peace officers" before the advent of the Total State.

Examples of these would be appreciated.
Examples of these would be appreciated.

Gun control laws against civilians and LEO exemptions, drug prohibition laws, morality laws (e.g. dry counties), all immigration laws, public safety exceptions to 4A (e.g. stop and frisk, terry stops), revenue-oriented traffic laws... for starters.

That list only includes laws that are typically enforced by front-line police or federal agents, there's plenty of fascist laws that are enforced by other types of apparatchiks, such as judges (civil forfeiture, eminent domain, three strikes, minimum sentencing, proxy culpability, prohibition against informed juries, etc), the IRS (Bammycare, income taxes).

Then there are laws that simply give the state more power at our expense, such as the PATRIOT Act and the establishment of the federal reserve.

And lastly, the shadow realm where the federal executive simply commits crimes then claims they have the legal authority to do so, with the legal justification being a memo written by a pliant DOJ lawyer. For example, NSA spying without congressional oversight and drone assassinations.
I don't hate cops I just see them for what they are - useless in every way. Never have benefited once from them, never will. Their police state powers do however entitle them to screw me or anyone else over like stepping on a rattlesnake.

So, I treat them that way. I give them a wide berth. They have nothing to offer me in my life but venom. I handle my own security and have no reason to every call one.

As for the tyranny part, the Fluorideheads have made it abundantly clear time and time again that they are fine with being dominated by the state. They buy into every staged 'shooting event' and false flag perpetrated on the idiot citizenry to empower the police state even further. So, since the 98% will never have an awakening and see that their 'protectors' are actually the ones doing these things, it is hopeless.

All domestic terrorism is gov staged, nearly all active shooters are programmed patsies. The most recent ones used to destroy the 2A, and it is working like a charm; always does. That is just the 800 lb gorilla in the living room.

So, unfortunately, the abuses will just get worse year to year. I don't have kids so at least I don't have to watch them grow up in the Fourth Reich; I'll be dead and gone with any luck.

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