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We'll see. I have significant net worth (not a lot, but enough to tempt somebody), and an ex who thinks the world -especially me- owes her everything she needs or wants, and I don't trust her to not try to cheat my daughter (her daughter) out of some or a major part of her inheritance. My daughter is married too - happily, but that can change too, so I want my estate, to go to her, all of it, with no hiccups and I know there will be tax implications, so that needs to be taken into account (some things in a trust, some things not).

I don't think there will be problems and the process should be simple, but when it comes to $$$$$$$ you get people coming out of the woodwork trying to get some of it, and I want it bulletproof. I also want my real estate to be protected from lawsuits, etc.

Trusts are a great way to handle that. They're relatively bulletproof and there is no ambiguity as to your intent. Anyway, get a money guy and a lawyer and listen to them.
Bought/Received (for $20) a fairly decent used OWB kydex open top holster for one of my SIGs.

Problem is, as I feared, while the retention is fair, it isn't total; i.e., if I turn the holster upside down and shake it hard enough, the pistol will fall out. This is why I prefer at least some kind of thumb loop/etc. on my holsters. If I fall down or otherwise wind up on the ground or upside down (happens in a fight or car accident), then it is possible the gun will wind up being separated from me.

I will think about adding a loop somehow.

I am not a quickdraw person so I care more about retention than speed.
Bought/Received (for $20) a fairly decent used OWB kydex open top holster for one of my SIGs.

Problem is, as I feared, while the retention is fair, it isn't total; i.e., if I turn the holster upside down and shake it hard enough, the pistol will fall out. This is why I prefer at least some kind of thumb loop/etc. on my holsters. If I fall down or otherwise wind up on the ground or upside down (happens in a fight or car accident), then it is possible the gun will wind up being separated from me.

I will think about adding a loop somehow.

I am not a quickdraw person so I care more about retention than speed.

Is there a tension screw on it anywhere?
Not what I did today but What I did last year that is now paying off.

I went on a cruise to the "Mexican Rivera" last fall. While at a port of call I bought the only medicine that made since to bring home. It was an antibiotic that my family ISN'T alergic to. Fast forward to yesterday, my 13yo son tripped and blasted hus upper front tooth through his lower lip. Today his lip is swelling up like a Kardashian's rear end. We suspected an infection and took him to urgent care. They confirmed it and prescribed an antibiotic. Unfortunatly the pharmacies are all cloesd this late in the day and we would have to travel over an hour to one that is open 24hours (I didn't know that was a thing but I am glad they exist). Rather than doing that we will break into the meds we have at home then fill the presciption tomorrow in our local town.
After a long day at work, me and the wifey were working on the garden. I was able to transfer 5 tomato plants to a 12 gallon pot now. initially from a 5 gallon textile pot, the tomato is presently over 4 feet now. I cant believe it was growing that fast. I was able to pull the 5 gallon soil pot in 1 piece. It came out with good roots. Right now I t has lots of small red pear tomato, 2 puts of super 100 cherry, I see 1 pineapple tomato popped out, 1 Belgium beefsteak. I hope it will go all the way to the finish line (harvest). Its a good thing I got the 30% sun shade cloth. I need to set it up fast. The heat will be here in just a few days.
I also need to bleach my zen garden before the heat strikes so it will dry quick.:s0139:
Another 30lbs or so of cherries and prepping another 10lbs to freeze dry...

Brought family out to pick cherries, the each filled up rolling coolers...
I liked picking cherries (my family rented an small orchard of cherry trees down the road from our farm each year and we sold them to a cannery). Easier than berry picking and often in the shade.
I liked picking cherries (my family rented an small orchard of cherry trees down the road from our farm each year and we sold them to a cannery). Easier than berry picking and often in the shade.
Whole freeze dried cherries is one of my new favorite snacks.

Definitely going to keep some for weekly snacks and get some into my food reserves. Already vacuum sealed 3 half gallon jars worth and have enough for another 2-3jars plus another load in the machine I started late last night.
Once upon a time I had a kydex holster company. You could drill out the rivets and add a rubber grommet and Boston screws. or knife have what you need.
The problem is that AFAIK this would not make the holster tighter. What I need to add is a strap of some sort. I tried some elastic paracord, but that was too elastic and was not easy to unlatch.
Today I discovered a new (to me) YouTuber (Stokermatic) that has a lot of videos uploaded. I consider him more of a survivalist than a prepper, but a lot of information applies to both. I guess I generally figure I'm prepping if I'm preparing to stay home and bunker down in SHTF; and I'm surviving if I'm preparing to leave home and escape.

I found this particular YouTuber while looking for information on compass and map navigation, he has many videos on that subject.

I found one video where he is talking about bushcrafters, and the surging popularity of bushcrafting outside of the United States. He had a hilarious comment "It's really no wonder that the bushcraft community is so large outside the United States, because, well, they don't have this daggum Second Amendment." I guess the implication is that if you don't have guns to defend yourself you're more likely to be hiding in the woods. :D
Today I discovered a new (to me) YouTuber (Stokermatic) that has a lot of videos uploaded. I consider him more of a survivalist than a prepper, but a lot of information applies to both. I guess I generally figure I'm prepping if I'm preparing to stay home and bunker down in SHTF; and I'm surviving if I'm preparing to leave home and escape.

I found this particular YouTuber while looking for information on compass and map navigation, he has many videos on that subject.

I found one video where he is talking about bushcrafters, and the surging popularity of bushcrafting outside of the United States. He had a hilarious comment "It's really no wonder that the bushcraft community is so large outside the United States, because, well, they don't have this daggum Second Amendment." I guess the implication is that if you don't have guns to defend yourself you're more likely to be hiding in the woods. :D
I've already "hiding in the woods" - been living here for 12 years. If you look towards my house from any direction except overhead, all you see is a forest (unless you are on my private road, and then only if you are near my driveway). Of the eight houses on the road, half are easily visible from the roads, the rest are hidden by trees all around them (unless you are right outside their driveway).

I am too old (and my family in no shape either) to go huddle down in a makeshift shelter, so I will survive by bugging in.

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