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Actually, it was my mid-20's when I learned about biblical principles of properly handling money that out paths diverged.

He's a good man and would give you the shirt off his back, but he's an ungodly man in how he conducts his finances. He never could overcome his upbringing, grandpa was a SHIFTY sheite of epic proportions.
Proof positive that none of us are absolutely worthless. We can always serve as a bad example.

I cannot claim to be mortgage-free (a couple women saw to that), but I am otherwise debt-free, pay all day-to-day expenses with cash (self-employed craftsmen really like that!). Credit cards (2) are for mail-order, travel and gasoline, paid in full each month. No interest. You are right: It is the best freedom we can realize.

My parents were of "The Greatest Generation", abhorred debt, but engaged it when necessary, and briefly. Our cars were always older than my friends' cars, our furniture likewise. Most kids in school had newer clothes, and even soda pop was a rare treat. (And the snowflakes on the walk to school were bigger then, too!)

Hunting buddy much younger than myself is a recent father, has a nice house he got into easy as a result of some sad inheritance, and enroute to a gunshow with me recently lamented he no longer had the wads of cash (Journeyman Plumber) he formerly had for such things. Talked about turning down his house heat, etc.,etc.,etc.

I asked him about his bills, how he paid them, etc. All that can be is on "auto pay". Wife pays the bills, and any not on auto pay are done "paperless" (just moving crap around on the computer screen). Grocery shopping on plastic. McDonalds on plastic. Starbucks on plastic. The boy has NO IDEA where his money goes.

I recommended he start paying cash for day-to-day. Take everything (save cell phones and such) off auto pay. Write a check for those bills. I assured him he'd not have to consciously change ANY behavior toward economy (turning out lights, furnace, etc.).

It would all come naturally with having SEEN his money leave his pocket/bank account.
$50 for a transfer fee is not extortion, it's fairly standard. If you can find an FFL transfer for around $35 that's on the cheap end. An FFL does a whole lot for the buyer and they should be more respected and supported. There is an FFL that I use who always calls in the background checks and gets me a same day approval. Sometimes they wait on hold for up to 2-3 hours before they get ahold OSP. Sometimes the buyer gets delayed and the FFL has to hold onto that firearm for months taking up storage space. Sometimes the firearm check comes back stolen. It's a fair price and quit complaining about it. is extortion..for what it involves.
You telling me different and to "quit complaining about it".... ain't going to change my mind.

I have no interest in getting you or anyone else to agree with any other comments about this matter will be ignored.
Andy is extortion..for what it involves.
You telling me different and to "quit complaining about it".... ain't going to change my mind.

I have no interest in getting you or anyone else to agree with any other comments about this matter will be ignored.
Then you are ignorant of the process of buying a firearm
Then you are ignorant of the process of buying a firearm
last word to you on this matter....
Wasn't too long ago that I worked for a FFL..
And I have bought many a are wrong.
Do not quote any me more on this matter..
Or attempt to engage in so called discussion about this is useless and takes up space.

I dunno. My generation was when credit cards debt really started to be a thing. Some people fell for the scam and others could see the writing on the wall and didn't take the bait.

I've always lived a "cash only" lifestyle. Not that I don't use credit cards. Since the 3% fees are already figured into everything you buy, it's dumb not to at least get your 2% back, but I've never paid a cent of interest. I simpy don't "charge" anything I don't have the immedate cash for and always pay my full balances when due. I've never financed a vehicle. The only personal debt I ever had was a mortgage and that was paid off as early as possible to minimize interest payment losses.

Most in my family live that way, but I do have friends that I know live in continual and ever increasing debt. I don't know how they live like that... knowning that for every $1 they spend it practically costs them a whole nother $1. Pretty foolish if you ask me.

The younger generations though are just crazy. Constantly complaining about how they can't even afford to live.... while carrying massive car payments, stuffing $1000 phones in the pockets, paying $100+/month for their phone plans, chugging $8 coffees and $2 bottles of water whenever they are thirsty. No wonder they struggle!! They seem to think all those things are "necessities" and have no concept of settling for a lifestyle that is within their means. By the time you pay off that $8 coffee and $2 water you charged on your CC... it was actually a $16 coffee and a $4 water. WHO in their right mind is going to pay 16 bucks for a friggin cup of coffee??? Think! 🤣

I do understand that Brandonomics has made it incredibily more difficult the past few years, but they've been complaining about not being able to afford to live long before brandon ever took office and destroyed the economy.

Here's a tip! When your normal grocery bill is more than you can afford to spend... CHANGE what's on your grocery list and eat what you can afford to eat. If you can't afford your car payment, sell it and buy something you "can" afford. Going further and further into debt shouldn't even be an option you give yourself.

If you're already deep into it, the best financial move you can make is... get out of debt as quickly as possible and stop the hemmoraging of your buying power. Stop the cycle!👍
There are still buyers, but I think after building inflation in the costs of many products (including necessities), some folks are being more discerning about purchases.

I've personally been buying when I find something I'm after and the price is fair. Picked one up at my FFL last Friday, and also have another arriving today.

And just speaking for myself, I'm more a fan of steel and older stuff rather than plastic. I've had a couple glocks over the years, just never took to them. Nothing wrong with them; just not my cup of tea.

I have a couple listed here FS over the past month. Some interest, but nobody who has come through yet. Just dropped the price on one by $100.
last word to you on this matter....
Wasn't too long ago that I worked for a are worng.
Do not quote me more on this matter..

Dude, you need to respect The FFLs making all this happen for you. They have family's to feed and stuff to pay for. The Real Extortionist's is Northwest Firearms. I hear when you become a free Vendor they take away all ability to communicate to members on NWF unless you pay $50 a month; AND you only get to post 1 advertisement. You can't even reply to anything unless you pay for it.
Dude, you need to respect The FFLs making all this happen for you. They have family's to feed and stuff to pay for. The Real Extortionist's is Northwest Firearms. I hear when you become a free Vendor they take away all ability to communicate to members on NWF unless you pay $50 a month; AND you only get to post 1 advertisement. You can't even reply to anything unless you pay for it.
Out of curiosity, how much effort do you think it takes for a transfer? Let's call it five minutes of total paperwork. At $50 per transfer, let's call 5 minutes waste, so ten minutes total. You could do six transfers an hour with one person. $300/hr. Take the rule of three, and now they're making $100/hr. I don't know about you, but I don't make $100/hr
Dude, you need to respect The FFLs making all this happen for you. They have family's to feed and stuff to pay for. The Real Extortionist's is Northwest Firearms. I hear when you become a free Vendor they take away all ability to communicate to members on NWF unless you pay $50 a month; AND you only get to post 1 advertisement. You can't even reply to anything unless you pay for it.
"Do not quote me more on this matter.."

"Reading Comprehension" It IS a thing. :s0155:
Then you are ignorant of the process of buying a fir

Dude, you need to respect The FFLs making all this happen for you. They have family's to feed and stuff to pay for. The Real Extortionist's is Northwest Firearms. I hear when you become a free Vendor they take away all ability to communicate to members on NWF unless you pay $50 a month; AND you only get to post 1 advertisement. You can't even reply to anything unless you pay for it.
Thinking the same way, you have to respect NWF moderators and admins. They also have a family to feed and this forum to moderate.
FFLs charging $50 for something that takes 15min to do is overpriced, but, if you find someone who pays, then it's whatever.
At the end of the day, I'll tend to support those who charge me less for that trivial stuff. I found a place that charges $20-30 for transfer fee with BGC, they ended up getting my whole support, so, anything I buy new comes from them and any family member or friend I have that is looking for something, I point their direction.
So what I'm gathering here, instead of burning sage to cleanse evil money spirit juju to instead throw three glocks into a volcano?
Didn't really read.

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