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I got here first.

This is what I do.

Deal with it.

View attachment 1907523
Whenever I go to my BOL I buy the local paper to see what's goin' on. They don't have a lot to print so they still publish the crime blotter. I'm always amazed when I read that people who live in a rural area call the sheriff to report they heard gun shots. Must be recent transplants from the city. :s0092: :rolleyes:

View attachment 1908231

"PowerMac 320" The "Mini-Mac." Best saw I ever bought is also the smallest. A hundred dollars new 45 years ago, and last winter limbed a downed 20" butt Maple in about 15 minutes. It's done about 40-50 trips on horseback to get to downed elk and bear. As to neighbors, they're not sure if I bought a motorized skateboard or mowed over a hornet's nest. :cool:
Bought one of these years ago from a neighbor who was moving away for $10 (and got a wheel barrow to boot). It has actually performed pretty well for small jobs.
And all that effort for "nothing special" beer.
Smokey and the Bandit was filmed in 1977, back when Bud was the #1 selling beer
back before micro brew existed
a cold Coors (6%) was the closest you were coming to true beer in this country
the Green Bottle stuff didn't come into the country until the late '70s
micro brews` didn't come out until 1984
unless your comparing Coors to your grandfathers home brew
And all that effort for "nothing special" beer.
back in 1974, I took my BMW motorcycle over Loveland Pass, almost 12,000' , just because i could
back before fuel injection, the BMW had constant velocity carburetors and compensated for altitude
stopped at a bar up at the pass, had just 2 cans of Coors
had to go out back and sleep it off in my seeping bag before i rode back down to Denver
now, I'd been drinking Coors down at 5200 for almost a year and was acclimated
before you criticize Coors, try a couple at 12,000'
You keep saying that, but it's not true. Craft brewing has been in the US since the late 1800's.

Anchor Brewing, for example, got it's start back then. It's current incarnation has been around since the mid 1960's.

Boulder Beer Company got it's start in the late 70's. I went there several times.
Anchor Beer is steam beer, a different animal
and Boulder Beer was founded as a home brewery in a goatshack on a private farm in 1979, when Jimmy Carter signed the bill authorizing it
I take it you went to the Goatshack
my date was off, jimmy Carter signed the law in 1979, but Portland micro brews took off in 1984
my mistake was that micro brew BEER was legal in 1979, but Brew Pubs were not legal until 1984
there are legal definitions for:
Micro Brew
Nano brew
Craft brew
Farm brew
Brew Pub

thank you for correcting me on that point
Boulder beer was originally designated as "Farm Brew", not Micro Brew
OK, it's 10:13 on June 29th
it sounds like the Battle of the Alamo down at the Idahoans property
heavy mortars, sky rockets and misc low lever fireworks
C&W on their big speakers
celebrating their freedom on their own property
guess I'll go back out and enjoy the show
in 2022, the #1 beer sold in Washington, Idaho, Montana and California was Bud Light
just saying
I pick my beverages based on the best tasting. I could give a crap who sells the most. I don't drink any of those piss-colored(flavored) beers.

I have general rule: if I can see through it, I don't drink it. Most my every day beer consumption is Kettlehouse Cold Smoke or Iron Horse Irish Death. Deschutes Black Butte and Georgetown 9lb Porter make regular appearances. Don't even get me started on the barrel aged stuff.

I've done a healthy amount of home brewing as well. Haven't been as into it in the last several years as i used to through, just eats up too much time when you don't have a dedicated space for doing it. Someday I will.

With that said, if the two of us were hanging out and you offered me a Coors, I'd happily accept it and crack one open with ya!
I LOVE hoppy IPAs. Absolutely my favorite type of beer. Years ago i went thru a dark phase, mostly McMenamins Terminator on nitro, but that faded.
That being said, making only the switch to Michelob Ultra, quite often drunk as a red beer, shaved 15lbs in a couple of weeks.

edit, I'm not big guy. I now weigh 150. That's a huge percentage just from beer.
new neighbors moved in down the road 5 years ago from Idaho
3 generations on the same 5 acres
20 year old daughter has a 5 year old son - when I went down to return their dog, he ran out and wrapped his arms around me - thought i was his father from Idaho
they use shipping containers for outbuildings
lots of fireworks and gunfire
old dead vehicles all around the property
the older adults go to work, the younger generations just seem to hang out on the property
most of us have converted to battery chain saws, so you can't hear us cutting wood
the high pitched wail of gas saws can be heard from them several time a week
after one of their firework seasons, one of the neighbors went over to complain
the response "We're from Idaho - it's what we do"
I moved from Swampeast Missouri 7+yrs ago to South Central Idaho and your neighbors remind me of my ol' hillfolk neighbors but instead of the dog add a hog and horse not forgetting the bare foot roamers who didn't understand what purple paint on a fence post means

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