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I only regret that I will probably outlive him
It's so tough when one of our canines passes on, those who've never known the incredible, unconditional love of a good dog might not understand. I've lost a dog, sworn no other could or would replace him or her

But I've always ended up getting another dog after I've mostly stopped grieving. Cannot imagine life with the doggos.
It's so tough when one of our canines passes on, those who've never known the incredible, unconditional love of a good dog might not understand. I've lost a dog, sworn no other could or would replace him or her

But I've always ended up getting another dog after I've mostly stopped grieving. Cannot imagine life with the doggos.
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A LOT of people who love them say not again when one goes. I long ago stopped even pretending that was going to happen. When we have to say goodby to one I am already looking for another. Does not really make me stop missing them but sure helps. To have them come running to me going crazy when I come home from work makes it easier to get past the ones who have come and gone.
I'm sure y'all are gonna laugh at me for this, but... two problems one solution.

1. There are tree branches hanging low enough to block the spray line for my sprinklers.
2. With my little buddy Munch having his injured paw, I really don't think it's a good idea for him to do a lot of leaping between trees--seriously, before the injury when I'd chuck peanuts out into the yard this little guy used climb onto the top of the feeder and take a flying leap like it was the top rope turnbuckle at Wrestlemania.

Solution, ziptie some of the offending limbs from both trees together into a kind of "tree skybridge"--raises them out of the spray path and gives my little buddy a safe path where he can just stroll from one tree to the next.
This is Boo. Obviously she is spoiled by being well fed. I got up off the couch and walked 10 feet away. She vaulted from the floor to take my spot. She does NOT like to be picked up. I thought she kinda looked like a cat, but my son says she is a pot-bellied pig. Anyway, early in the a.m. when I am trying to sleep, she pokes me in the back with her hoof and wants petted.


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