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Dairy Queen is married to Burger King, and they have a daughter named Wendy, the court Jester is Ronald, they live in a White Castle; and Wendy is so kinky, she keeps Jack in the Box for ultimate pleasure; and she uses Pizza Hut for frosty relations, while the kingdom keeps time with a taco bell. Everyone there uses the Subway, run by five guys, and they are in a polycule (polyamorous relation) with Nancy Jo, and the pirate Skipper is always slinking around looking for the red lobster.
Dairy Queen is married to Burger King, and they have a daughter named Wendy, the court Jester is Ronald, they live in a White Castle; and Wendy is so kinky, she keeps Jack in the Box for ultimate pleasure; and she uses Pizza Hut for frosty relations, while the kingdom keeps time with a taco bell. Everyone there uses the Subway, run by five guys, and they are in a polycule (polyamorous relation) with Nancy Jo, and the pirate Skipper is always slinking around looking for the red lobster.
Dairy Queen is married to Burger King, and they have a daughter named Wendy, the court Jester is Ronald, they live in a White Castle; and Wendy is so kinky, she keeps Jack in the Box for ultimate pleasure; and she uses Pizza Hut for frosty relations, while the kingdom keeps time with a taco bell. Everyone there uses the Subway, run by five guys, and they are in a polycule (polyamorous relation) with Nancy Jo, and the pirate Skipper is always slinking around looking for the red lobster.
Now I've got Hardee's
Dairy Queen is married to Burger King, and they have a daughter named Wendy, the court Jester is Ronald, they live in a White Castle; and Wendy is so kinky, she keeps Jack in the Box for ultimate pleasure; and she uses Pizza Hut for frosty relations, while the kingdom keeps time with a taco bell. Everyone there uses the Subway, run by five guys, and they are in a polycule (polyamorous relation) with Nancy Jo, and the pirate Skipper is always slinking around looking for the red lobster.
Hey, you didn't include Sambo's in there you racist bastard. :D
Maybe one day my wife will quit trying to talk to me from the other end of the house. :rolleyes:

Yours Too! Mine insists on having a full blown conversation from the other end, even after I remind her I wear hearing aids that don't pick up that well at that distance!
Benefits of ASL/sign language fluency :s0140:

you can literally, manually talk to the other ASL-user across rooms or buildings, depending on how good y-all's eyes are and how bright/how much light there is :s0064:

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