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one of the shops I worked in was this guy with a Harley. Kept it in immaculate condition and he was proud of it. The shop was large so he would place it inside during the day. I always poured a small tablespoon of used oil on the floor beneath the motor. Drove him nuts.
A friend of mine had his Honda VLX parked in the parking lot in front of the pub. I usually carried a box of rice so I could sprinkle some under some of the Japanese bikes. I came outside as he was leaving to find him just standing there looking puzzled at the rice. I commented well it is a rice burner isn't it? He was not too pleased.

Another friend whose Harley had just been serviced was parked in the parking lot when I arrived at the pub. I went inside and remarked there is oil on the ground under your bike. He rushed out to check on the oil. The front wheel had not gone through the oil so he assumed it was a leak. He rolled on the ground looking under the bike for the source of the oil. He got a napkin, dipped it in the oil and it left a green stain. Hmmm. Engine, Transmission, Primary? I went to my pickup and retrieved my quart of 2 stroke green oil, put some on a napkin and remarked "that looks just like my oil". We returned to our daily meeting. I think I bought the next round. :D :)
I was at the Harley shop in Sturgis SD on a very busy day. I parked in a kinda no parking area while I went inside for a short time. I came out to my bike and there was a black blob with gold flecks under my bike. It was about 1/8" high x 10" across. My heart just sank past my gut and straight to my boots. 1200 miles from home, short money, what to do? A fellow remarked you shouldn't park there. I hemmed, and stammered but he continued and said he would take care of the blob. I said thanks but didn't see how that would be much actual help to me. He reached under my bike and lifted a solid piece of black/gold epoxy that he had placed under my bike. You cannot believe the relief that flowed through me. I'd been had. :) :)
Was working in Fife for a while and driving there weekly, about two hundred miles each way. One of my coworkers thought it was funny to put an "I HATE THE WSP" sticker on my truck. Funny, except he stuck it to the paint. A few days later he had a slow drive home due to a terrible vibration in his truck. It seems a -20 JIC union zip-tied to the driveshaft limits you to about 15MPH before your vision gets blurry.

At my first job I worked for a guy who loved practical jokes. He had joined one of the local lodges, Moose, Elks, Eagles, etc. During the intitiation all of the plebes were seated on a bench wired with an electric fence transformer. The leader would tell of some nasty-azz work that needed to be done and call for volunteers. The transformer was then turned on and all the plebes "volunteered". Ray, my boss, had been warned what was coming so when they turned the transformer on he just fell off the bench and laid on the floor, not moving. For a long time!! That was the end of the electric bench.
One of my favorite as a former car "mechanic" was to jack up someone's car and block the frame or diff just high enough to get the tires off the ground and not have the suspension hanging at all.
We did that to a hanger-on that wanted to be our friend, but was too dumb to notice that we dumped him every time he was hanging around. His nickname was Spiffy.

So, we are at the drive-in movie and he was parked behind us. We were in three cars and he and his friend were in his beat-up truck.

When they went to get refreshments, we jacked up the rear of his truck and put blocks underneath to keep the rear wheels off of the ground. He never noticed until we left at the end of the movie.

All we heard was his engine revving up. I hope that he had a jack. :s0140:
Many years ago, I returned to where I grew up to visit andit was the date of a small town celebration called "Swayzee Days. You know, the exhibits, a parade, the firehouse pancake feed, yada, yada. A farmer nearby who had a rather grotesque sense of humor decided to spray hog manure on his fields during the event. Fourth of July, 90 degrees at 9 in the morning and this guy's farm was upwind of Swayzee...
years ago, I got into the habit of having my wife cut my hair, or at least trimming up the back. One day she had the electric trimmers in hand and went straight up the centerline to my brow, dropped the clippers and ran away laughing. I was laughing so hard I couldn't catch her...

I love my wife.

I could go on. Life is too short to be serious.
Tried the exploding cigarette thing on my dad when I was really young. He found it before lighting it as it was still partly sticking out the front. He was not amused but probably better then it having gone off as he is pretty jumpy around explosions.

I went to work for a small rental company owned by my wife's cousin.

He had an older guy that had 2 quirks. 1- he had a major fear of fire, but would fill gas tanks while smoking. One day the owner grabbed an aerosol can of something flammable and while the older guy (I was young and this guy might have been 50-55 lol) was in the can he lit a lighter and blew fire into the bathroom. This dude let out a shill high pitched scream that could have come from a 6 year old girl at a deafening level. This had the whole crew rolling which of course encouraged the owner to do it again with the same results. We were in stitches and the old guy came out of the bathroom with a look of rage that silenced everyone but the owner (they were friends so they were cool).

2- he would rebuild small engines and put every single nut, bolt, washer etc into a box or bin. The owner would regularly go drop an extra nut or something into the bin and the old guy would get to the end and see that extra part and start tearing the whole thing apart again to figure out where he missed something. The owner would eventually let him know about the prank but he fell for it every single time.

Pulled some crazy stuff in scouts but one of the best outcomes was when someone put a slug in the British kids sleeping bag and at lights out there was this very loud, "Ew! Someone took a poo in my sleeping bag!!". Most of us knew it was a slug but with the accent and the elevation from slug to poo had most of the camp dying. Maybe you had to be there but I can still hear him saying it.
Wife of fifty plus years is exceedingly bright-high intelligence and blonde. However, every now and then I can trick her. We drove past the area wind farm-power turbines, and they weren't rotating. She asked why they weren't moving. I casually replied they didn't have them plugged in that day. Nothing was said for a couple weeks, and the topic came up again. She'd actually accepted my answer as the truth. Was funny to me! Her, not so much.
In the 1960s, Air Police trainees and Crypto Maintenance trainees were assigned to different squadrons of the same technical training school at Lackland AFB, Texas. Classic "oil & water", so there's no accounting for the "why" of it; however, that sure was one heckuva recipe for practical joking.

The airmens club was frequently visited by AP student "training patrols" looking for uniform violations and disorderly behavior. Way too frequently some thought, convinced the apes were just jealously hassling crypto students because the club was directly adjacent to the crypto barracks area (but many long blocks away from the AP barracks). In retaliation, crypto weenies took to stuffing firecrackers with a cigarette "time-delay" into the patrol vehicle tailpipes quick as the apes went into the club. Fun times and I never no one ever got caught at it.

Trucks loaded with military working dogs and their AP trainee handlers routinely drove the same route to the field every day . . . until the week those dogs went beserk every time they passed the crypto students barracks area. Slow to catch on, but the APs eventually changed their route. No one ever tracked down the crypto weenies who'd been aiming big hifi speakers out a barracks window and powering them with 100 watt bursts of ultrasonic noise from a home-brew oscillator.

Pulling KP in the AP mess hall, crypto weenies collected every single bottle of hot sauce from the tables and poured the contents into the baked beans serving pan. That one ironically backfired, as the apes kept coming back to get seconds of "the best tasting beans" that mess hall had ever served.

The statute of limitations has long-since passed on those incidents, and I swear I've forgotten the names of every single one of those crypto weenies.
Wife of fifty plus years is exceedingly bright-high intelligence and blonde. However, every now and then I can trick her. We drove past the area wind farm-power turbines, and they weren't rotating. She asked why they weren't moving. I casually replied they didn't have them plugged in that day. Nothing was said for a couple weeks, and the topic came up again. She'd actually accepted my answer as the truth. Was funny to me! Her, not so much.
I convinced one of my girlfriends, not as intelligent as your blonde, that the reason hot rods were jacked up in the back was to get better gas mileage since they were always going downhill. She bought it hook line and sinker and the subject never came up again.

She didn't last long.
Apologies if there's a similar thread I've missed. I've always loved practical jokes, and now that I'm stationed at a non operational unit I get to participate far less often these days. Finally, an opportunity has presented itself at home. My better half brought home a pack of Oreos, and around here no good deed goes unpunished. I took the liberty of removing the core of cream from two of the cookies, replacing it with baking soda toothpaste, reassembling, and placing them back in the pack. I can't wait to see who gets them.

Anyone else have some fun stories to share?
I had a supervisor who had some canine jerky on his desk.
I was in a volunteer fire department and at a big party at the station I got hammered. The guys jacked the back wheels of my pickup off the ground to prevent me from driving home ( I lived two blocks away and planned on walking). I saw them block my wheels so I got a sober guy to partner with me and he snuck out and laid down on the seat after locking in my hubs.
I make a big scene that I am leaving and driving home. Everyone watches as I exit and climb in the drivers seat. I fire up the pickup and lean over to pull it into four wheel drive. As I lean over my buddy pops up in the drivers seat and I go to the floor on the passenger side. He revs it up and dumps the clutch and we popped off the jack stands. Everyone runs out to stop me and my buddy spins out and hits the street and takes me home. About six other rigs show up and my buddy and I are laughing our butts off.
Practical jokes are common in our family. Most recent? Requiring a little back story...

My childhood best friend from Japan eventually moved to the US. Married, and by pure coincidence ended up living about 1-1/2hrs from my family. She had all girls and a baby boy and I have all boys and a baby girl in equal numbers. Over the years our families have spent a great deal of time together and there has always been a bit of an ongoing joke, "wouldn't it be funny if our kids somehow ended up with the others."

One year we rented the bunkhouse up at timberline lodge. Sleeps14 or something like that. Getting ready for bed the kids were assigned bunks, boys up top and girls on the lowers. Subconsciously they were getting paired by age and getting to my 2nd to youngest son... her second youngest daughter got the bottom bunk. At which point... my youngest son (about 6yrs old) chimed up, "but Morgan's mine!"

(Names changed to protect the innocent)

Over the years he never lived that down and became a constant ribbing from both families. IE., Out crabbing one time my oldest and Morgan were asked to go get ice from the Marina shop. Morgan's father, "Oh wait! Landon, is that okay if she goes with Kyle?" 🤣 You get the picture.

It never failed to turn his face red and cause a stammer.

Fast forward many years, both families, most are married or otherwise, all the kids have always been extremely close but none of them ever actually dated each other and only see each other on rare occasions.

Currently, youngest son is in a newish serious relationship. Let's call her Jane. She was over to the house with them hanging out in the back room. She hadn't seen me when she came over. She knew I hadn't seen her.

The scene is set. Let the fun begin!

I yell around the corner down the hall, "Hey Landon, I was just going to reheat some pizza, do you and Morgan want any?"
His reply, "Dad! Her name's Jane!" ((SUCKER walked right into it!!))
Me: "Ohhhh... it's the other one... Sorry!! Do you want pizza?" .... knowing his cheeks probably immediately flushed, the name recognition from nearly a lifetime of a close relationship with her, however innocent, would be undeniably evident all over his face... and the stammering would soon commence if Jane was to turn on him and ask, "Who the bubblegum is Morgan!!???"

She did NOT fail me!!:s0140: I didn't hear exactly what was said after, but there was sounds of a commotion and a flurry of two voices as I walked away. My job was complete!👍

The fallout was obviously managed, but I later did get a, "Dad! That was SO not even funny!" Years in the making I still think it was some of my best work. Toss a grenade and walk away!:D
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As a Letter Carrier,my favorite practical joke was,when I saw one of my customers at a store writing a check for their purchase,I'd walk up and say,"Mrs.whatever,what did the judge tell you about writing checks?"...Always got a panicked look from the customer and usually wiped the smile off the checkers face...To be fair,I would always stick around and explain to the checker,but those few seconds of panic were worth it...
As a Letter Carrier,my favorite practical joke was,when I saw one of my customers at a store writing a check for their purchase,I'd walk up and say,"Mrs.whatever,what did the judge tell you about writing checks?"...Always got a panicked look from the customer and usually wiped the smile off the checkers face...To be fair,I would always stick around and explain to the checker,but those few seconds of panic were worth it...
Late Father was a car salesman in his old age. One day young couple is applying for credit. He is looking over the report back when they printed them out. Wife asks him "what does it say". He looked up over the paper and said "Please hold them there till Police arrive". He husband got the joke but Wife looked petrified. :s0140:

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