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When I stopped eating carbs an amazing thing happened - my chronic acid reflux (along with ALL flatulence) also stopped. It could be that the bacteria in your gut are the "bad" kind and a change if diet is all you need to get things in balance. The issue may not be refined carbs like it was for me, but it could still be diet related.
I used to have HORRABLE acid reflux, ant-acids didn't touch it, and the various OTC's would some times work, some times not! Changed my diet, and tried all sorts of stuff, but the crazy thing, the thing that was causing all the trouble was Coffee! I was drinking my normal daily cuppa, and that was causing all the issues! Starbucks, Gevalia, Peets, and several others, ALL were super duper bad, to the point where I was at risk for stomach ulcers! I switched to Lavazza brand Cofveve and haven't had a single bout in 4 years now! CRAZY!

Now, I just gotta beat the GOUT!
Food grade pure calcium carbonate powder. That's the active ingredient in Tums and the major of two active ingredients in Rolaids.

Best Natural brand food grade Calcium Carbonate is what I use. A pound of food grade very fine powder costs about $13 at Amazon.

Baking powder contains sodium, and in excess that's a problem for some people. And it tastes salty and awful. The calcium carbonate is essentially tasteless. and the Best Natural brand is so finely ground that it disperses instantly in your saliva. You don't even need a fluid to swallow it comfortably.

I'm reluctant to take antacid products that contain Aluminum, as Aluminum might be involved in the plaque tangles in the brains of Alzheimer's sufferers.

Use blackboard chalk. No, it won't harm you anymore than the Elmer's glue you ate as a kid.
I have GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease) aka super bad acid reflux. I take daily Prilosec to curb my symptoms. I have it rather bad and have made major changes to help it out (no spicy foods, acids, special sleep pillow).

In a scenario where let's say all hell has broken loose and medicine is not readily available, is anyone aware of some natural remedies that would help this condition?

I keep a 6 month supply of medicine at my home, but what about beyond that if my meds run out and I can't scavenge for more? Plants or anything? I saw an article that aloe may help but I can't find it now.
Apple cider vinegar pills fixed my stomach, I took a couple of the pills after meals & before bed & before long my acid reflux went away. I still have the bottle of prilosec I used to keep by my bed for when I used to wake up with a mouthful of bile in the middle of the night but it hasn't been opened in years

Believe it or not I even quit taking the apple cider vinegar pills years ago--I don't even get heartburn after eating a pizza/ spaghetti sauce anymore!

You don't hafta wait for the apocalypse to fix your stomach, get some apple cider vinegar pills
As usual, there are cautions and trade-offs. If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, calcium citrate is more easily absorbed by the body, so for a given dose, you may absorb more citrate than carbonate - for bone production. Citrate does nothing for reflux. Acid rebound is associated with calcium carbonate, so before the SHTF, might ask doctor or nutritionist if either, both or neither might be the path to take. From the Journal of the American College of Nutrition and the Harvard Health Publications:
"In many individuals, bioavailability of calcium citrate is found to be equal to that of the cheaper calcium carbonate.[3] However, alterations to the digestive tract may change how calcium is digested and absorbed. Unlike calcium carbonate, which is basic and neutralizes stomach acid, calcium citrate has no effect on stomach acid.[4] Calcium carbonate is harder to digest than calcium citrate,[4] and calcium carbonate carries a risk of "acid rebound" (the stomach overcompensates by producing more acid),[4] so individuals who are sensitive to antacids or who have difficulty producing adequate stomach acid may choose calcium citrate over calcium carbonate for supplementation."
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so ill preface with: ive really done little actual research on this, its surely largely dependent on what the varying causes of the issue are, proceed w caution....

but i had a bout of heartburn a couple years ago (its not something i typically have to deal with), and my then-girlfriend whipped me up a concoction that immediately fixed it, permanently, after like three or four days of dealing with it

i dont remember precisely what the ratios were, but it was apple cider vinegar, honey, and fresh ginger.. tasted semi-awful and yet kind of good.. drank a whole glass of it on order.. i was amazed that such an obviously acidic drink could cure what seemed like too much acid in the upper digestive tract.. she explained it like this: heartburn is usually caused by a pH imbalance toward the basic, not the acidic - the acid reflux youre experiencing is due to the stomach trying to decrease pH by producing more acid. so if you drink an acidic solution, you actually restore pH balance to the gut and it stops overproducing acid.

one MIGHT consider at least giving this idea a chance... but i will not be held responsible for anyone going into heartburniac arrest if it doesnt apply to your specific needs.
Actually, just drinking water helps some. Whether the problem is too acidic or too basic, presumably the problem is diluted by the water. "Antacid" implies the problem is too much acid. And one certainly does burp after taking antacids or calcium carbonate, which implies the stomach contents are acidic. Though one could argue not acidic enough. But all that is treating the stomach as if its an inert black box instead of a sophisticated organ that has regulatory mechanisms for producing the right amount of acid for the size and contents of the meal. If the drinking of a vinegary drink actually works, it might be because the stomachs regulatory mechanisms see the large sour drunk and say, "Hey, I'd better make less acid," and overcompensate.
The problem with drugs controlling / masking acid reflux is that the underlying problem is still there and the drugs have side effects. Also, if one tries to suppress acid production in the stomach via drugs, the body can produce more acid pumps to compensate.

You may want to discuss with your doctor whether nissen fundoplication surgery would be a good option for you. By wrapping part of the stomach around the lower esophagus, it tightens the valve from the esophagus to the stomach to prevent acid from chewing up your esophagus.
My dad had ulcers and ate aluminum hydroxide for decades, rather like eating chalk, nasty stuff but worked for him, and while my issues never bled, I too was hard on my stomach so I consumed baking soda fairly regularly for many decades, still do when I have no other; but don't lay down for a few minutes, you'll need time to burp out the gas. I now can afford store bought antacid, they don't work any better, maybe even less but do taste better, less hassle, more portable..
The problem with drugs controlling / masking acid reflux is that the underlying problem is still there and the drugs have side effects. Also, if one tries to suppress acid production in the stomach via drugs, the body can produce more acid pumps to compensate.

You may want to discuss with your doctor whether nissen fundoplication surgery would be a good option for you. By wrapping part of the stomach around the lower esophagus, it tightens the valve from the esophagus to the stomach to prevent acid from chewing up your esophagus.
on the flip side:
Back in the 50's, A family friend was put on a bland diet for his issues. It worked so well he never went back to the doctor. Three years later his food stopped being digested because his body stopped making enough acid, so went back to the doctor and found out he was only to have been on the bland diet for a year.
The rest of his life he had to take an acid pill 1/2 hour before meals for it digest!
apple cider vinegar. take tiny sips until you burp.. ELEVATE THE HEAD OF YOUR BED 3 INCHES. If you have trouble with vinegar mix with honey. i am a side sleeper so i put blocks under the head of my bed, and lie in my left side for 1/2 hour, and suck on chewable vitamin C. i start to burp in a few seconds (NATURE MADE extra strength chewable) you still have to watch what. and when you eat. another thing that helps me is digestive enzyms. they help with digestion and also regulate bowel movements. natural remedys are always best, no BIG PHARMA FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!! now if my wife would listen to me and take my advice, but she is stuck on big Pharma
Back in the day I was a drinking man. I got me a bottle of Yukon Jack and on the back was a drink called snakebite or something like that. The mix was 1 part Yukon Jack and 2 parts Grapefruit juice. A bottle of Yukon and a half gallon of juice put me down only to wake up with the worst heartburn I'd ever had so I mixed up a big spoonful of baking soda in a glass of water. As soon as the first swallow hit the mix in my guts it foamed up. Right now. I had foam running out of my mouth and nose but it made me feel a little better. So I'd drink and foam and drink again until the heartburn as gone. I learned my lesson, no more grapefruit juice for me.
Sounds like you also needed a rabies shot… or twelve!

You may want to discuss with your doctor whether nissen fundoplication surgery would be a good option for you. By wrapping part of the stomach around the lower esophagus, it tightens the valve from the esophagus to the stomach to prevent acid from chewing up your esophagus.
I had a discussion with my Dr about this roughly 10 years ago and they were against it because of the low success rate (possibly at the time).

I'll do some more research on this tonight, thanks for jogging my memory on this procedure
Back in the day I was a drinking man. I got me a bottle of Yukon Jack and on the back was a drink called snakebite or something like that. The mix was 1 part Yukon Jack and 2 parts Grapefruit juice. A bottle of Yukon and a half gallon of juice put me down only to wake up with the worst heartburn I'd ever had so I mixed up a big spoonful of baking soda in a glass of water. As soon as the first swallow hit the mix in my guts it foamed up. Right now. I had foam running out of my mouth and nose but it made me feel a little better. So I'd drink and foam and drink again until the heartburn as gone. I learned my lesson, no more grapefruit juice for me.
i found that orange juice from concentrate causes severe heartburn, switched to fresh squeezed OJ no more heartburn! spicy food has never been a problem for me, bland food causes more issues for me. yogurt and bananas cause more problems if i don't eat slowly. VINEGAR/HONEY 50/50 mix that makes heartburn go away.
I'm curious if you have sleep apnea. My acid reflux completely and immediately disappeared after being diagnosed with sleep apnea and being prescribed a c-pap machine. Not one instance of reflux since then, going on two years. Before then, My go-to natural remedies were aloe Vera gel, apple cider vinegar, or papaya extract pills. Though these worked, they never completely eliminated the problem.
In my opinion, proton pump inhibitors are a problem. Your body comes to rely on them, and if you lay off them your gastric problems will typically become worse. I highly recommend what at first seems counterintuitive, which is apple cider vinegar with water around your meals. The pills work well too, and as others have said it should help your system stabilize and reduce your need for any intervention.

Also, at least for me, refined sugar definitely makes my stomach acid production increase. Lower carbs and refined sugars helps a lot to make your stomach happier.

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