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If you have a common firearm like a Glock Model ...whatever...
It will be difficult to sell , because it is common.
Lots to choose from when wanting to buy buyers can afford to be choosey.

And if you have something that is uncommon or a specialty firearm...
Or 'custom" ...'cause custom only works as a selling point if the buyer likes what work has been done.
Well then your buying market is buyers will be few and far between.

Firearm laws and other dumbazz regulations have made it almost a hardship , simply to buy a firearm.
So...with that in mind no matter what price the firearm is...and the location of it...
Laws and regulations and the like will play a role here.
I'm about to turn 40, so I'm more of a young people. One of the big issues right now is that the higher income earners are still having a great financial time and are still spending, while the normal income earners are feeling the squeeze from higher prices.
What you never hear (even from the news outlets that report the inflation figures regularly) is how it affects lower income people at almost a logarithmically progression the less money they bring home. They are not only paying more for things, they are paying SIGNIFICANTLY more percentage-wise of their income.
What you never hear (even from the news outlets that report the inflation figures regularly) is how it affects lower income people at almost a logarithmically progression the less money they bring home. They are not only paying more for things, they are paying SIGNIFICANTLY more percentage-wise of their income.
Also never hear that those low income groups are largely being helped by tax funded programs.

So the middle class has both nuts in a vice...

Not to mention most middle class are "making to much" to qualify for those programs they are paying for.

The plan is simple... keep the rich rich to pay the bills and get EVERYONE else below poverty line so the are completely dependent on the government...
Re regulations, I will say pending OR regulations sure changed my buying habits. I had a wish list, bought all the main ones in June 2022 when they got enough signatures on the ballot. Then Judge Raschio stayed the law and threatened to restart several times. This caused me to buy other guns when good deals presented themselves. I wouldn't have bought any of these other guns most likely if there was no measure 114 law. But holy moly I'm glad I did. Some of the most fun guns I've ever shot and I would never have bought them otherwise.

I'm definitely influenced by the gun and > 10 round mag ban of 1994-2004. During that time I couldn't buy any of the guns I wanted and couldn't even get new mags for a lowly 10/22. I won't go through that again, even if I end up having more guns than I planned. So I guess it's fear of missing out but it's based on real world experience. Once the laws come it's damn hard to get them to go away and meanwhile those years you don't have those guns to shoot.
The fact that you're brand new to the forum and have no feedback may come into play a little, and you reside in WA (soon to be Oregon) which is following in the footsteps of California as best it can in terms of restrictive gun laws.
I think we are finally seeing the covid and organized riots panic guns being sold off. I recall several members here predicting that. Meanwhile manufacturers are still producing at panic levels I would guess? All that = a huge supply. Demand is less due to post panic, until the next panic time hits. Also I would guess that WA demand is down due to new legal hoops.
One thing for sure, whining about it won't help sell your guns. I had two(one was a Glock) here for sale for a couple of weeks that I didn't get even a low ball or trade offer on. I thought my prices like yours were fair as in what I'd pay if I was looking for these guns. Others told me the same my prices were fair. Common stuff for fair doesn't sell here. You've got to drop your price down into the stupidly good deal range so that those mildly interested will jump off the fence. I wasn't willing to do that. My guns don't cost me anything sitting in my safe and I still like to shoot them all. Some more often than others but the ones in the back still come out once in a while.
I think we are finally seeing the predicted post-covid and post-riot panic guns being sold off. Meanwhile manufacturers are still producing at panic levels I would guess? All that = a huge supply. Demand is less due to post panic, until the next panic time hits. Also I would guess that WA demand is down due to new legal hoops.
Speaking only for myself...
Buying here at NWFA is difficult.
Difficult 'cause most of the firearms I want , just ain't offered for sale...

And...if they fall under modern gun laws /rules and is a PITA to buy a firearm.

And the distance is a factor...I live pretty far away from most forum members...and with a dumb 10 day wait...
Again it is a PITA to buy.

Finally FFL fees....the local FFL wants $50 for the transfer fee...
It has got to be a firearm that is exactly what I want in :
Model ..
And caliber if I am going to put up with that extortion fee. gotta have money in order to buy something...:D
That Alchemy will definitely make a permanent hole in your wallet. :s0140:
Meh. With the amount of money I've spent in the last couple years, it's really not that much. A lot all at once, yes but only a drop in the bucket. If I couldn't afford it, I wouldn't have bought it. All paid for :D
I dont think that would be the Boomers, i think you have the generations mixed up a bit...
i dont have the generations mixed up, lol.

Gen Z and millennial are dead broke.. they cant even afford rent.. let alone buying expensive cars, homes, boats, ect... im sure there are some millennials who bought expensive cars with money they didnt have, but i highly doubt they have multiple car loans, or even a mortgage.

so the only generation left are boomers, and gen X.
All come with cases and 2 brand new Glock mags. Yes sadly 10 rounds since stupid wa gun laws
Ah well... you know who I am. You're a newbe who established an account on NWFA about 3 weeks ago with no feedback and list a bunch of very desirable firearms and related items to a group of shooters who are largely centered in the greater PDX area without also listing the stuff in, which is largely centered in the SEATAC area.

Despite that, you got offers for your collection that remain open for your approval sold for cash to or through a respected local (to us) FFL if brought to Vancouver, WA. All fees were never in question. Legal transfer was never in question. It seems that price and price alone was the only real question, right?

Forgive us for being a bit hesitant. It's not often that someone with no history shows up on this site with 1000s of dollars of nice guns, ammo, and mags.
I sure have. Have everything priced very fair.

Glock 19 gen 5 for 450

Glock 21sf for 425

Glock 23 for 370
Transfer fees in my area are $40 - $60. Add the price of gasoline to meet you on your schedule and I can buy a brand new gun locally at Sportsman's Warehouse for the same price or cheaper:
Screenshot 2024-06-24 175538.png

Screenshot 2024-06-24 184753.png

If I am not in a rush to buy a Glock 19 I can wait for a sale and come out ahead by buying a brand new gun.

I am sorry, your asking prices wouldn't even get me to open your add. In the old days where one could do a face to face transfer and not go through an FFL your prices would almost be tempting. Since we are now required to pay a FFL transfer tax of their choosing it is pretty much going to come out of the sellers pocket for firearms that are commonly available from a big name store.
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i dont have the generations mixed up, lol.

Gen Z and millennial are dead broke.. they cant even afford rent.. let alone buying expensive cars, homes, boats, ect... im sure there are some millennials who bought expensive cars with money they didnt have, but i highly doubt they have multiple car loans, or even a mortgage.

so the only generation left are boomers, and gen X.
But they are not the generation that is pulling a second mortgage or buying a car out side of their means.

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