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Once I dropped the 302 in it and got it all tuned and the exhaust done up, mine was absolutely BOMB PROOF, hit the key and she cranked right up, no choke or anything! Had her loaded to the gills with my gear, spare tires and gas cans and she still climbed every mountain pass in high gear! Got a little iffy above 65 MPH, but below that, she just cruised along sippin gas! Best millage ever was through Nevada, got 21 MPG out of her!
Once I dropped the 302 in it and got it all tuned and the exhaust done up, mine was absolutely BOMB PROOF, hit the key and she cranked right up, no choke or anything! Had her loaded to the gills with my gear, spare tires and gas cans and she still climbed every mountain pass in high gear! Got a little iffy above 65 MPH, but below that, she just cruised along sippin gas! Best millage ever was through Nevada, got 21 MPG out of her!
LOL, my truck gets a little over half that, and my car wishes it could get 20. :s0140:
Drove from Oregon city to Bradenton, FL in three days - 3,169 miles. The best part was having a fractured leg and the radiator was going out so I had to run with the heater all the way up and blowing on that leg through the desert.

Day 1 - OC to Moab, UT via Twin Falls: 1,011 miles
Day 2 - Moab, UT to Shreveport, LA: 1,106 miles
Day 3 - Shreveport, LA to Bradenton, FL: 955 miles

The rush was driven by reuniting with my TF girlfriend and found out her first grandchild's birth was imminent. Virtually no time to sleep in hotels, fractured leg, heater full bore, and constantly getting reminded that I had to get her there before the birth. Missed it by one hour and never heard the end of it. Bear in mind I hadn't heard about the birth prior to picking her up in TF. She never got over it and two months and a new radiator later was headed for a job in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. 1,468 miles away.

Day 1 - Bradenton, FL to Valdosta, GA during a tropical storm navigating flooded streets and torrential rain: 268 miles. Note: MAJOR speed trap at the first rest stop in Georgia with a dozen black and whites lined up on the rest area on ramp. I drove one mile under the speed limit until I exited the state.

Day 2 - Valdosta, GA to Stevens Point, WI: 1,200 miles (my longest ever)
Drove from Oregon city to Bradenton, FL in three days - 3,169 miles. The best part was having a fractured leg and the radiator was going out so I had to run with the heater all the way up and blowing on that leg through the desert.

Day 1 - OC to Moab, UT via Twin Falls: 1,011 miles
Day 2 - Moab, UT to Shreveport, LA: 1,106 miles
Day 3 - Shreveport, LA to Bradenton, FL: 955 miles

The rush was driven by reuniting with my TF girlfriend and found out her first grandchild's birth was imminent. Virtually no time to sleep in hotels, fractured leg, heater full bore, and constantly getting reminded that I had to get her there before the birth. Missed it by one hour and never heard the end of it. Bear in mind I hadn't heard about the birth prior to picking her up in TF. She never got over it and two months and a new radiator later was headed for a job in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. 1,468 miles away.

Day 1 - Bradenton, FL to Valdosta, GA during a tropical storm navigating flooded streets and torrential rain: 268 miles. Note: MAJOR speed trap at the first rest stop in Georgia with a dozen black and whites lined up on the rest area on ramp. I drove one mile under the speed limit until I exited the state.

Day 2 - Valdosta, GA to Stevens Point, WI: 1,200 miles (my longest ever)
What's a "TF"?
Single day driving, Toronto, ON to Tampa, FL. Just at 24 hours, only refueling stops. Kinda my version of Cannon Ball run with an Avis rent a car. Picked the car up Thursday morning in Tampa, drove to Toronto getting there Friday morning, spend 48 hours with the love interest, depart Sunday morning back to Tampa for work on Monday…

Yea, Avis wasn't happy with me, that wasn't their idea of an unlimited mileage weekend…

Something about excessive mileage…
Silverton Oregon to Anahiem CA 955 miles.. I have driven just short of 3000 miles in 5 days with a 20 hours break in the middle Silverton OR to Sierra Vista AZ and back
About 2 years ago, my wife was in Vegas for a week, mide week she calls and shares she got Covid, next day, took a plane in the morning, left home around 2:30 am to go PDX, take the flight to Vegas, arrived around 8am, rented a car, pick up wife and drove back home, longest day in my life, we got home around 2:30am of the next day, keep in mind that I started driving around 8am but was awake way earlier than that.
If need it I would do it again.
I wouldn't.....I'd of left her a$$ there and had a party!
About 2 years ago, my wife was in Vegas for a week, mide week she calls and shares she got Covid, next day, took a plane in the morning, left home around 2:30 am to go PDX, take the flight to Vegas, arrived around 8am, rented a car, pick up wife and drove back home, longest day in my life, we got home around 2:30am of the next day, keep in mind that I started driving around 8am but was awake way earlier than that.
If need it I would do it again.
Now that is true ❤️
Currently, from Oregon the southern AZ bypassing California, when I visit family, it's about 1500 miles in 24hrs as the sole driver just gas and go....

Going down one year took just over 26hrs as we hit white out and heavy snow through Northern Nevada however on the way back up, just under 24hrs of gas and go with a single 30min subway stop of Beatty NV in a fully loaded 2nd Gen Prius.
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Was once paid to haul a car from College Park, MD to Beaverton, OR. I didn't do it in one go of course, but I remember one leg of the journey started somewhere in the middle of Nebraska (don't even recall exactly where at this point) and ended in Boise, so around 1000 miles in a day.
I guess I'm an amateur. Willamette Valley to San Francisco.

The drive was in 1972, just before I entered the military, in my 1962 Nova, which was already quite worn out. And the next day, we drove all the way to Disneyland. I'm lucky we made it.

I must've been a sight, snow tires and all. And we only broke down once, and more fortunately, being a 1962 vehicle, I was able to fix it myself. :D


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