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How hard would THAT be to find?
If it existed, probably pretty easy, but I, and a few others, have provided essentially what you are asking for, that many people have used this "quote" but all the reported sources of this quote have proved to not exist, the newspaper, the person, even the actual lack of any gun control passed in Germany at the time the quote was supposed to be from or that the gun control under The Weimar Republic was stricter than the ones under Hitler.
And yet, somehow that's not enough?
:s0128: :s0128::s0128:

So because of this decision, what predictions are people going to make for eventual 2A related SCOTUS cases?

Red flag laws?

Due process cases?
Whatever it is I think we will see more narrowly written laws. I also wonder if this decision will change which other cases will be brought before the court in the future to play off this decision.
:s0128: :s0128::s0128:

So because of this decision, what predictions are people going to make for eventual 2A related SCOTUS cases?

Red flag laws?

Due process cases?
Red Flag laws will be upheld.
Trigger enhancement rules will be shot down
80% receiver rules will be shot down
The brace rule will be killed for good
Silencers will stay in the NFA
There will be a push to incorporate all semi auto s into the NFA . If it passes Congress it will get shot down
The day I start collecting social security it will go insolvent
Red Flag laws will be upheld.
Trigger enhancement rules will be shot down
80% receiver rules will be shot down
The brace rule will be killed for good
Silencers will stay in the NFA
There will be a push to incorporate all semi auto s into the NFA . If it passes Congress it will get shot down
The day I start collecting social security it will go insolvent
I think that's a good guess
Red Flag laws will be upheld.
Unfortunately a good possibility.
Trigger enhancement rules will be shot down
like the bumpstock case?
80% receiver rules will be shot down
not quite sure i agree with this. Edit by that,.I'm not sure that we have enough Justices who thinks 80% rules need to be done through Congress, or if we even will get a decision on the constitutionality of 80% rule (deny cert? Remand?)
The brace rule will be killed for good
we can only hope that this comes to be true, depending on how the Justices view braces

Silencers will stay in the NFA
think thats a given? Any lawsuits to remove them from NFA?
There will be a push to incorporate all semi auto s into the NFA . If it passes Congress it will get shot down
Will? You mean they aren't already?

From 2021. A renewed push, perhaps?
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We went for decades with almost no one in the administration, the courts or even congress really having any idea what the NFA was. A blurb about how machineguns are illegal every now and then. Thats about it. It was always the gun control they wanted but didn't know they already had. Universal BGC's , a minor fee to keep out tire kickers. ( $200 isnt what it used to be ) , a long wait time to keep out the other tire kickers, difficulty in processing private sales etc. It checks all the boxes. Then all of the sudden we get a President with a law doctorate ( everyone forgets Biden has a law JD ) who knows all about the NFA . His wife is on The View talking about the NFA , wait times go down to literally nothing. You can get a suppressor now faster than you can pass an Oregon Background Check. It is the gun law they want and already have. I think after the election , especially if they can fenagle a Democratic house and senate in 4 or 5 years even if Trump gets elected in the backlash to his presidency when a Democratic president with a pulse gets elected. . Next big mass shooting that will inevitably come along there will be a push to throw all semi auto's into the NFA and maybe even a drop in tax stamp costs. I dont think its an if just a when. First they had to solve the wait time problem. Done. I think the Three Horsemen of the apocolyps will line up faster than you think Executive , House and Senate by the end of the decade and they'll be back with a vengeance.

As far as silencers getting removed from the NFA ? Not going to happen. And if it did it might not have the results you'd want. Right now they home a good bit of protection based on the 2nd amendment and that is currently interpreted. Take suppresssors off the NFA and sell them like toasters you take that layer of legal protection away. They end up under the purview of the consumer product safety commission. Easier for them to get banned .Remember lawn darts?
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a minor fee to keep out tire kickers. ( $200 isnt what it used to be ) , a long wait time to keep out the other tire kickers,
That's a funny way to say poor people in minorities
Don't forget, they used to be the local chief LEO sign off which was another roadblock they put up to keep "undesirables" from having access to rich people toys.
That's a funny way to say poor people in minorities
Don't forget, they used to be the local chief LEO sign off which was another roadblock they put up to keep "undesirables" from having access to rich people toys.
Well the thing about the NFA is there has to be a tax to maintain its legitimacy to the courts . I have heard people asking about if it's going to get raised to its 1934 equivalence of what? $12000 in 2024 dollars if you go by gold prices in those 90 years? I think it will do what they did with AOWs . A token $5 to get Congress to buy in.
Off-topic trigger warning:

THE QUOTE: "This year will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

Really, does it ACTUALLY matter whether Hitler said this or not? Is that what you guys are arguing?

Or are you arguing over the spirit of the message in the quote?

Does anyone actually believe gun registration will not be used by dictatorial regimes to disarm those 'others' they want to enslave?

I'm a bit confused about the motivations of our liberal friends here. I leave you with:

Screenshot 2024-06-27 105547.png
Off-topic trigger warning:

THE QUOTE: "This year will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

Really, does it ACTUALLY matter whether Hitler said this or not? Is that what you guys are arguing?

Or are you arguing over the spirit of the message in the quote?

Does anyone actually believe gun registration will not be used by dictatorial regimes to disarm those 'others' they want to enslave?

I'm a bit confused about the motivations of our liberal friends here. I leave you with:

View attachment 1906960
Propaganda should be recognized for what it is. A tool to manipulate people. The fake hitler quote is a piece of propaganda and should be treated like what it is.
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"For those brave right-wing Americans who say [the Second Amendment] is all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun." -President Joe Biden

Maybe Hitler did or did not say the quote being debated in this thread; however, we can all rest easy knowing our current president is willing to speak out loud his animosity toward an armed population, no debate needed!

Sadly, the Supreme Court ruling that is the topic of this thread leaves a gateway open for a plethora of 2A restrictions. As I believe someone mentioned earlier, red flag laws will eventually become a backdoor to just banning the people from guns rather than the guns from people.

Hopefully a more direct challenge against red flag laws (centered on due process) makes its way through the courts; it would be interesting to see how any judge could wheedle around the violation of due process that seems prevalent in a lot of red flag cases.
Off-topic trigger warning:

THE QUOTE: "This year will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

Really, does it ACTUALLY matter whether Hitler said this or not? Is that what you guys are arguing?

Or are you arguing over the spirit of the message in the quote?

Does anyone actually believe gun registration will not be used by dictatorial regimes to disarm those 'others' they want to enslave?

I'm a bit confused about the motivations of our liberal friends here. I leave you with:

View attachment 1906960
If it was verifiable and accurate, I would say it totally fair game, but it's not verifiable and doesn't appear to have any basis in reality
The reason it's a bad idea to use a lie, which is what you're doing when you put forth something that you know to be false ,is that it diminishes all of the very legitimate reasons to criticize the Democratic position on gun control by resorting to calling them Nazis. It makes us look desperate and, opens us up for the not unreasonable charge of projecting
Also not sure where you get the idea that anybody that opposes using a lie is a liberal, but I think that goes back to reinforcing in my point that lies are bad and it does nothing good for anyone
If it was verifiable and accurate, I would say it totally fair game, but it's not verifiable and doesn't appear to have any basis in reality
The reason it's a bad idea to use a lie, which is what you're doing when you put forth something that you know to be false ,is that it diminishes all of the very legitimate reasons to criticize the Democratic position on gun control by resorting to calling them Nazis. It makes us look desperate and, opens us up for the not unreasonable charge of projecting
Also not sure where you get the idea that anybody that opposes using a lie is a liberal, but I think that goes back to reinforcing in my point that lies are bad and it does nothing good for anyone
I argued with some clown on another firearms forum just last night and this morning before he blocked me. He tried a bunch of conspiracy nonsense about Ukraine and how Putin was the real victim. I was able to refute, point by point, each of his talking points with facts. He couldn't cope.

Unfortunately we have a lot of these Lord Haw Haws in our ranks on the Right. They absolutely believe in Conspiracies if it fits their narratives. And they are not above either making up quotes, or taking quotes completely out of context and blaming someone (in the case of this argument he was blaming Obama and Potato for things they literally didn't do in regards to Ukraine) for something that they didn't do.

Them and these Leftist Progressives are simply two sides of the same coin at this point. It's good that we hold our ranks to account....I don't see many people doing that on the Left. Call out BS and argue with facts and logic when you see it.
Two sides of the same coin for sure. I've long mourned the death of center.

Also, re: Putin. I'm just waiting for the Putin apologists to enter the debate in 5.4.3....

One NWFA member here actually said this last month. "Russia. Not Communist and quite frankly not all that authoritarian either. Putin is good at scaring the west . Its almost a game to him but the people in Russia don't live under authoritarian rule"

Ya heard that right folks. people in Russia don't live under authoritarian rule.
What are the things I find most frustrating about this particular quote is that if you want to stray away from the constitutionality aspect of gun restrictions there are some very good talking points, including, but not limited to the history of gun control in this nation being racist, and classist, two things the Democrats specifically are against, the reality that all the gun restrictions put in place disproportionately impact women and minorities, another strong democratic talking point and the reverse Dr Frank-N-Furter aspect of this where what they're doing is curing the symptoms but leaving the disease.
Two sides of the same coin for sure. I've long mourned the death of center.

Also, re: Putin. I'm just waiting for the Putin apologists to enter the debate in 5.4.3....

One NWFA member here actually said this last month. "Russia. Not Communist and quite frankly not all that authoritarian either. Putin is good at scaring the west . Its almost a game to him but the people in Russia don't live under authoritarian rule"

Ya heard that right folks. people in Russia don't live under authoritarian rule.
Amen. That's how I grew up. Everyone kept their politics to themselves and saved it for the voting booths, and radicals and extremists were few and far in between, and were treated like the lunatics that they were, rather than validated and given a platform.

Politics was boring and we weren't nearly this divided. I miss that.

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