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So... don't vote for Trump; don't vote for Biden, because Trump publicly went after silencers, bump stocks, and support red flag laws, even though he's pretty much responsible for the SCOTUS getting to a 6-3 "conservative" majority with three of the Justices being nominated by his Cabinet/him (Barrett, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh)?

Whereas Biden wrote the 94 Crime Bill with Feinstein's AWB, and has publicly, predicably, consistently called for banning whole classes of guns, has given public support to Dettlebach, ATF, has consistently called for more gun control, has admonished and lamented that Congress hasn't been able to further gun control, and have nominated anti2A politicans in positions, including Justice Jackson?

Clearly Biden is the better choice here :rolleyes:
Yep I just sent Joe's re-elect fund some money. They are sending me a couple bumper stickers so my cars should be safer here. WA will already go for Joe but I will send some help for him to spend in a few states where its still close. Sure as hell do not want 4 more years of that gun grabber Trump.
I see this thread getting locked in very short order, but this page reminds me why we have so much trouble politically. Too many on "our side" decide that if they can't have the perfect candidate, they're just going to take their ball and go home. The political reality is that we're simply not going to have a "perfect" 2A candidate running for that office. It's not going to happen, and if it did, they wouldn't have a chance.

And for certain people around here (ahem), the perfect candidate would be a full blown progressive who lets them play with their guns. Does that exist in the world of politics?

Again, if we head down this trail on this thread, Andy's going to lock it any minute...
Yep. Every couple years as it gets close to elections we start to see gun owners saying to not vote for the better one, so we of course get the worst one. Then they say see I told you voting is a waste of time. :confused:
After they refused to vote and helped the worst one win. :s0092:
So. Anyways. All this SCOTUS decision does at the moment; is tell the ATF/DOJ/Executive Branch people that its up to the Legislators in Congress to make laws/amend NFA/GCA/FOPA to do whatever they want and then see if they'll survive Court challenges
You watch people post enough, you get to know exactly where they're coming from. It just seems to me that many "2A" people are politically unrealistic, and too willing to throw it all away when they can't get their way. Politics doesn't work that way, never has. Either that or they actively sabotage a candidate because they don't like his positions on other, non-2A issues.

I've done my best to avoid political discussions here for quite a while, and to be honest I feel much better about it, so I'm out on this one. I'm not going to argue about presidential candidates here.
Assuming for discussion that is true, how would we even know seeing as how NWFA is "a single-issue community."?
I wasn't going to reply, but for the life of me I honestly can't figure out what you're trying to say here. How would we know your political persuasion, or a candidate's political position on non-2A issues? Seems to me that both are/would be pretty obvious. Maybe not relevant, but pretty clear nonetheless.
You watch people post enough, you get to know exactly where they're coming from. It just seems to me that many "2A" people are politically unrealistic, and too willing to throw it all away when they can't get their way. Politics doesn't work that way, never has. Either that or they actively sabotage a candidate because they don't like his positions on other, non-2A issues.

I've done my best to avoid political discussions here for quite a while, and to be honest I feel much better about it, so I'm out on this one. I'm not going to argue about presidential candidates here.
Sadly they who win are the ones who decide our fate when it come to not just gun ownership but a LOT of other freedoms. :(
I wasn't going to reply, but for the life of me I honestly can't figure out what you're trying to say here. How would we know your political persuasion, or a candidate's political position on non-2A issues? Seems to me that both are/would be pretty obvious. Maybe not relevant, but pretty clear nonetheless.
NWFA is, per the rules a single-issue community and if we all followed the rules we would have no way of knowing what a members non-2a related politics were

Which, IMHO, would be a good thing,seeing as how we are supposed to be a single-issue community and all
Gotcha, but again, it becomes pretty obvious after a while. You haven't exactly tried to hide it. And another thing I've said before, communities like this are always going to have a general political tilt just because that's human nature, no matter how much those in the minority might hate it.

Added- I don't care what one's political tilt is. To each their own and all that. I just wish 2A people in general would look at politics in a more practical, pragmatic way. And yes, that also means being more open to left-leaning 2A supporters, if they're actually willing to help.
Added- I don't care what one's political tilt is. To each their own and all that. I just wish 2A people in general would look at politics in a more practical, pragmatic way. And yes, that also means being more open to left-leaning 2A supporters, if they're actually willing to help.
Which is one of the big reasons I support the "single-issue community" position.
You haven't exactly tried to hide it.
And that's how we know, and why we'll never have a truly "single-issue community". You and everyone else has to "let their light shine", and we all bicker about politics.
And that's how we know, and why we'll never have a truly "single-issue community". You and everyone else has to "let their light shine", and we all bicker about politics.
The problem isn't me, or anyone else letting our light shine, the problem is when another member tries to put a bushel over that light because they don't share the same point of view, and oftentimes they will use someones ad hominin's as a means of dismissing or discrediting their views regardless of whether said affiliations are mainstream. For example, "You're a vegetarian, what would you know about hunting?" or "You a liberal, what would you know about guns?"

Although, it is pretty progressive of me saying that everyone should be allowed to let their light shine . . . 🤔
Four more years, four more years, four more….

You get the picture. I know it means changing White House occupants, but it's worth the expense. It will bring some 2A security.

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