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"Washington — A Republican senator blocked a Democratic-led attempt to pass legislation Tuesday that would have restored a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, an accessory that enables semi-automatic weapons to shoot at a very rapid pace, after last week's Supreme Court decision striking down the ban.

Sen. Martin Heinrich, a New Mexico Democrat, requested that his bill banning bump stocks be brought up for a vote under unanimous consent, a procedure in which a measure passes so long as no lawmaker objects. Sen. Pete Ricketts, a Nebraska Republican, blocked the measure by objecting."

This didn't surprise me that an anti2A Senator would try to get a bill to be voted on relatively rapidly after a SCOTUS decision :rolleyes:

"Washington — A Republican senator blocked a Democratic-led attempt to pass legislation Tuesday that would have restored a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, an accessory that enables semi-automatic weapons to shoot at a very rapid pace, after last week's Supreme Court decision striking down the ban.

Sen. Martin Heinrich, a New Mexico Democrat, requested that his bill banning bump stocks be brought up for a vote under unanimous consent, a procedure in which a measure passes so long as no lawmaker objects. Sen. Pete Ricketts, a Nebraska Republican, blocked the measure by objecting."

This didn't surprise me that an anti2A Senator would try to get a bill to be voted on relatively rapidly after a SCOTUS decision :rolleyes:
Except it also has to pass congress which they know would never happen anyway…. it's all theater.


While in WA's still about, "Restricting RIGHTS".

Aloha, Mark

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