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Bought a gun June 8th at about 5pm; it was approved the morning of the 18th. Also bought from a different shop the 8th at about 7pm; it wasn't approved until the 20th or 21st.

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Very strange. One might have been able to argue that some of the gap could come from the 2nd shop not letting you know right away as soon as the approval came through, but I wouldn't imagine they would be a whole 2 days late, would they?
Very strange. One might have been able to argue that some of the gap could come from the 2nd shop not letting you know right away as soon as the approval came through, but I wouldn't imagine they would be a whole 2 days late, would they?
I actually went in on the evening of the 19th because I figured it must have been done and they forgot to call me or wrote my number down wrong but I was still 100-something in the queue. It's possible it was approved the 20th and they didn't call me until the 21st but that still seems suspicious.
Sportsmans had a sale, and I had an old gift card, so I was about 2900 last Friday. PSA deal of the day came in Monday? and I was approximately 2800.
Sportmans BGC cleared this am, while my normal dealer's BGC cleared last night after jumping 1000 spots. Weird.
Got the call this morning that my bgc went through. So looks like 7 days wait time for me, but that doesn't make sense if they're only processing 300-400 a day and I was well over 3000 in line? I mean I'll take it, as it's much better than the two weeks initially the shop thought it was gonna take. Just confused I guess.
Is the delays happening all over oregon or just Portland metro? Are there delays in like Ashland and bend?
It's a statewide issue. Background checks go through the OSP regardless of where in Oregon you are… same queue whether you're in Portland or Port Orford.
Some people are lucky and get instant cleared. Transferred a pistol to a buddy and he was instant approved. We think it has to do with a less common last name, easy to background, etc.
My FFL only calls them in. I've gotten approval same day every time except for one, and I can't remember which gun it was.

He's been a miracle worker during this M114 crisis.
Data point for the collective- got a DOUBLE instant today! ;-) Member PDX225 and I met to do a trade of two pistols today, both NICS submitted at the same time, and we both got instants. Was a rare sight to behold . . . ;-)

Queue is hovering at around 2000 . . .

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