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Was placed into the queue Saturday for the first time in years. Queue was at around 2700 at the time. My FFL thankfully does 3 day release, and so went and picked it up today. When i picked it up at around 1:30pm, i was still at over 500 in the queue, which means clearing probably Friday. Queue is at around 2500 as of this afternoon.

The 3 day release is really not exactly 3 days- the day you file your NICS doesnt count, and you have to give it three full days. So really it is a 5 day release. Which just so magically happens to coincide with how long it is taking NICS to process, and they have been consistently at that number for months. No way that is coincidence. They are probably also banking on many FFLs not wiling to take a chance to release a day or two in advance, if they know it should process in another day or two. Luckily I am a regular, and had just passed a Form 4 suppressor cbc. It is insane that my suppressor Form 4 came back faster, in two days. Oregon just figured out a way to implement a 5 day waiting period without any additional laws. . .
Was placed into the queue Saturday for the first time in years. Queue was at around 2700 at the time. My FFL thankfully does 3 day release, and so went and picked it up today. When i picked it up at around 1:30pm, i was still at over 500 in the queue, which means clearing probably Friday. Queue is at around 2500 as of this afternoon.

The 3 day release is really not exactly 3 days- the day you file your NICS doesnt count, and you have to give it three full days. So really it is a 5 day release. Which just so magically happens to coincide with how long it is taking NICS to process, and they have been consistently at that number for months. No way that is coincidence. They are probably also banking on many FFLs not wiling to take a chance to release a day or two in advance, if they know it should process in another day or two. Luckily I am a regular, and had just passed a Form 4 suppressor cbc. It is insane that my suppressor Form 4 came back faster, in two days. Oregon just figured out a way to implement a 5 day waiting period without any additional laws. . .
Mine went in Wednesday afternoon and cleared the next Tuesday. Monday night I was #25 but he wanted to wait.
yeah see that is why i think they are doing that- trying to get away with as many days as they can squeak by. if the queue was back to like 40k, then everyone would go back to 3 day releases, but with it only being one more day, i would think most FFLs arent going to risk it, and they are banking on that. We should start a collection to get a lawsuit going, so that we could subpoena them . . .
yeah see that is why i think they are doing that- trying to get away with as many days as they can squeak by. if the queue was back to like 40k, then everyone would go back to 3 day releases, but with it only being one more day, i would think most FFLs arent going to risk it, and they are banking on that. We should start a collection to get a lawsuit going, so that we could subpoena them . . .
What would be the point of this "end game"? How does delaying the process by a day or two or creating an artificial backlog benefit those behind this scheme? It's not like you aren't going to get your firearm sooner or later.

And yes I'm jealous of all you instant approvals.

And gloating about those who were previously instant and now put into the cue.:s0005:
I did my BGC last Friday at noon and was #2100 in the queue (of course) and I called today at noon and was still #200 - they are moving so damn slow its insane. They used to process about 60/hour it is now down to 20... what is responsible for moving at a 3x slower rate? When you call it in it gets processed within a few minutes. Of course, you have to wait on hold for about 3 hours before they answer.
What would be the point of this "end game"? How does delaying the process by a day or two or creating an artificial backlog benefit those behind this scheme? It's not like you aren't going to get your firearm sooner or later.

And yes I'm jealous of all you instant approvals…
If I had to speculate, the idea is to discourage and reduce gun sales until the M114 curtain finally comes down (and it very likely will)… that is to keep the number of guns getting into the hands of the public low. The hassle probably causes lots of people to decide it's not worth it. For example, gun-shows are typically 2-day events… think of the effect that has on sales when everyone knows it takes 7 days to get an approval.

Also I got an instant approval just today :D
What would be the point of this "end game"? How does delaying the process by a day or two or creating an artificial backlog benefit those behind this scheme? It's not like you aren't going to get your firearm sooner or later.

And yes I'm jealous of all you instant approvals.

And gloating about those who were previously instant and now put into the cue.:s0005:
In addition to what Raftman said above, there are many states that have required wait periods for people buying guns. The reason stated is that it deters crime and suicides, by not letting someone 'just walk in and buy a gun and walk out with it same day'. One of the primary people who was behind 114 stated that she was doing this because her husband, who was a doctor, committed suicide by going and buying a gun and killing himself. She thinks that if there had been a waiting period he would not have killed himself. While i truly feel for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide, unfortunately her motivation is misguided- blaming the gun not the mental health reasons for her husband wanting to and ending up taking his own life. If he was at that point with wanting to commit suicide, not having access to a gun wouldn't have stopped someone. But I digress- point being is that there are many states out there with mandatory waiting periods with this as the stated reason, to deter crime and suicide. Oregon doesnt have this (yet), but I am sure they would LOVE to have it. They just figured out a way to use the '3 day release' language in the current laws to implement a waiting period without any additional laws being passed. I suppose some could say I am a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist- but this thread is proof that the queue has been consistently sitting around 2500 going on for many months now. No way we are all evenly buying guns is such a manner that it stays that consistent. . .
In addition to what Raftman said above, there are many states that have required wait periods for people buying guns. The reason stated is that it deters crime and suicides, by not letting someone 'just walk in and buy a gun and walk out with it same day'. One of the primary people who was behind 114 stated that she was doing this because her husband, who was a doctor, committed suicide by going and buying a gun and killing himself. She thinks that if there had been a waiting period he would not have killed himself. While i truly feel for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide, unfortunately her motivation is misguided- blaming the gun not the mental health reasons for her husband wanting to and ending up taking his own life. If he was at that point with wanting to commit suicide, not having access to a gun wouldn't have stopped someone. But I digress- point being is that there are many states out there with mandatory waiting periods with this as the stated reason, to deter crime and suicide. Oregon doesnt have this (yet), but I am sure they would LOVE to have it. They just figured out a way to use the '3 day release' language in the current laws to implement a waiting period without any additional laws being passed. I suppose some could say I am a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist- but this thread is proof that the queue has been consistently sitting around 2500 going on for many months now. No way we are all evenly buying guns is such a manner that it stays that consistent. . .
It's obviously a backdoor way to implement a waiting period and as far as the queue being above 2k every day - that makes no sense either because if you talk to ANY gun store they will all tell you that both new and used gun sales are down right now and have been for several weeks (used guns more so but new sales are also down). Every pawn shop and gun store I have asked has said the same thing which is why used prices are so low.
I went in to pick up my gun at the pawn shop today and when I went in the owner was on the phone with the BGC people - they called just to review my information, there were no issues at all with anything and the owner was super confused as to why they even called but I was finally approved about 20 minutes later. Maybe they are calling on all backgrounds or randomly auditing people or something who tf knows.
I bought 2 in the last 3 weeks one pawn shop, one LGS both took at minimum 5-6 days. Even the LSG that previously always did 3 day releases, now told me "well first day doesn't count" ok I can buy that, "and one to two days longer, then over a weekend don't count, so just expect 5 days". I have got instants as recently as last fall, but no more.

Something fishy (Lutefisk) going on IMO.
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Well I just did another background check on another pistol, and got an instant! What the heck, guess the state figured they had enough people in the queue, since it currently sits at over 2700. Guess I am somehow back on the good boy list.

Two new OD Green USPs from the limited edition drop at Rooftop Defense! I think there are still some Tacticals left- first time HK has ever released a batch of OD Green USPTs in 9mm- my dream gun and color . . . Only 500 total released . . .

Well I just did another background check on another pistol, and got an instant! What the heck, guess the state figured they had enough people in the queue, since it currently sits at over 2700. Guess I am somehow back on the good boy list.

Two new OD Green USPs from the limited edition drop at Rooftop Defense! I think there are still some Tacticals left- first time HK has ever released a batch of OD Green USPTs in 9mm- my dream gun and color . . . Only 500 total released . . .

View attachment 1895328
OD green is the best color for sure and those look amazing, great purchase - I also really like the sniper green from PSA.
Was placed into the queue Saturday for the first time in years. Queue was at around 2700 at the time. My FFL thankfully does 3 day release, and so went and picked it up today. When i picked it up at around 1:30pm, i was still at over 500 in the queue, which means clearing probably Friday. Queue is at around 2500 as of this afternoon.

The 3 day release is really not exactly 3 days- the day you file your NICS doesnt count, and you have to give it three full days. So really it is a 5 day release. Which just so magically happens to coincide with how long it is taking NICS to process, and they have been consistently at that number for months. No way that is coincidence. They are probably also banking on many FFLs not wiling to take a chance to release a day or two in advance, if they know it should process in another day or two. Luckily I am a regular, and had just passed a Form 4 suppressor cbc. It is insane that my suppressor Form 4 came back faster, in two days. Oregon just figured out a way to implement a 5 day waiting period without any additional laws. . .
Mind sharing who your FFL is? I've got a friend who's been on hold for several weeks at this point.
Mind sharing who your FFL is? I've got a friend who's been on hold for several weeks at this point.
I'll PM you. Not sure if he does it for anyone or if you have to be a somewhat recent buyer. I had just passed a Form 4 suppressor approval, and have bought multiple guns from him, so he knew I was clean. . .
Just submitted my BGC for a shotgun - guess what # I am in the queue.... 2900 wowwww what a surprise! They also sent out an email to all FFLs basically saying the challenge line is suspended indefinitely so if you get denied you are screwed.

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