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5,000-year-old Rock Art of Boats and Cattle Unearthed in the Sahara Shows Grassland Came Before Desert

Geologists have known for years that from 5,000 years ago and beyond, much of what is today called the Sahara Desert was a lush grassland.

Some exceptional evidence of this recently surfaced in Sudan, where a paper published on a survey done in 2018 reveals the presence of rock art that depicts cattle herders and even boats.

Discovered in a region of the eastern Sahara called Atbai, there hasn't been rain enough to support cattle here for at least 5,000 years.

Another exciting discovery was rock carvings depicting 6 boats on a cave wall found 90 miles from the nearest branch of the Nile. Near the entrance to a naturally-formed tunnel in a large rock outcrop in the desert, the boats "are arranged in the manner of a 'fleet' or 'flotilla', all seemingly emanating from the tunnel interior," the authors write.

Yet not a single oil company from 5,000 years ago has come forward, who is to blame?

5,000-year-old Rock Art of Boats and Cattle Unearthed in the Sahara Shows Grassland Came Before Desert

Geologists have known for years that from 5,000 years ago and beyond, much of what is today called the Sahara Desert was a lush grassland.

Some exceptional evidence of this recently surfaced in Sudan, where a paper published on a survey done in 2018 reveals the presence of rock art that depicts cattle herders and even boats.

Discovered in a region of the eastern Sahara called Atbai, there hasn't been rain enough to support cattle here for at least 5,000 years.

Another exciting discovery was rock carvings depicting 6 boats on a cave wall found 90 miles from the nearest branch of the Nile. Near the entrance to a naturally-formed tunnel in a large rock outcrop in the desert, the boats "are arranged in the manner of a 'fleet' or 'flotilla', all seemingly emanating from the tunnel interior," the authors write.

Yet not a single oil company from 5,000 years ago has come forward, who is to blame?

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Neighbor told me the planet is running out of water.

I asked " where did it go" he says "evaporating because of global warming.
I asked " where does rain come from"

Of course no answer. Had to try to explain there is exactly the same amount of water today as when God made this place. its moved or in different form but its still here.

management in certain areas is the problem.
Things change and will continue to. The question is what impact does man have on the environment and what is simply the earth's own actions. I don't know that answer.
5,000-year-old Rock Art of Boats and Cattle Unearthed in the Sahara Shows Grassland Came Before Desert

Geologists have known for years that from 5,000 years ago and beyond, much of what is today called the Sahara Desert was a lush grassland.

Some exceptional evidence of this recently surfaced in Sudan, where a paper published on a survey done in 2018 reveals the presence of rock art that depicts cattle herders and even boats.

Discovered in a region of the eastern Sahara called Atbai, there hasn't been rain enough to support cattle here for at least 5,000 years.

Another exciting discovery was rock carvings depicting 6 boats on a cave wall found 90 miles from the nearest branch of the Nile. Near the entrance to a naturally-formed tunnel in a large rock outcrop in the desert, the boats "are arranged in the manner of a 'fleet' or 'flotilla', all seemingly emanating from the tunnel interior," the authors write.

Yet not a single oil company from 5,000 years ago has come forward, who is to blame?

Ah, life between ice ages…. How goesh…
Earth's axial tilt changed about 5,000 years ago

"About 5,000 years ago the Earth was pointed more toward another star, called Thubin."

Heck of a coincidence :rolleyes:
Awww... come on, man! No fair using actual science! 'We feel, therefore it is" trumps data! Were you born under a rock??:s0114:

Who cares if CO2 ppm levels were even higher than today multiple times in Earth's history... long before man even existed. Totalitarian world gooberment control is the only things that can save humanity!

Your indoctrination didn't seem to take. Go back to school! Try again!!:s0140:
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Earth's axial tilt happens. It's normal. You can't stop it. The climate changes. It's manipulation for other agendas.

Adults shouldn't listen to little girls... not about the earth, guns, or anything... she's a kid. Remember when kids were just kids and their opinions didn't matter... if that little girl had done that in the 80's she'd been laughed at n' booed off stage.
5,000-year-old Rock Art of Boats and Cattle Unearthed in the Sahara Shows Grassland Came Before Desert

Geologists have known for years that from 5,000 years ago and beyond, much of what is today called the Sahara Desert was a lush grassland.

Some exceptional evidence of this recently surfaced in Sudan, where a paper published on a survey done in 2018 reveals the presence of rock art that depicts cattle herders and even boats.

Discovered in a region of the eastern Sahara called Atbai, there hasn't been rain enough to support cattle here for at least 5,000 years.

Another exciting discovery was rock carvings depicting 6 boats on a cave wall found 90 miles from the nearest branch of the Nile. Near the entrance to a naturally-formed tunnel in a large rock outcrop in the desert, the boats "are arranged in the manner of a 'fleet' or 'flotilla', all seemingly emanating from the tunnel interior," the authors write.

Yet not a single oil company from 5,000 years ago has come forward, who is to blame?

It was them dang mammoth farts that started the ruination.
Earth's axial tilt happens. It's normal. You can't stop it. The climate changes. It's manipulation for other agendas.
Indeed. To what extent axial tilt has an influence on local climate at the latitudes we're speaking of, is a good question, as well as how much of an effect do volcanic activity and plate tectonic activity have. And also, how much sun activity, how much the Earth's orbit changes over millennia...

My opinion, these are much more indicative of changing the local climates than humanity ;)
Awww... come on, man! No fair using actual science! 'We feel, therefore it is" trumps data! Were you born under a rock??:s0114:

Who cares if CO2 ppm levels were even higher than today multiple times in Earth's history... long before man even existed. Totalitarian world gooberment control is the only things that can save humanity!

Your indoctrination didn't seem to take. Go back to school! Try again!!:s0140:
Off to the re-education camp!!!!

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