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Just don't be f-ing dead! Blockages go from painful to crash cart in a big hurry.

Folks simply don't understand the complexities involved. Unfortunately.

Go to the ER means go to the ER. Usually turns out out non-complex, and a seemingly loong wait for "nothing".

However some times going in is EXTREMELY worthwhile, like has been recommended by his practitioner's. The risks simply do not merit a wait and see approach (as sometimes does work out fine). IMO.

The human body is pretty complex, and lots going on with the GI tract to try to keep things nice and orderly. Muscles, acids, enzymes, bacteria, feedback mechanisms, clearing toxins, taking in nutrients, electrolytes, water on & on & on…
Grass is always greener. I would rather not be able to poop than be pooping too much 🤷‍♂️ . Don't envy the circumstances you're in, though. That's rougher than rough.
Secondary to the event of the OP, but I take meds that for extended travel, say over a week, this is an issue I have to plan out. In a month or so, I'll be in Europe. Time zones, planes, trains all sound nice, until your body thinks it's 2pm in Portland.

Not everyone is on US standards. Sometimes you get room temperature food and you don't notice, eh, until you've already sat down and been waited on. Of course, many things are 100% better, but getting sick overseas is best avoided. I still haven't figured out bidet toilets. Strong pass.
I'm feeling much better. Not perfect but about 70%. No longer nauseous and actually got a few hours of sleep in this morning. Still not on solid foods but getting there. Just in time to go back to work Monday :rolleyes:

@BDA.45 how are things going for you?
I'm feeling much better. Not perfect but about 70%. No longer nauseous and actually got a few hours of sleep in this morning. Still not on solid foods but getting there. Just in time to go back to work Monday :rolleyes:

@BDA.45 how are things going for you?
.........I'm ok as of right now....I hurt dude.......NOT gonna get into details.
Last Edited:
I go out of cell service for a bit and all this drama happens, what are the odds? Glad it sounds like everyone is on the mend again.

I got food poisoning from some left over pasta years ago. It took me more than a year to want to eat pasta again, and that was fully knowing the hangup was psychosomatic. I would just have to think about eating pasta to start getting nauseous. It was a really rough few days. . .
I go out of cell service for a bit and all this drama happens, what are the odds? Glad it sounds like everyone is on the mend again.

I got food poisoning from some left over pasta years ago. It took me more than a year to want to eat pasta again, and that was fully knowing the hangup was psychosomatic. I would just have to think about eating pasta to start getting nauseous. It was a really rough few days. . .
That's why you gotta check in every day. Otherwise it's like starting a new season of your favorite show 6 episodes deep.

Stay classy. Bye.

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