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I saw a news report quite a while back about a teen who thought he could impress his friends by biting into a cartridge primer, thinking it would make a loud pop like small plastic bubble wrap. It took out many of his teeth and part of his jaw.

The investigating sheriff said something like, "I can't imagine why anybody would want to do that."

Edited to add:

I looked for verification of this story. All I could find at first was an article saying it was impossible to ignite a primer by biting into it.

Then I found an article that claims there were two separate events where that did happen. The photo in the article is so grotesque that I'm not sure if this is real. Open at your own risk.

NSFW gory
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Watched a buddy of mine get a blast of blackpowder from a cannon on 4th of July many years ago. Had to do years of tattoo removal before it was all out of his skin. Luckily he wears glasses so it didn't get into his eyes.
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There is a Reddit post titled "Firework blows dudes hands off (All Angles) intense gore".

The title is quite accurate. Definitely NSFW.

Not as entertaining as watching the dingbats that try to launch bottle rockets from their butt cheeks. That NEVER gets old!
The guy is so drunk that he drinks more beer afterwards and raises what's left of his hand in victory for the crowd.

I'm sorry that happened to the guy. Stuff like that further reinforces my decision to quit drinking years ago. 😆

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