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Sadly you "may" need to be willing to move. Either job or location, or both. No one "likes this" but, some times its the only way. I work in health care. It was a career move I made fairly late in life. Had toyed with the idea of doing it a LONG time. Finally just went for it. I could make a LOT more money if I wanted to up and move. Since I live "comfortable" I don't. It can be scary to just up and change "trades" but, it can be VERY rewarding.
We are struggling right now to find people to take jobs that pay 100K a year easy.
To echo other sentiments here, I think only the devil himself would begrudge you for taking time off to spend with your newborn son.

If your workplace holds that against you, its time to find a new workplace.
Check into something called family medical leave.
This right here is the best advice for your immediate situation. Perhaps a combination of state benefits and employer benefits so you are whole from a salary perspective.

For example my employers policy is they make up the deficit between OR Family Leave coverage and my actual salary, which would be significant, and they'll do that for up to 12 weeks.

So look into what, if anything your employer will provide and look at what WA state will provide.

Finally, take the sage advice you've received here, get yourself into a trade program or continuing education to set a career path and climb that socioeconomic ladder. It's not getting any cheaper to raise kids.

And congratulations on the arrival of your son, take care of baby and momma, help her get as much rest as possible to help in her recovery.

Prayers and blessing upon you and your newly forged family!
To echo other sentiments here, I think only the devil himself would begrudge you for taking time off to spend with your newborn son.

If your workplace holds that against you, its time to find a new workplace.
The workplace can't do that, its protected by law. What that law does not cover is if taking the time off puts you in a financial bind. An amazing number of people seem to think everyone can go weeks or months with no pay check and and life just goes on like nothing happened. A LOT of people don't have that kind of safety net. The act that we are talking about here is not some magic wand that many seem to think it is. Its a program run buy gov bureaucrats. The one thing they do REAL well is screw things up. The people who shuffle the paper work get paid no matter how slow they are so they don't care. So yes, by all means you have the right to take months off if you wish. Your employer has to hold your job for you. Know what the employer does not have to do? Pay you as if you were there working. Here is where those bureaucrats come in. They are supposed to get you the money and they usually well, eventually. So if you are able to go many weeks with no paycheck and feel no pain? Great. If being without a paycheck for weeks or more is going to be a painful experience? Now its time to stop and think.

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