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Carbine Continuation Conundrum, Part II: Wackiness Reloaded

  • Iver Johnson Enforcer, put a stamp on it!

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Deerfield, carbine on 'roids!

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Neither.

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Um, eh (bromp) I'z once got iver on ma johnson in the deer field. Itched like'a sumbitz.

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
Is there any substantive difference between the 99/44 and Deerfield? The magazines and overall system are, from everything I've seen, the same and that is all I really care about. The 99/44 I found on Gunbroker looks to have a different, somewhat inferior, stock than Deerfields. Though, candidly, that could be just how the pictures were taken. More curious than anything else.

And have on watch list. :s0155:
Sounds here like they are one and the same and not to be confused with the Model 44 Deerstalker:
Bid placed on a Deerfield on GB. (Wife decided to do night out with lady friends, thus leaving me and children to our own devices. Nothing prevented the aforementioned bid or the result of wee ones asked the easy-going parent for candy. Cautionary tale, perhaps. :s0155:)
Bid placed on a Deerfield on GB. (Wife decided to do night out with lady friends, thus leaving me and children to our own devices. Nothing prevented the aforementioned bid or the result of wee ones asked the easy-going parent for candy. Cautionary tale, perhaps. :s0155:)
Good luck on that!
Bid placed on a Deerfield on GB.
And this one was snagged.


More later. :s0155:
Well, caca. Did a bunch of shooting with this one this morning. Results were a fail. The rifle itself, fed from the 4-round OEM magazines, runs fantastically, and is accurate enough for what it is. The 10-rounders turned it into a straight-pull bolt-action. It didn't matter what factory ammunition I used, the thing would not run on all three big magazines. (The aforementioned run like a top in the 77/44 bolt-action, but were worthless in the Deerfield.) Normally I wouldn't give a second thought to a particular make of magazine not working, but large(r) capacity is part of the point of this project. So, dumped it shalt be, and back to the drawing board. Or off to the next fascination, as the case may be. :s0155:

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