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Both, +. Entertainment, work use (before retirement), and as a sort of storage of wealth as prices rise over the years. Not sure how wealth storage lines up with inflation over time, but with higher-dollar weapons it has worked, thanks in no small part to lib/dem gun control schemes.
And fun to just run my hands thru the pile and say "Mine, MINE, ALL MINE!!
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The overwhelming purpose of our firearms is entertainment. Sure, there are some that are carry pieces and HD items. Yes, on occasion a firearm is used to dispatch a varmint or pest on our land. But the rest? Just because they're fun. Fun to shoot, fun to tinker on, fun history, etc. Even best case scenario, each of us has only a few short decades in this life, so it is an easy decision to enjoy when one can. To each their own. :)
I had 4 work guns I used daily, after leaving my 20 year career where I shot every day I haven't shot much. I did manage to score a ruger 10/22 mag that I have been shooting nutrias with. Once work slows down I'll be doing some more shooting
Love to hunt, live to hunt. It all started with rifles for hunting. Then beautiful Southeast Asia came along courtesy
of the US Army. My firearm horizons expanded. Got out and bought a couple of 22 revolvers, so that was fun.
The world slowly changed as did I. Self protection/home defense became a concern and I went there. I've always
dug things mechanical and guns fit that. So I went there a bit. Where it's evolved to now is I have firearms for every
thing with many getting very limited use. The main pleasure I get from guns now is hunting and range time with good
For self-defense propose. I would have one in the car or person at all times, I have a pump shotgun in the closet. I have two handguns in the house ready to use. Although, I never had to use them in self-defense.
However, I used them for entertainment like target practice.
A few of the guns in the safe would qualify as hunting rifles. A few more for personal protection.
The majority now are our way of extending a big middle finger to BO, JB, dimslee and the rest of the gun grabbers. There is a certain amount of satisfaction in that, so maybe that alone qualifies as entertainment value?
I own guns because I like mechanical objects and don't have room to collect motorcycles or cars. I also enjoy competing with pistols. I carry because I have been a few places shortly before an incident and would really feel foolish if I was somewhere with my family where I needed to defend them and had a safe full of pistols that I left at home.
With the exception of some black powder competition for a couple years in the early 1970s, I have not owned or used any firearms just for entertainment.

Initially, I owned firearms only as tools for hunting. I started my collection in 1956 at age 12 by rebuilding a 20 gauge for hunting rabbits and game birds. Over the next decade I added a 22 for squirrels and deer rifles for whitetails.

Hunting did not remain my focus. Over the following 25 years, I sold all my hunting firearms and replaced them with a series of handguns and long guns specifically for home & self defense. Although I now own more firearms than ever in the past, I had to borrow a 30-30 rifle in 2004 when I last went hunting.
That last bit is actually kind of funny.
I am a prepper, so I can't think of any of my firearms that are purely for "entertainment" - notwithstanding my safe queen Miroku/Winchester '92 in .44 mag, which would be useful in a SHTF situation too.

If I was on an unlimited budget, I would certainly have guns that would be purely entertainment items - but my budget isn't unlimited, it is very much limited and I have lots of other preps I need to sink $ into.
I contend I find a therapeutic quality in handling and shooting firearms. This is both for training and for personal use. The cleaning engages my brain in a way that allows me to shut out the world and hone in my focus. Shooting is a mixture of honing my focus away from all unnecessary stress and the physical nature of control reduces my stress (breathing, heartbeat, target tracking, finger movement, etc.)

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