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When you spot a pipe bomb, or anything that looks like a bomb, the first thing you do is not touch it. The next step, I would bet, is you move yourself and everyone present away from it and call it in. This particular pipe-bomb-looking item was a chemical pipe bomb, with chlorine in one end, brake fluid in the other, and a valve in between, marked "safe" and "armed". The officer probably suffered some bad chemical burns and is very lucky the bomb didn't function "properly". Hopefully he recovers well, and the perp does some serious time.
When you spot a pipe bomb, or anything that looks like a bomb, the first thing you do is not touch it. The next step, I would bet, is you move yourself and everyone present away from it and call it in. This particular pipe-bomb-looking item was a chemical pipe bomb, with chlorine in one end, brake fluid in the other, and a valve in between, marked "safe" and "armed". The officer probably suffered some bad chemical burns and is very lucky the bomb didn't function well. Hopefully he recovers well, and the perp does some serious time.
Good info. I thought the valve was open as soon as he picked it up but it was closed. The deputy opened the valve.
I can sympathize with that officer. I have found a device myself. Lucky for me I spotted it and got the heck away. Mine was almost too obvious unlike that one that looked like a section of old water line. That meth head knew exactly what that thing was. Lying pile of crap.
Good info. I thought the valve was open as soon as he picked it up but it was closed. The deputy opened the valve.

The article said:
Investigators said the deputy may have accidentally moved the valve when touching the device.

When I watch the video, the valve never moves from the initial position, and is even still in that position in the "after" photo. If the deputy moved it, it would have to have been before we could see it. That seems unlikely to me. I wonder if the perp opened it.

When I watch the video, the valve never moves from the initial position, and is even still in that position in the "after" photo. If the deputy moved it, it would have to have been before we could see it. That seems unlikely to me. I wonder if the perp opened it.
Watch when he first pics it up (you have to pause the video and it goes by quick) the valve is closed. Then look later when it's on the seat, the valve is open. We can't see him actually opening it cuz he's holding it above the body cam.
Watch when he first pics it up (you have to pause the video and it goes by quick) the valve is closed. Then look later when it's on the seat, the valve is open. We can't see him actually opening it cuz he's holding it above the body cam.
Looking again, there is a subtle difference in the angle of the valve handle.

Here it seems to be turned slightly

The next time we can see it clearly, it looks like it's parallel to the main pipe.

Good catch.
Damn LEO got SUPER lucky. I hope he learned something from this close call. I had never even heard of making a bomb that way but it shows just how easy it would be to make something like that to use for terror. The scum knew full well what he had there. I hope they hang him.
Damn LEO got SUPER lucky. I hope he learned something from this close call. I had never even heard of making a bomb that way but it shows just how easy it would be to make something like that to use for terror. The scum knew full well what he had there. I hope they hang him.
Donut Operator said it's in a very old book about anarchy and cooking. 😉

Edit: Added winking emoji for clarity.
Last Edited:
Not about to search for it. Don't want to see a windowless van out front later :s0140:

I have zero doubt the old cook book is floating around in digital form, probably could still find people to sell it in the old paperback version too. I just figure ordering one though certainly NOT illegal, "may" well get someone watching me to see what I am doing. So I can live without looking the thing up again. When I was a kid we did make some homemade Napalm that one of us probably got the idea from that damn book for. Amazing none of us ended up in the damn hospital :s0140:
I have zero doubt the old cook book is floating around in digital form, probably could still find people to sell it in the old paperback version too. I just figure ordering one though certainly NOT illegal, "may" well get someone watching me to see what I am doing. So I can live without looking the thing up again. When I was a kid we did make some homemade Napalm that one of us probably got the idea from that damn book for. Amazing none of us ended up in the damn hospital :s0140:
I had that book. Mine was a black paperback with red and white print if I recall correctly. I ordered it in my teens and when it finally arrived the doorbell rang at night and when I opened it the book was sitting on the doorstep wrapped in discreet paper bag-like wrapping. I could make out two taillights driving off down the road. True story!

I think Loom Panics publishing is still around!

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