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I don't know how anyone with any self respect could own a high point. It would be embarrassing to own something so butt ugly. They could spend a little bit more and get a normal gun (tons of them available at very low price point) instead of a disgustingly hideous zimak abomination. :s0137:
It isn't about being pretty - it is about functionality
Do you have stats to back that up, or is it just a feeling?
Truck guns don't have to stay in the truck, especially overnight. They can if you want to but I don't personally. For me if the gun is so big it has to stay in the truck it is too big for close quarters like inside a vehicle. Even a flippin' .308 pistol/sbr can easily fit in a sling bag. Throw the bag on the seat or floor unzipped and it's ready to go. Carry it on your person and can be deployed with a single pull. If in the millions to one chance there was a mass shooter you could approach with gun concealed and therefore not get shot by the cops (hopefully ha ha). 300BLK, 7.62x 39, 5.56 pistol/sbr will all easily fit (if they have folding stock/brace) and of course PCCs.
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I've never needed my truck gun for the two legged variety, thankfully, but I've never, ever, been anywhere in my truck without my "truck gun".
Having it available and handy, it has without a doubt, proudly produced more small game and feathered pot and pan food over five decades than all the other purpose acquired bird and small game guns I've ever owned, combined. Methinks had some bad guy got me cornered, my intimate experience, much use, and familiarity with it, I'm sure it would have accounted for itself just fine. Always attached are 2 bird loads, 2 turkey loads and a slug. Though unfortunately now, I can pick a load and fire it faster than I'm able to get out of the truck :rolleyes:
Leaving anything in your vehicle is leaving it at risk of being stolen.

With that said....
Depending on where you live...where you go...and when you go places...
All will play a role on how high or low this risk is.

In regards to leaving a firearm in your vehicle overnight or for long periods of time...
I don't often to do vehicles get broken into or stolen where you live or or where are you going to...?
Also....there is no law or rule that states your "truck gun" must always be left in your vehicle....

As always...
it is best left up to decide if the gain out weighs the risk.
Also....there is no law or rule that states your "truck gun" must always be left in your vehicle....
For me truck gun means it's available in the vehicle. I almost never leave it in vehicle and only then for very short periods of time and out of sight. Just what I do, may not be right for someone else.

Most vehicle break ins around here they are breaking in for something they see (even if the item is of little or seemingly no value). It's smart in this area to leave nothing at all in plain sight.

The other reason they break in is to steal the vehicle. Ford trucks are most commonly stolen and Subarus. Then kias, older hondas and Toyotas. The latter 2 may be just due to lots of those on the road or it may be that older Subarus, Hondas, Toyotas have simple double sided keys that when worn or filed down will open many different cars.

FWIW here is a report yesterday on next door of targeting certain cars. Note that area mentioned in their post shootings and crime are constantly going on.

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