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Do think any large number of these people could be identified as a credible threat to somebody else.

I think any human could be a credible threat to any other human given the right..or wrong circumstance..depending on how you look at it.
Justice Thomas gets it.

"Yet, in the interest of ensuring the Government can regulate one subset of society, today's decision puts at risk the Second Amendment rights of many more."
like those that believe guns cause violence.
Which is my main problem with most..or probably everything to do with what's been happening with liberal policies.

Everything is subjective. Equality..true equality under the law is dead. To be replaced with equity.

Most US citizens have no idea what the difference is between the two.

But they'll learn all about it when it applies to them.
All it will take now to lose your guns is someone who knows you own them to egg you on just enough to get you to lawfully push back, then file for a court order.
Again.. Miller, Heller, and Bruen all depend on NFA, GCA, FOPA being " Constitutional" in order to hold that "the 2A is not unlimited" .

put simply; these 8 Justices have said that 2A can be subject to restrictions.

Its a big loss for 2A absolutionsists, and a big win for States to continue with permits to purchase, gun bans, carry restrictions
Today's Marxist protesters are good at that. Maybe the antigunners will learn their tactics.
Today's protesters have already been using this tactic. It will just get worse, and silence conservative protesters.

Were going down a rabbit hole, but its this ruling that opened up a big one.
Were going down a rabbit hole, but its this ruling that opened up a big one.
All of this could have ended with Miller, or even Heller, if the Supreme Court then kept to the doctrine of Marbury v Madison, and to the Equal Protection Clause.

As it stands.. nope. Miller, Heller and Bruen all left weasel holes for restrictions of 2A rights for individuals.
They cant even use definitions anymore, until they change them.
I was listening to a Jordan Peterson interview a while back and he mentioned something that just blew my logic loving brain apart.

He referred to Bidens comments regarding the next supreme court justice pick after Justice Stephen Breyer resigned. He stated:

"While I've been studying candidates' backgrounds and writings, I've made no decision except one: the person I nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity - and that person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court."

Think about that. 'Black Women' make up approximately 7% of the US population. He therefore eliminated 93% of potential nominees, based on race and sex.

It gets worse.

During confirmation hearings, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., asked Jackson: "Can you provide a definition for the word 'woman'?"

Jackson, appearing confused, responded, "I'm not a biologist."

Now think about that. A person specifically filtered into the nomination process based on one of her characteristics, specifically could not answer a question about that characteristic.

that's equity folks.
There isn't any evidence that the Bohemian Corporal ever made that statement. And Germany already had firearms registration before his crew took over the government.
Lots of people believe there isn't any evidence he said (and did) a whole lot of things he said (and did). Even the historians that have become skeptics about this quote admit they "couldn't say conclusively that he didn't say it".

Source: Politifact: They set out to PROVE it unfounded for obviously politically-motivated (anti-gun) reasons as a result of a haphazard Face Book post. None of the historians contacted even approached determining where this quotation originated. This effort cites it's primary source as an essay written "exploding the gun culture wars.", and all contacts with historians were done on one day by e-mail.

The Weimar did have stricter gun laws...but not as strictly applied to segments of the population simply considered unsavory in 1938 by the Nazis. Right now Veterans and Moms that show up at School Board meetings are considered unsavory, and "a domestic threat" by our government.

I'd grant the 50/50 chance he may not have said precisely those words. I'd also grant that not all the mass graves have been discovered yet.

But that does not erase those deaths.
I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again, anything that comes out of this court that is pro 2A is only an accidental byproduct of whatever else it is that the court is actually doing
Lots of people believe there isn't any evidence he said (and did) a whole lot of things he said (and did). Even the historians that have become skeptics about this quote admit they "couldn't say conclusively that he didn't say it".

Source: Politifact: They set out to PROVE it unfounded for obviously politically-motivated (anti-gun) reasons as a result of a haphazard Face Book post. None of the historians contacted even approached determining where this quotation originated. This effort cites it's primary source as an essay written "exploding the gun culture wars.", and all contacts with historians were done on one day by e-mail.

The Weimar did have stricter gun laws...but not as strictly applied to segments of the population simply considered unsavory in 1938 by the Nazis. Right now Veterans and Moms that show up at School Board meetings are considered unsavory, and "a domestic threat" by our government.

I'd grant the 50/50 chance he may not have said precisely those words. I'd also grant that not all the mass graves have been discovered yet.

But that does not erase those deaths.
Six million Jews were murdered during WW2. Of those, three million were gassed and two million were shot execution style. The other million died from disease or starvation in the camps.

Now. Had the Jews been allowed ownership of firearms prior to 1938, how would that have played out?

It doesn't matter what Hitler said or didn't say. The fact is, they were not allowed to protect themselves with a firearm.
Six million Jews were murdered during WW2. Of those, three million were gassed and two million were shot execution style. The other million died from disease or starvation in the camps.

Now. Had the Jews been allowed ownership of firearms prior to 1938, how would that have played out?

It doesn't matter what Hitler said or didn't say. The fact is, they were not allowed to protect themselves with a firearm.
I get your point, but at the same time I'm pretty sure that Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia, Greece and the Soviet Union all had some guns, so . . .

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