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I'm sure you know the difference between a windmill and wind turbine... right? One is a brilliant solution to supplemental energy production and one... mills. ;)
Windmill down! Windmill down!


"The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has released its latest reliability assessment for the summer of 2022 and, to put it mildly, the news is not good. In far too many states, the power grid is already nearly at full capacity, and in the next few months, that capacity will be exceeded. This isn't a question of "if" or really even "when." It's just a fact."

I've been preaching about this for over a decade when I read "The Solar Fraud: Why Solar Energy Won't Run the World" by Howard Hayden

You can't run the grid on wind and solar. It's too inconsistent, and the storage capacity isn't there yet. All the incentives have been pushed to wind and solar, not grid capacity, and every year, we need more capacity.

Democrats are acting more like a death cult than a political party
A 'sky is falling thread' on NWFA, now this is unusal.

This is playing out in other "green" cities Texas NOT California built the most wind turbines and faced grid power falure 2021 for a failure of green to deliver in extreme weather.

-In 2021 Quietly Newsom uner emergency order had Four General Electric gas turbines have been deployed in California as part of safeguard the state's power grid.

-In 2022 forecast a potential shortfall of 1,700 megawatts this year, a number that could go as high as 5,000 MW

-In 2022 SoCal Edison lacks juice for buildings in souther California

BPA real-time wind /solar generation what do we do wehn ther eare days with little wind and solar?


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