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My intellectually deficient neighbor feeds them, and so they come and sit and crap all over my roof.
I figure that if I trap them, then they might as well be put to good use.
I used to crab and used turkey legs as bait most of the time. If I could not find cheap turkey legs I used chicken, and always did really well crabbing. I figure pigeon will work quite well.
I came home from work to find that the pigeon that got trapped yesterday was set free by someone, who also ripped off and took the trap doors.
Let's just say I am more the mildly ticket off. The trap/cage was in my side yard, on top of some 6'4" scaffold that I've set up (it's actually jacked up to about 7'). I did that because the bird brain of a woman next door that feeds these flying rats is afraid of heights, and I figured that she would not go up there.
I am going to set setup a security camera and fix the trap and if whomever did this comes back, I will get them on video.
Then I am going to call them cops on them and press charges for trespassing and destruction of private property. That's if it is old or a woman. If it is one of these tree hugging smelly PETA turds, I will just put my size 12 boot where the sun don't shine.
I agree with ZdogK9. Eat em.

My grandfather was a champion pigeon shooter near Arras, France. He'd get 100s of pigeons from the Paris parks department, feed them grain for a month or two to crear their systems, then go have a shoot. We'd have 100s of pigeons to cook. With a snip of the legs, wings and head, a gut and skin, you could have them in the put in under a minute. Boil the heck out of them in cheap red wine, add veggies, and that's some good grub. Bridgitte Bardot eventually made it illegal, but they'd just pass the hat and pay the fine up front so the cops could come and shoot too.
This is certainly illegal in the northwest. The shooting part. A quick kill and eat should be OK, but I'm no legal expert.
I am going to set setup a security camera and fix the trap and if whomever did this comes back, I will get them on video.
Then I am going to call them cops on them and press charges for trespassing and destruction of private property. That's if it is old or a woman. If it is one of these tree hugging smelly PETA turds, I will just put my size 12 boot where the sun don't shine.
I would suggest that you also post a "No Trespassing" sign, so that when they do actually trespass, they won't have an excuse.

I wouldn't eat anything that lives on a diet of dumpster garbage and parking lot french fries!


However, I would eat them if they had been caged and fed grain for a few weeks before harvesting.

I saw Norm make a dovecote on New Yankee Workshop. Basically it was a large bird house with multiple individual rooms. The back would open so the baby pigeons/doves could be tied into the nest. That way the parents kept feeding it until it was big enough to harvest. Free meat without having to raise it yourself.

PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals
We use chicken or fish heads when we're crabbing. Just use a flat ring and firmly attach the bait to the net in the center of the ring. Alway seems to work well. If you want to have some good laughs while sittin on the beach, rather than boating, hook up a wad of fishing line (recycle knotted lines this way) and tie the bait into the middle of it. It is very heavy and lots of laughs to swing and cast that wad of knotted fishing line with the bait tied in it out into the sound. Sit back - literally - wait awhile then sloooowly reel it in. Often, theres one or two crabs tangled up in the line chewing on the bait. Even more laughs as you remove it. Best just to cut it out and throw him in a bucket of salt water. No better way to recycle that knotted up fishing line and loads of laughs.
I like pigeons...they're fun to shoot. I used to use them for training my bird dog. If you post on some of the dog clubs' websites that you have pigeons for free, they'll be off your property in no time! Guaranteed!
I like pigeons...they're fun to shoot. I used to use them for training my bird dog. If you post on some of the dog clubs' websites that you have pigeons for free, they'll be off your property in no time! Guaranteed!

Thanks for the advice.
For now the problem seems to have been "corrected". Talking to my nitwit next door never helped, but I think the sight of the trap and birds getting caught in it did, and it seems that she has stopped feeding them, because they are mostly gone.
in Oregon All birds except starling, house sparrow
and rock pigeon are protected by federal
and/or state laws.

Banded pigeons are a migratory game bird.

Not sure about Washington but you best make sure what pigeons your trapping or shooting in Oregon.

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