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By designating police headquarters a school

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Riiiight. Because "learning" happens there, it's a school. By that logic literally every business would be considered a school because THEY TRAIN EMPLOYEES THERE. Also, is that how we do schools now? No accreditation process, no licenses, no regulatory or curriculum standards, just "Hey guys, I identify as a school!" ???

How much coke did they have to take to come up with that "brilliant" scheme? Because if I had to guess, it would be...

Oh for Eff's sake!

And the police wonder why more and more people hate them and are not supporting them.

When you deliberately corrupt and manipulate laws in manners that they were clearly not intended, in order to subjugate core civil rights, don't be surprised when the people turn on you.

If they want to keep guns off of Bourbon St., they need to do it the right way...Cordon off and secure the area, establish controlled entry and exit points, have bag checks and metal detectors at those entry points, and provide enough armed officers in the cordon offed area to ensure the peace and safety of the people in the area.

If you are going to disarm the people and prevent them from exercising their GOD GIVEN rights, then the police need to step up and ENSURE the safety...just like they do at TSA, in court houses, government buildings, etc.

If this is not possible either because the area can't be secured or the police don't have enough resources, then you don't get to do this. This is part of the reason we have the Second the citizenry can defend themselves when the government can't.

Otherwise all they are doing here is disarming the law abiding and making them sitting ducks for the criminals. Do you honestly believe the criminals will follow the, "no guns in a school zone" B.S. law? Hardly.

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