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I don't think it's a COMPLETE blockage at this point but it is concerning. Hence the reason I haven't checked myself back in yet......
Just looked up that mesenteric artery thing….. supplies blood to your pancreas, and upper/lower GI tract….

Geez….. you DID get banged up, but I don't believe you.

I think you'd do JUST fine in prison. :s0066:

After the crash. They didn't think we were gonna survive......these are the mild pics.....

138431.jpeg 137710.jpeg 137645.jpeg 137566.jpeg
Best is to follow up asap. There is a LOT going on with post trauma care.

From simple will monitor, to may need a procedure, to yah not bubblegum around & call in the cutters & gassers.
I've been told to go back to ER and get checked back. I'll give it 1 more day. Almost went in last night/today but I'm f-ing stubborn
I didn't mean to hijack the thread, I just need help also. Different but same same.....I've tried everything but going back in, which I don't wanna do....
I hate food poisoning. First you're afraid you're going to die...and then you're afraid that you won't. :confused:

It's horrible.

I have no solutions for you OP, but can concur that if it persists, you should go to the doctor. Maybe give your doc a call and ask them at what point you should come in.

Godspeed...Good luck...And may the odds be ever in your favor!
@BDA.45 If it's been a while and based upon your original injuries, I don't think I'd be messing around with this, it's worth the day or three to get things moving again. One thing that can happen is the bowels get impacted and in extreme cases they have to go in and manually evacuate them. Not comfortable, not a pretty sight, but may be necessary.

Seriously, get yourself checked…. You don't want to have a bowel rupture.
Immodium is useful. For me regardless of what people say about fruit, grapes help me 🍇. Lots of rest. If you get sick within 8hrs, it's usually bad handling (dirty hands). If it takes longer, it's the food gone bad. Left out too long, for example.
My guess is it was the deli chicken because I ate that about 1 and was sick about 7 so 6 hours sounds like the right timeframe to me. I do remember one bite of chicken in particular seeming "off" but not alarmingly so
I'm in the complete opposite boat as you bro, and at this point I'd do ANYTHING to switch positions...and before anyone says anything, YES I already know I should go to the ER.....3 weeks ago yesterday we were in a massive car wreck and got life flighted to Legacy Emanuel. I spent 6 days in ICU. Haven't been able to poop since. I had massive internal bleeding from severing the mesenteric artery. I've done everything they have said to do. Meds they gave me, laxatives on my own, and also suppositories. (Lemme say this, I wouldn't do well in prison.......JUST SAYN.....) From what I've read, abdominal surgery can really F-you up. SO on that note, didn't mean to hijack your thread man. Sorry. I'm also looking for options other than going to the ER and having them cut me open again. I will GLADLY trade you symptoms though!!! I hope you get better dude.....
Grass is always greener. I would rather not be able to poop than be pooping too much 🤷‍♂️ . Don't envy the circumstances you're in, though. That's rougher than rough.
@BDA.45 If it's been a while and based upon your original injuries, I don't think I'd be messing around with this, it's worth the day or three to get things moving again. One thing that can happen is the bowels get impacted and in extreme cases they have to go in and manually evacuate them. Not comfortable, not a pretty sight, but may be necessary.

Seriously, get yourself checked…. You don't want to have a bowel rupture.
This is EXACTLY what I'm already afraid of.......I'd rather be bubblegumting my brains out right I said, 1 more day. The pain is EXCRUCIATING. You have no idea till it's experienced
This is EXACTLY what I'm already afraid of.......I'd rather be bubblegumting my brains out right I said, 1 more day. The pain is EXCRUCIATING. You have no idea till it's experienced
Have you tried jumping up and down? Like Yosemite Sam. Might loosen things up

Not really

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