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I have to agree with the general consensus. It seemed like every Italian Mafia themed movie any of them have been in before. All were too old to play their younger characters. Just seemed wierd. And long. Not sure how the rave reviews came in.
Watching DeNiero pretend to beat up the grocery guy, was embarrasing... all the CGI in the world can't help him move like a younger man.

Ol' Punchy DeNiero should ride off into the sunset wearing his Depends, or just stick to guest appearances on the talk-show circuits, and guest-speaker gigs to those of his deluded ilk.

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deniro - believes his movie tough guy image actually reflects reality... yeah, sure, ya wrinkled old california raisin you - nice aluminum walker you have there equipped with front wheels, plus hand brake, snappy!
Ol' Punchy DeNiero should... just stick to guest appearances on the talk-show curcuits
Unfortunately for him, they only invite/allow you to be on if you're promoting (plugging) something. He's gonna have to write a book or keep making crapcan movies if he ever wants to be seen again.

I know... how 'bout Dirty Grampa ll?? I think Effron might be available too. Here's actual footage of him waiting by the phone...
Unfortunately for him, they only invite/allow you to be on if you're promoting (plugging) something. He's gonna have to write a book or keep making crapcan movies if he ever wants to be seen again.

I know... how 'bout Dirty Grampa ll?? I think Effron might be available too. Here's actual footage of him waiting by the phone...

DAMMIT!! I accidentally misspelled "circuit"... o_O

I made it an hour into the Irishman then shut it off. Pretty big disappointment. I usually dig gangster type movies and heard about this one well over a year ago and was waiting impatiently for it. It's very dull and boring. Even when they made them look younger they still moved like molasses. No way I could make it through 2 more hours of it.
I'll pass on anything adding to DeNiro's bottom line
Touted as one of 2019's best movies.

It isn't.

robert deniro, al pacino and Joe Pesci play the lead roles in this dud.

Pesci is far too old for the part he plays.

deniro with his permanently dour scowl woodenly plays a part better suited for a much younger man, phones in the role.

Amazingly, pacino finally stops being so ham handed an actor in his role.

The movie likes to pretend it's a great gangster movie in the vein of "The Godfather".

It isn't.

It's tired, pretentious and frankly...boring.

Seen it?

What's your opinion of this clunker?
Why the bubblegum would ANYONE go see a deniro and his leftist, commie pinko bedwetters movie? All you are doing is giving money to people who are trying to impeach your Pres, take your guns. Wise up people....just sayin...
I'd rather be found floating in the river or be buried in a shallow grave in the desert outside Vegas....
…. than watch a movie with that worthless mook in it.

May his meatballs be rancid ! :mad:
Why the bubblegum would ANYONE go see a deniro and his leftist, commie pinko bedwetters movie? All you are doing is giving money to people who are trying to impeach your Pres, take your guns. Wise up people....just sayin...
It's a Netflix thing... not in theaters.

I haven't been to a movie theater in about 10 yrs... this POS certainly wouldn't lure me into one now.
I may read the book.

Reasons not to watch:

1. Delusional DeNiro - what an azzbite!!!
2. Pacino - I was done with him and Italian mobster stories after the very first Godfather movie. Yet another supposedly tough guy that drops the F-bomb with the frequency that normal people use the word "the"!!!
3. Pesci - just pathetic... always has been pathetic. Turns my stomach to watch that putz!

Yes, I was done after Godfather 1. No Goodfellas, no Casino, etc. But I did think Heat was one of the best. Solid roles for two guys I really hate.

Does my watching contribute to hollyweird coffers

Just my $0.02, I think it does... even Netflix shows are supported with our subscription $$ and movies, or shows, that don't have an audience wouldn't be there. Same goes for broadcast TV. I won't watch many things, including NFL football.

I quit Netfux for a while because of the O'Bummer show... many did, it's the only way to send a message about their programming. Not that it made any diff... they, Netflix, are obviously leftist promoters if one looks at their content as a whole. They promote the work of leftist producers/directors/authors/etc. I went back to them after Hulu stopped supporting Sony BluRay players. But I won't be giving my hard earned cash to see people with radical ideologies at the theater!!! And even at home on TV there are actors that I feel opposed to soooooo much that I won't watch their work product no matter what.

I used to watch and ENJOY some of the famous, older mobster type movies. I thought and still believe that some of the acting in those movies was superb by a select group of actors/actresses. Not that they did an outstanding job in every single movie, tv show or stage performance but in many of them.

I got tired, angry and FED UP with MANY or most of the actors, singers, Holly-weird types and other assorted folks when they gave conservative people, gun owners and Christians a bad time. Especially since the last election and I was not even for Trump or HC! I liked Rand Paul and a few other candidates MORE.

I thought and always believed that if I did NOT like a specific actor (Or singer!) going OFF like a cra cra person on either side of the political spectrum especially when it comes to VERY specific things that I BELIEVE IN even though I CAN agree to disagree with people - they can go jump in a lake. I don't need to hear their TALK especially when they want to LUMP ALL conservatives, religious people and gun people into one BIG BALL of dung.

I can choose to IGNORE THEM, boycott them, turn it off, switch a station, make some telephone calls and write letters about them to a boob tube station or to some company and/or NOT BUY a movie even at a very REDUCED PRICE and on sale too.

We only have OTA reception... on purpose. We have NO Netflix or add on do dads. We do not go to movie houses. (I do MISS some of the NICE 99 cent rental places that are long gone now.)

ALL of the mobster movies and almost all of the other movies/tv shows including MANY classic movies went bye bye and were gifted to the library. Almost ALL of the war movies too.

Side note: We still have the original GODFATHER film with part 2 and part 3 in the super discounted set. It is the LAST mobster movie or movie set here in our home. We paid $10. for it at Walmart or Target many years ago. I do not care if that gets donated but if my husband wants to keep it and watch it once a year - it is up to him since he PAID for it not me.

The hypocrite actors who go on and on about FIREARMS and want more gun control crack me up when so many of them make their MONEY in firearm oriented movies and have PAID private and taxpayer paid security depending on WHERE they are going while they live in super high fenced estates! That goes for the politicians and other assorted famous people too!

Blessings to you and your wife.

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