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My ex tried to convince the court that I was a violent man and a danger to her and my kids. She could have won an academy award for her acting that day.
Judge listened to all the details, interrogated me, interrogated my GF, and at the end, declared, "there is no evidence of abuse here, Case Dismissed."
The slam of that gavel was a wonderful thing to hear.
For the next five years, she called child protective services on me every chance she could.
Yeah I saw that all too often too. I left the DA'a Ofc. after 10 yrs of stellar service because I was the wrong color and belonged to the wrong party. I was given a choice - resign or be fired. I then went to work for CPS as a Special Inv. for 5 years and the estrogen in that place was a killer. IF an anonymous person called the hotline, a social worker had to go to check. They took kids away from good parents and left kids with bad parents. I filed an OIG case on a caseworker and Supv. on a case where they placed the child in a home of a Reg. Sex Offender (I am not kidding). I tried to fix it going up the chain but no one listened. My case was substantiated and a few lost their job or were reassigned. I was persona non grata, they hated me there. I actually saw a shrink it was so stressful. 7 years in corporate America and I love it. I had another case where mom was on the run but she was in the choir of a well known mega church in Dallas. I wanted to go interview her at the church and my supervisor and his supervisor nixed it.

What I found is as you move from city to county to state, the asshattery is multiplied several times over. Never worked for the Feds but I have an Air Marshal buddy and the stories he tells are epic.
Yeah I saw that all too often too. I left the DA'a Ofc. after 10 yrs of stellar service because I was the wrong color and belonged to the wrong party. I was given a choice - resign or be fired. I then went to work for CPS as a Special Inv. for 5 years and the estrogen in that place was a killer. IF an anonymous person called the hotline, a social worker had to go to check. They took kids away from good parents and left kids with bad parents. I filed an OIG case on a caseworker and Supv. on a case where they placed the child in a home of a Reg. Sex Offender (I am not kidding). I tried to fix it going up the chain but no one listened. My case was substantiated and a few lost their job or were reassigned. I was persona non grata, they hated me there. I actually saw a shrink it was so stressful. 7 years in corporate America and I love it. I had another case where mom was on the run but she was in the choir of a well known mega church in Dallas. I wanted to go interview her at the church and my supervisor and his supervisor nixed it.

What I found is as you move from city to county to state, the asshattery is multiplied several times over. Never worked for the Feds but I have an Air Marshal buddy and the stories he tells are epic.
Thanks for fighting the good fight.
I did my 20 in Spec-Ops, one day I was at the top of the food chain, the next I was on a C-5 heading home, no real out processing, no wind down, no class's or counseling on what the civilian world was like after being away from it, nothing but a hand shake, a few beers with the dudes, and a plane ticket home, coach, and my last paycheck forwarded to the local ANG base! I had NO idea what to look forward to, no idea how things had changed, or how I would fit in with it, and most of what I ran into was NOT aligned with my moral compass or my sense of right and wrong! I got into A LOT of trouble right off the bat, I couldn't deal with anyone in any position of authority ( except for police) if you were some bureaucrat or functionary and especially if you had attitude, I was going to end up in jail for crushing skulls! It took me about a year to calm down, and longer still to adjust to being a civilian with "Rules" that neither made sense, or worse, some jackwagon telling me how it's going to be, but no authority to do so, YUP, I came REAL close to the Iron Bar Hotel a few times! Then there was the everyone wanting me to go to counseling like there was something wrong with me, like I was "The Problem" and not society as I saw and experienced it, NOPE, I refused, lest some arsehole with an agenda decide I was mentally un-fit for what ever!

I have NEVER raised my hand to my Wife ( or children) in an unloving manor, never yelled or spoke in anger to her, or about her, even if I had a reason, I knew it would all end in tears if I didn't keep it together. If I got to a point where I couldn't get out of my head, I went for a hike, it might be a day hike, I might be a week, but if I hadn't gone, I would have likely pushed past my limits!

All that is to say, I completely understand what my fellow vets are going through, I may not have experienced the same challenges they face, but I do understand the life and what it take from you, and I also know what you have to give for that life! I Make no excuses for my self, let alone others, only to say, I do understand it all, and if I can be of any help, i'm always willing to try!
When I got out I SWORE up and down that I'd never call ANYONE, "sir" again….

I got over it after a while, and now I use the term as a polite gesture, especially when I'm in southern states…. the ladies (of all ages) especially love it when you say, "ma'am", it's the genteel way.
When I got out I SWORE up and down that I'd never call ANYONE, "sir" again….

I got over it after a while, and now I use the term as a polite gesture, especially when I'm in southern states…. the ladies (of all ages) especially love it when you say, "ma'am", it's the genteel way.
Man, I say 'thank you sir' to the 20 year old kid at the register of the convenience's just a habit I can't get over
In regards to Mr. Glover...

I don't in I don't anything about the man or the situation to make a comment.

I do know that once your name hits the news / internet....everything about you , and about your situation will be :
Second guessed....
What if'd...What about...
By millions....many of whom will already have formed their idea / opinion / etc...
And will only seek to reaffirm that idea or opinion , no matter what actually happened.
ALL of you seem to have conveniently forgotten "Innocent until PROVEN Guilty in a court of law"
Well yeah but this ain't a court of law but rather the court of popular opinion. We all have one and some are more valid than others. One thing is for certain, talking about your case on a jail phone is no bueno.
In regards to Mr. Glover...

I don't in I don't anything about the man or the situation to make a comment.

I do know that once your name hits the news / internet....everything about you , and about your situation will be :
Second guessed....
What if'd...What about...
By millions....many of whom will already have formed their idea / opinion / etc...
And will only seek to reaffirm that idea or opinion , no matter what actually happened.
You forgot IDGAF'd by a few as well….. you already know what that means. ;)
I never saw the guy making the video as the sharpest tool in the tool box either. One thing about authorities, many people believe there is a, Bro, code.

I never met Glover but I hope everyone makes it out the other end ok. All involved. I walked away from a crazy one because I saw potential for an unhappy ending. I can't say who the crazy one is in this case. Maybe both.
I see this is going down the toilet…so before it goes any further, but then I can't stop it…some points to ponder…

First off, a frame of reference…anyone who's been on here very long knows he's been on my range presenting classes the last 4+ years. I am neither defending nor persecuting him.

Please check yourselves and check the appropriate boxes;

Have you met the man? More than once? Off the range, outside of a class?

How many conversations have you had with the man? More than one? In depth personal subjects?

How many have shared a meal with the man? If so, how many?

Invited him in to your residence? To your family?

Any here met Jessica?

I highly doubt anyone here knows what actually happened, myself included. I have neither reached out to him, or him to me…not my biz.

Given that…it's a sad he said/she said type of thing, which is magnified anytime children are involved.

There's a few "legal" documents floating around the net, possibly some here have read them…unknown if they are authentic.

Is she crazy? Don't know. Have there been past LE contacts at their residence? Don't know. Is she on meds? Don't know…and the same can be asked of him as well.

He has stated in the past, the last girlfriend who he has two children with was crazy as well. Is it true? Don't know. If it is, was she that way to begin with, or did he make her that way? Don't know. Did he make this current girlfriend involved in this incident crazy? Don't know. Did they all make each other crazy…don't know. Many questions, very few answers to be chucking rocks.

IF, and I say IF he broke down the bathroom door to stop a potential harm on herself or the child in question…then what? If it was to halt an assault…very good on him. Was it all done in anger…he needs to go down as anyone else should with such an incident.

My thoughts…hopefully the facts will come out with court proceedings, including medical records showing how the wrist injury occurred and in what context. Him being angry, or him stopping a potential assault on herself and/or the child.

Lastly, I hope all here would refrain from rock chucking on each other should one here get into a "sticky" situation, until all the facts are available.

As for future classes…not sure how many classes he's actually instructing, so that may or may not be a concern as for refunds. The last class on my range was a year ago, but he did not present it. There's two instructors that are what I would call extremely top tier types, Matt Vandy and David Acosta…both have been on my range, and both would still be welcomed here anytime…they are that good. If you are signed up to a Fieldcraft class with either of the two, don't jump ship…they are worth every penny.

Bottom line..I hope the children are not scarred by such an incident...good or bad...and no one truly knows anyone until they live with someone awhile.

I now return you to the regularly scheduled rock throwing tournament…
I simply could not agree more.

I've Met Mike... I'm going to let this pan out as due process will. He deserves that and much more.

DV is a bad gig but judging in the blind is not my gig. So manly variables in play.

I'll part here with this said, I am a staunch supporter of the blue and I won't talk to them if something goes down without my lawyer being there.
What was portrayed in that video makes the accused sound like a colossal dumbarse. Also, you have to be remarkably clumsy to break your wife's wrist while trying to protect your child - too clumsy, it would seem to me, to be an effective instructor in advanced handgun techniques.
Great lesson to not say a damn word to the boys and girls in blue without a lawyer... ever.... love the blue... ain't talking..
Don't know the man, watched some of his content on You Tube. Seems like a solid guy but I'll await more info.

It does seem he's had a target on his back for speaking his mind and training us average Joe's better skills.
He certainly does have that target on his back.. AMCON has been flagged by his old agency. This whole thing may well be a tragedy for him in more ways than one. I'll withhold any judgement until the investigation and/or trial is over.

Will NOT convict in the court of public opinion.

Lesson here I think we can all consider is this: Don't talk to the blue if your suspected of anything without your damn lawyer!!! I l8ves the blue and their service but I ain't talking to them if something goes down that I'm directly or indirectly associated.
I did my 20 in Spec-Ops, one day I was at the top of the food chain, the next I was on a C-5 heading home, no real out processing, no wind down, no class's or counseling on what the civilian world was like after being away from it, nothing but a hand shake, a few beers with the dudes, and a plane ticket home, coach, and my last paycheck forwarded to the local ANG base! I had NO idea what to look forward to, no idea how things had changed, or how I would fit in with it, and most of what I ran into was NOT aligned with my moral compass or my sense of right and wrong! I got into A LOT of trouble right off the bat, I couldn't deal with anyone in any position of authority ( except for police) if you were some bureaucrat or functionary and especially if you had attitude, I was going to end up in jail for crushing skulls! It took me about a year to calm down, and longer still to adjust to being a civilian with "Rules" that neither made sense, or worse, some jackwagon telling me how it's going to be, but no authority to do so, YUP, I came REAL close to the Iron Bar Hotel a few times! Then there was the everyone wanting me to go to counseling like there was something wrong with me, like I was "The Problem" and not society as I saw and experienced it, NOPE, I refused, lest some arsehole with an agenda decide I was mentally un-fit for what ever!

I have NEVER raised my hand to my Wife ( or children) in an unloving manor, never yelled or spoke in anger to her, or about her, even if I had a reason, I knew it would all end in tears if I didn't keep it together. If I got to a point where I couldn't get out of my head, I went for a hike, it might be a day hike, I might be a week, but if I hadn't gone, I would have likely pushed past my limits!

All that is to say, I completely understand what my fellow vets are going through, I may not have experienced the same challenges they face, but I do understand the life and what it take from you, and I also know what you have to give for that life! I Make no excuses for my self, let alone others, only to say, I do understand it all, and if I can be of any help, i'm always willing to try!
God Bless ya Brother. 🙏
Great lesson to not say a damn word to the boys and girls in blue without a lawyer... ever.... love the blue... ain't talking..
I am a big fan of the guy in the above video but when he posted, I disagreed with that. Yeah, no doubt I have bias. Police were coming to talk with him regardless, best to try to get ahead of it and Glover did. Now Glover screwed himself on the jail phone. Who here has attended Ayoobs LFI class? I have. Is that what Ayoobs says? Great class btw.
I also disagree where in the video he talks about police are there to look for evidence. Never did I answer a DV call with a priority of looking for evidence. I am trying to figure out what happened. If you tell me I am not saying anything without a lawyer, guess what, I am going to take what the other party says.
Do police always get it right? Nope, we are human but I got it right more than I got it wrong. I remember where a husband stated wifey hit him. Wife says nope a complete lie that he hit her. Now what do I do? No marks on anyone I can see but someone is going to jail. I go speak to the 6yr old and she tells me mommy hit daddy. She went to jail.
You'll do what you want but if you get involved in a shooting or 911 is called on a domestic, you really aren't doing yourself a favor by shutting up. Of course I assume TX policing is different than OR or WA policing so all my experience is TX based.

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