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I wondered how long it would take for info like this to start to come out. It was easy to see he sat around fantasizing about doing just what he did. This time he finally hit the big time. He wanted fame and attention? Well he will get both now. Sad that so many here have this same fantasy. Just have to hope those who do never get a chance to also show how it always ends. :(

Hopefully they will wise up when they grow up!
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I'm equally as sad that when a potential threat to society exists... so long as it isn't directed specifically at them... so many are perfectly content with other innocent men, women or children potentially dying. "Not their problem."

Even to go so far as to bash on and make derogatory comments about anyone that doesn't agree with their "not my problem" ideology.

Considering how rapidly society has degraded over the past few years though I can't really say it's any surprise. It really is so much easier moaning and groaning about societal decay behind a keyboard than actually taking any responsibility, if ever needed. I get it.:s0155:
I'm equally as sad that when a potential threat to society exists... so long as it isn't directed specifically at them... so many are perfectly content with other innocent men, women or children potentially dying. "Not their problem."

Even to go so far as to bash on and make derogatory comments about anyone that doesn't agree with their "not my problem" ideology.

Considering how rapidly society has degraded over the past few years though I can't really say it's any surprise. It really is so much easier moaning and groaning about societal decay behind a keyboard than actually taking any responsibility, if ever needed. I get it.:s0155:

If you see me in trouble with my life endanger... please keep your gun holstered and walk on by... your "HELP" is not wanted!

For everyone else, please do the right thing and call 911 for me... Thank you!
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3) The forum just destroyed the cop that shot the USAF Airman for having a gun in hand answering the door, and overwhelmingly agree the cop was not justified in shooting.
I agree, but there are variations. To note, these are not all my own beliefs, just a general recapping of how I perceive the differences in the overall tone of the discussions.

The Airman case... undoubtedly a bad shoot, but it was pointed out repeatedly that if the Airman hadn't been so stupid as to answer his door with his gun in his hand, he would still be alive. The Airman's stupidity was a major contributing factor in his own death.

This case... undoubtedly a bad shoot (everyone agrees), but this time the story goes... the kid was just walking across the parking lot with a toy, wasn't doing anything wrong/illegal, there was no proof he was underage, there was no proof or cause to presume they might be up to no good, and there was no reason for anyone to intervene. None of the teens actions contributed to the tragedy.

If the same type of arguments/logic would have been made in the Airman case... he was just a man sitting alone in his apartment. He didn't do anything wrong/illegal. There was no proof he was involved in any altercation. No-one witnessed anything and there was no proof or cause to believe that he had any ill intentions.

Again, applying the same conclusions being made in this case, there was no reason for a LEO to be knocking on his door.

But those arguments and conclusions weren't being made in the Airman case. To the contrary... the LEO was lawfully at his door, the Airman was stupid for having his firearm in his hand that greatly contributed to the bad shoot.

The lack of logical consistency is Interesting, hu(!?) 😁
If you see me in trouble with my life endanger... please keep your gun holstered and walk on by... your "HELP" is not wanted!
💯👍 I'll even do ya one better!
If you and your loved one get's hit I'll even let you guys bleed out!
"Not my problem" and I wouldn't want to risk a lawsuit from any of your surviving family members.:s0140:

He wanted fame and attention? Well he will get both now. Sad that so many here have this same fantasy.
This reminds me of a "superhero" movement just a few years ago here even locally. If there is anyone who fantasizes about the fame and attention is these guys?or do they really fantasize about it.?.. you be the judge.

Enter one "Guardian Shield"


f I intervene

that means somebody was down and nobody

was doing

nothing and I'm tired of that people are

soe happy but there's also a reason why

nobody gives a crap in this world and

people bad things happen and it's

This reminds me of a "superhero" movement just a few years ago here even locally. If there is anyone who fantasizes about the fame and attention is these guys?or do they really fantasize about it.?.. you be the judge.

Enter one "Guardian Shield"


f I intervene

that means somebody was down and nobody

was doing

nothing and I'm tired of that people are

soe happy but there's also a reason why

nobody gives a crap in this world and

people bad things happen and it's

Damn, that does look like I picture a few of the people here desperate to make excuses for this moron alright. :s0140:
Damn, that does look like I picture a few of the people here desperate to make excuses for this moron alright. :s0140:
At least you don't see "them" repeatedly disparaging fellow members of the NWFA community, calling them names and denigrating their character with multiple daily posts simply because some don't agree with them on every point, hu.

It's almost like being in grade school again. Ahhh... the memories! Go figger!:s0140:
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I have a feeling there's more to this story; so I won't judge at face value.
If you really want to join those trying to find anything to "save this guy" you can follow it free here:

As this moves through the courts the local news here will now and then post more updates on how this plays out. Anyone with a little bit of a brain and common sense already knows how this will shake out but, this source will let you follow free.

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