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Drink water...?
I only drink water to tease my liver...:eek: :D

Kidding here...
Keep the water handy...for both yourself and any four legged frends.
If you must do things like yard so in the morning or evening.
Check in on your neighbors...makes sure they are doing okay.

Oh and beer...lots of beer....:D
I'll take cold, gray, drizzly rain over heat any day. This is the next ten days in central cal where I spent part of my youth. These temps are the norm in summer

Fairly mild down here...dipping into the 80*s around 5:AM. :s0158:
Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 15.19.53.png
Don't forget to empty your pockets before hopping in the pool...
...luckily, I have others helping keep them empty.

Wishing everyone another weather forecaster faux pa for your Holiday Weekend.
Thrifty old man advice for the peoples with kiddos, a good old-fashioned water fight might cost less than fireworks. :s0160:

Edit to add... hope those fellers are able to get their sock rodent problems under control.
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Luckily I will be in Montana for the weekend, where there is no such thing as bad weather.
Yes there is, lots of it. Snow 4' deep and -30 on a warm winter day. Frost on every spring morning and monsoon rains in the afternoon. Sun, heat, thunder and lightning during the summer. Throw in the wildfires and it's bad. REAL bad. There's about two weeks of nice weather in the fall, but then winter hits again. I don't understand how any sane person could live here, but then again, nobody ever accused me of havin' all my marbles in the same sack.
Yes there is, lots of it. Snow 4' deep and -30 on a warm winter day. Frost on every spring morning and monsoon rains in the afternoon. Sun, heat, thunder and lightning during the summer. Throw in the wildfires and it's bad. REAL bad. There's about two weeks of nice weather in the fall, but then winter hits again. I don't understand how any sane person could live here, but then again, nobody ever accused me of havin' all my marbles in the same sack.
Nope, that is not bad weather. That is the proper weather for the given time.
Of course the 20yr old AC takes a dump. Full setup needed to replace the old style refrigerant. Breaks on the coolest day of the week so it will be down on the hottest.

First world problems, but it still won't stop the hot sweaty rollie eyes that will come later this week. I might have to break out the ol, wedding vows don't cover air conditioning.
We only have so much cooler space, I'm glad there's a store close to our campground. All this advice about hydrating with beer is something I'm taking VERY seriously!!! The Crownline boat can comfortably fit 12 persons and a proven 48 12oz cans! That includes two water toys and two doggies who love the water. Gonna be a great week! Heat, schmeat, bring it.

BTW, all this extra attention to the weather (normal people call it summer) is brought to you by the normally scheduled brain programmers. Yes, it's gets warm EVERY summer here, nothing new, nothing old. Has done this since before this place was settled.
We only have so much cooler space, I'm glad there's a store close to our campground. All this advice about hydrating with beer is something I'm taking VERY seriously!!! The Crownline boat can comfortably fit 12 persons and a proven 48 12oz cans! That includes two water toys and two doggies who love the water. Gonna be a great week! Heat, schmeat, bring it.

BTW, all this extra attention to the weather (normal people call it summer) is brought to you by the normally scheduled brain programmers. Yes, it's gets warm EVERY summer here, nothing new, nothing old. Has done this since before this place was settled.
What's the address of said lake ......... ;)
Yes there is, lots of it. Snow 4' deep and -30 on a warm winter day. Frost on every spring morning and monsoon rains in the afternoon. Sun, heat, thunder and lightning during the summer. Throw in the wildfires and it's bad. REAL bad. There's about two weeks of nice weather in the fall, but then winter hits again. I don't understand how any sane person could live here, but then again, nobody ever accused me of havin' all my marbles in the same sack.
If I lived in Montana, I would make it sound as bad as possible too. Especially to Californians. :)
What's the address of said lake ......... ;)
Let's just say I can smell Sweethome from the dock. It's actually our home lake but apparently I'm the only one who can pull a trailer. So, being only 35 min from home I'll tow the RV trailer, turn back and get the boat. We're mooring the boat so we don't have to deal with the mess at the boat ramp every day. You're welcome to join us, between the two boats we can seat 27 people. Only have 9 people going. We're in the red/white Crownline with open containers 😁
If I lived in Montana, I would make it sound as bad as possible too. Especially to Californians. :)
I didn't even mention the two bear species that will eat you, the cougars that will disembowel you, the wolves that'll eat you alive, and the bison that'll stomp a mudhole in your sorry self if you get off the path! And wind. OMG the wind up on the Highline is unreal. Cap all that off with the fact that you're sitting on the edge of what is likely the worlds largest volcano and it really is a damned unpleasant place!

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