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I'd be happier enduring the heat and not put up with the inevitable climate alarmism over a few hot days. Thank God someone invented beer and refrigerators so we can handle everyone who never took an elective science class in school that is now a climate expert telling me I have to eat bugs or we are all going to burn to death. This might even call for frozen vodka.
Stay safe and hydrated. And if there are older folks in one's family, check on them.
Yes, and don't forget your critters. I like to put ice in their outside water bowls when it's hot as well.

Also you can spray water on your roof to help cool the house by evaporation. It's an amazingly effective trick I learned from a neighbor that moved here from Texas.
I added some gallon water jugs to our freezers. They are pretty full right now I am really hoping the power stays on.

We are planning on eating microwaved or cold foods for a few days. Laundry is caught up. I am going to do my reloading stuff early in the morning. Exercise will be done even earlier in the morning. If I do make it to the range this weekend, I will be ready to start pulling the triggers by 8am.

I do not like heat.
I'm going to be on vacation at the lake with my family and some friends. We will probably suffer every day by swimming or tubing 😁. Luckily we got a full hookup site so our AC in the trailer will be working overtime.

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