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You ever wonder what became of this galvanized tub?

Everyday objects with a dark past can be ruminative.
A new video from the British historian. I'm not a superstitious type, but I would not wish to personally own such a pistol. But the history is interesting.

I wouldn't want to own any Nazi relic. Don't know why people collect that stuff. Why would you want symbols of hate and evil in your home? I'd rather have USA relics that fought against such. Wasn't hkmmler a pig farmer? Then after the war he was a shoe salesman or something like that. The great Nazi race Pah! Evil people who manipulate others to thinking they are personally great.

Agree it's interesting though. He has one on Hitler's pistols also.

Was watching documentary on French resistance. They would go on city patrols and if they found a lone German would kill him and take his papers and weapons. France had huge communist population but Moscow said do not resist because Soviet Union was allied with Germany. But then after Hitler invaded Russia the resistance became huge because all the communists got the ok from Moscow.
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If I had the money, such as Powerball money, I would own a small personal museum of just this sort of thing. Infamous weapons or weapons owned by infamous people.
History is just a record of past events.

With that said...
If Germany had won the war....
Someone might be saying of a Colt 1911A1 :
Why would someone want that..? it is symbol of evil..."

And with that said...
I understand that some folks don't like or want to own Third Reich items...and that is fine...
As is some folks wanting to own the same.

Personally ...
I'd take one Himmler's pistols in heartbeat...
Then trade or sell it off , for something that I have far more interest in.
I wouldn't want to own any Nazi relic. Don't know why people collect that stuff. Why would you want symbols of hate and evil in your home? I'd rather have USA relics that fought against such...
Yup, feel the same.

That stuff shouldn't be destroyed tho. Should be in holocaust museums or some such / museums showing the atrocities associated with such regimes.

Destroying history just makes it that much easier to repeat.

If one has an individual interest in Axis historical military uniforms, can still do such without the swastikas, SS & hate crap. I would think.
Just remember Eisenhower had more men murdered than Himmler. But to the victor the spoils. Read up on Eisenhower death camps. Neither side was right an both sides committed war crimes.
Just remember Eisenhower had more men murdered than Himmler. But to the victor the spoils. Read up on Eisenhower death camps. Neither side was right an both sides committed war crimes.
3,000-6,000 POW deaths (Eisenhower) vs Millions exterminated (Himmler).

Your statement simply doesn't make sense.

As a courtesy, I will write this in the open forum: Holocaust denial is racism.

Do not test this.
The book which put forth this claim...Other James Bacque has been debunked.

While I am not a professional historian...I do have a bit of experience in historical research...
Having read that book...I found that it pushed an agenda and cherry picked data ...
As well as ignoring data that did not back up the writer's claims...
And took much data / quotes and the like out of context.
Personally know Wernher von Braun's daughter and got
to shoot his Winchester 94 .30-30.
It was given to him from his biographer who had it
engraved: To Wernher on his Birthday, March 23.

Can't remember the year of the gift.
I was a professional historian, and that "Eisenhower killed more than Himmler" or "Stalin killed more than Hitler" is just BS and usually mental gymnastics to support racism or some other ignorance. Lawyers call it argumentum ad absurdism.
History is just a record of past events.

With that said...
If Germany had won the war....
Someone might be saying of a Colt 1911A1 :
Why would someone want that..? it is symbol of evil..."

And with that said...
I understand that some folks don't like or want to own Third Reich items...and that is fine...
As is some folks wanting to own the same.

Personally ...
I'd take one Himmler's pistols in heartbeat...
Then trade or sell it off , for something that I have far more interest in.

Hookers and blow! :s0115:

OK, not really. :oops:
I wouldn't want to own any Nazi relic. Don't know why people collect that stuff. Why would you want symbols of hate and evil in your home? I'd rather have USA relics that fought against such. Wasn't hkmmler a pig farmer? Then after the war he was a shoe salesman or something like that. The great Nazi race Pah! Evil people who manipulate others to thinking they are personally great.

Agree it's interesting though. He has one on Hitler's pistols also.

Was watching documentary on French resistance. They would go on city patrols and if they found a lone German would kill him and take his papers and weapons. France had huge communist population but Moscow said do not resist because Soviet Union was allied with Germany. But then after Hitler invaded Russia the resistance became huge because all the communists got the ok from Moscow.
Himmler killed himself at the end of the war after he was captured.
Wow. I have one of those .25's. It originally belonged to my Grandfather. In the mid 60's he worked at a bar he owned and after a couple times being stabbed Grandma told him either arm himself, sell the bar, or no longer work it. He bought that pistol. Used to keep it on a shelf in the kitchen. I many a time saw him drop it in his pocket as he would kiss Grandma goodby and head off to work. The writing on the pistol is in German and I never bothered to try to find out anything about it.
Shane : A gun is a tool, Marian; no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that.

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