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I have lived in the Auburn/Sumner area for many, many years, and grew up on a small farm near Sumner. My folks moved here in 1968 so my dad could take a job with Boeing. I've done the Forest Service road thing all over the state from Yakima to Forks. Done much camping in these areas, and Greenwater used to be one of my favorite spots because it's close and convenient.

I quit going up to the Greenwater area for a few reasons. (And there is something you should know about the Forest Service rangers who cover that area out of the nearby town of Enumclaw.)

1) In the last ten years or so, there has been an increase in drug-making activity up there. If you reach a dead-end turn-around on some old spur, and see plastic tubing, discarded propane tanks, etc lying around, it means someone was making meth there. If anyone is there when you pull up, stuff it in reverse and get the hell out of there. These people are totally nuts, and since if they get caught they can get more time in jail than for shooting someone, they sometimes shoot first and ask questions later.

2) There has been a proliferation of underage teens stealing cars and taking them up in that area on the Forest Service roads. Sometimes they bring guns and shoot up the cars they steal, or push them down any convenient canyon for laughs. I personally witnessed a group of teens who did this while I was camping above them. They were about a half mile away, and down from me. The car they shot up and dumped was a near-new Escalade. Wasn't anything I could do about it. I was alone up there on this camping trip and they were pretty well armed. I had to settle for watching these jerks through binoculars. But this sort of thing is forcing the US Forest Service rangers into being more militant.

3) You should expect these days that SOMETIMES...these rangers if they see you using a shooting pit up there, are going to ask you for ID and run your name to see if you are on the Washington State Bad List. One of the rangers told me that a retroactive law passed back in 1996 says that ANYONE who was EVER convicted of a felony in WA state and did not specifically go to court to get gun rights restored can now be arrested and their weapons confiscated. And they are sometimes doing that to people now. You see...years ago when people got a felony here, you got your gun and voting rights, all that stuff restored when you got off parole. If you were good with the Feds, who recognize this by the were no longer good with the state. So you can conceivably pass the background check on a Federal level, thinking you are okay to own a gun...and still buy that gun without problems. But...if you get CAUGHT with that gun in WA you are NOT legal now. A more BS law I have never heard of, but there it is. The bad part is they made it retroactive, so you could be out there and not even know you are suddenly not legal. You could go like that for years, until some cop or ranger checks you out. Pretty unfair, huh? However....under those circumstances you are still okay according to the Feds, or any other state for that matter. Such baloney. If this describes YOUR situation, unless you've been in a lot of trouble lately...then it is a rubber-stamp approval at the courthouse where you got your original felony. Costs $1,400 or so with the lawyer, and I have a couple of friends who had to do that. One guy got in trouble clear back in 1980, was released from parole in 1985...buying and shooting guns no problem for many years...and then some Forest Ranger runs him in 2005 and BIG SURPRISE. Even the ranger said it wasn't fair, but the ranger took his guns and he was charged with Illegal Possession of a Weapon and had to go to court. No jail time, but he had to pay the $1,400 later and get restored.

4) Basically, since I-90 corridor areas and Greenwater area are about the closest outdoor shooting spots to Seattle and South King County, more crap has been going on up there...and as a result the rangers and the cops are cracking down. So watch out. There have also been problems with people shooting up the logging equipment at night, etc...costing the logging companies thousands of dollars. It just sucks how a few people can ruin things in an area.

Where do I go today? The Forest Service roads along Highway 101, on the Hood Canal side of the Olympic Peninsula...still lots of Forest Service access up there, and generally you will meet very nice folks, not druggies or crazies. I go there now, not Greenwater or the 90 corridor.
Hey THANK YOU very much for the good info and conscientious post.
I will heed your advice, i too am looking for "respectable places to shoot"
I cant remember where, it was when i was a teen but i went shooting with my brother and friends and when we got to the spot we all went to four corners to relieve ourselves and one friend said "hey theres a six pack sitting here" or something to that affect. Well that was cue for about 4-5 mexicans hiding in the bushes to pop up and suddenly introduce themselves.

Nothing to see here. Just your friendly neighbors with obvious reasons to avoid authority's. All shooting some "gangster" style pos semi auto.

Wasn't a good situation and one i dont want to repeat anytime soon.
Wood kinda freak me out ever since then. I always make sure i have a loaded gun when heading down the roads. Usually one that means ALOT of business. Im looking for shooting spots to test out a 460 rowland build im finishing soon..

And as to your point of ID. well lately im leaving it at home. Incase i get jumped etc. I have my # memorized they can run it if they want. I just dont want to get eaves dropped on and then have them head to the house too!
Authorities need to realize this is just the way things should be nowadays, we gotta protect ourselves too!
Is this place open? I want to test out my automatic clay pigeon thrower. Too heavy to carry it through the parking spot to the range at Triangle pit.
Nice! Sounds like me and you would get along pretty well ;)
I too am looking for some closer spots. I know a couple really good ones but man they are far!

One in skykomish way up north. The other is my really old spot out by mnt rainier. That spot wont even be open till probably mid July due to snow. But man you wouldn't believe the view! But i havent been there in 3-4 years probably.
The biting flies are pretty bad up there sometimes during summer.
Nice! Sounds like me and you would get along pretty well ;)
I too am looking for some closer spots. I know a couple really good ones but man they are far!

One in skykomish way up north. The other is my really old spot out by mnt rainier. That spot wont even be open till probably mid July due to snow. But man you wouldn't believe the view! But i havent been there in 3-4 years probably.
The biting flies are pretty bad up there sometimes during summer.
If you think you will find your way to Triangle Pit, let me know, it is my frequented shooting spot.
FatBoy85 posted a new review on the resource Greenwater Shooting Pit
  • People began walking behind trees that were still extremely close to the firing line.
  • Lots of substance use
  • Evidence of alcohol
  • Hard to clean up/much of the area has been littered

You left one out..............LEO's watch that area like the Mexican boarder. I have lived in Western Washington since the mid 60's. I grew up in Federal Way and I have never been to that area to shoot ever for the reasons stated above. The Cascade Mountains cover a much larger area and there are much safer and much nicer places to shoot in the mountains. IMO, the Greenwater pit is like a shooting stadium that has many LEO spectators watching the players.
  • People began walking behind trees that were still extremely close to the firing line.
  • Lots of substance use
  • Evidence of alcohol
  • Hard to clean up/much of the area has been littered

You left one out..............LEO's watch that area like the Mexican boarder. I have lived in Western Washington since the mid 60's. I grew up in Federal Way and I have never been to that area to shoot ever for the reasons stated above. The Cascade Mountains cover a much larger area and there are much safer and much nicer places to shoot in the mountains. IMO, the Greenwater pit is like a shooting stadium that has many LEO spectators watching the players.
If I've been there a handful of times and never saw a LEO there. That being said it was never obvious. Thanks for your reply, I'll have to find those areas that will be more sufficient in shooting and closer by.
If I've been there a handful of times and never saw a LEO there. That being said it was never obvious. Thanks for your reply, I'll have to find those areas that will be more sufficient in shooting and closer by.
Thanks for the report, Fatboy. Sad that crap happens. That pit is the closest place to shoot and most people stop there. I'd say go deeper to the 72 rock pit, FSR 7200 (47.070125, -121.521158) or even up to the F.S. 70 Spur 250 (47.090048, -121.421938). The jerks don't want to put forth the effort to go deeper, so you may find a better experience further in.

Other places are on the Home page of Trash No Land's website:

Thanks for the report, Fatboy. Sad that crap happens. That pit is the closest place to shoot and most people stop there. I'd say go deeper to the 72 rock pit, FSR 7200 (47.070125, -121.521158) or even up to the F.S. 70 Spur 250 (47.090048, -121.421938). The jerks don't want to put forth the effort to go deeper, so you may find a better experience further in.

Other places are on the Home page of Trash No Land's website:

Thanks Bill, I just wanted to have a safe and respectful
I just wanted to have a safe and respectful

Yeah, don't we all!

I'd like to make an effort to raise awareness of responsible shooting and stewardship at the Greenwater Pit. I realize it may be a lost cause, but if we can get more responsible shooters involved in the effort, perhaps it will begin to make a difference. When we do a cleanup, we get the forest agency and law enforcement involved. Our morning safety briefing includes talk about what goes on and what we can do to improve things.

Typically, there may be several things we can do to improve public safety, but, the agency doesn't seem to want to do anything. These improvements are simple (common sense) things like designating (establishing) a firing line, that makes it obvious as to where you set up to shoot. Shuffle some dirt around to make an obvious backstop that will assure no rounds leave the range. Remove hazardous materials, like rocks, stumps and logs to prevent ricochet and potential fires. Make it look like a shooting range with a well defined line of fire. Put up a kiosk sign that has a map of the shooting lane and the no shooting areas (also include the rules).

Outside of that, we need more responsible shooters who do it right and make others aware of the importance of compliance so we can keep it open and preserve it for future generations.

But then again, we're dealing with people who were not raised with the basic understanding of what moral and ethical common sense is. So, it's a tough nut to crack. My hope is, eventually, we'll set a standard that all will know and most will adhere to.
If I've been there a handful of times and never saw a LEO there. That being said it was never obvious. Thanks for your reply, I'll have to find those areas that will be more sufficient in shooting and closer by.
and you will not see any LEOs unless they want you to see them. They are not going to set up a booth with an easy-up.
and you will not see any LEOs unless they want you to see them. They are not going to set up a booth with an easy-up.
True. But they will join us if we put one up! I've done that several times, near a shooting site, and handed out information about responsible shooting. The LEO's do visit and hang a while. We talk to a lot of shooters, hand out flyers, free ear plugs, paper targets, a hot cup of coffee and encourage people to help save our good places to shoot. We even offer to dispose of the trash if they will bring back a bag or two (that we give them).

But yeah, they won't go do that stuff on their own. Probably because no one would bother to stop and chat with an LEO, but will chat with a shooter organization. That's where we can connect with others and start their brains ticking.
Yeah, don't we all!

I'd like to make an effort to raise awareness of responsible shooting and stewardship at the Greenwater Pit. I realize it may be a lost cause, but if we can get more responsible shooters involved in the effort, perhaps it will begin to make a difference. When we do a cleanup, we get the forest agency and law enforcement involved. Our morning safety briefing includes talk about what goes on and what we can do to improve things.

Typically, there may be several things we can do to improve public safety, but, the agency doesn't seem to want to do anything. These improvements are simple (common sense) things like designating (establishing) a firing line, that makes it obvious as to where you set up to shoot. Shuffle some dirt around to make an obvious backstop that will assure no rounds leave the range. Remove hazardous materials, like rocks, stumps and logs to prevent ricochet and potential fires. Make it look like a shooting range with a well defined line of fire. Put up a kiosk sign that has a map of the shooting lane and the no shooting areas (also include the rules).

Outside of that, we need more responsible shooters who do it right and make others aware of the importance of compliance so we can keep it open and preserve it for future generations.

But then again, we're dealing with people who were not raised with the basic understanding of what moral and ethical common sense is. So, it's a tough nut to crack. My hope is, eventually, we'll set a standard that all will know and most will adhere to.
Sorry I cut my message off a bit sooner than I like and then I got busy so the message is gone. But count me in. I've been an acute supporter in conservation for fish and wildlife. Remembering that to keep it for my daughter, I've gotta do the right thing first and keep the habit up. Next time I plan to make sure my shells are picked up. I usually pack my stuff in and out and I have taken the big garbage bag out there to secure trash that was not mine.

I'll be honest that I left pallets there the last time I went. It was that bad to just let me leave what was mine there because it was an obvious disregard for safety. I call myself out for that. I don't aim to do it again. But aim to teach others about the same code of conduct.

Anyways if you prefer to PM me about this that could be a front for the push to at least get this undertaking initiated, by all means let me know. Thanks for hearing me out.

Anyways if you prefer to PM me about this that could be a front for the push to at least get this undertaking initiated, by all means let me know. Thanks for hearing me out.

Will do, however, it may be a while before I can turn my attention to that (I've got too much on my plate to take on another project right now, but will be freed up soon.).

Thanks, Ben. Chat later!

Has anyone been up here recently, the last part of June? I'm just wondering what areas might be open, considering the hot and dry period we're going through.
Has anyone been up here recently, the last part of June? I'm just wondering what areas might be open, considering the hot and dry period we're going through.
Greenwater is a LEO trap! Stay the hell away from there. Plenty of other places in the Cascades to shoot without any LEO's watching.
It's good to hear LEO's are up there often. I hope they catch some of the BS that happens there. If you're a responsible shooter, and make the effort to learn the rules and follow them, you won't have a problem with the law. Wish Law Enforcement would frequent other places more often. Perhaps people would start getting with the program and treat our sport with respect.
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