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All the sniveling about the Glock conversions just illustrates how outrageously stupid these laws, and more importantly, the people who write them are. The Hughes amendment prevented law abiding citizens from filing Form 1s and legally making such a conversion. It did nothing for the criminal element to violate the law. And yet shrill calls for "there should be a law!" Wah. :rolleyes:
Someone *coughs CRS coughs* should directly challenge the ATF, DOJ, and Congress in Fed civil Court on the constitutionality of the Hughes Amendment of the FOPA, particularly given the proliferation of these switches, and designs, and given that civilian LE depts can have "post sample" MGs and tax-exempt NFA items :rolleyes:
Mr. Leon ,
You can not control others.....what they choose to do with your on them...not you.
Any harm done by users of your invention...was done by their choice. and their actions..not yours.

In any event...
From personal experience...while full auto fire can be useful at times...
To be blunt...only hits matter.
So....while lots of bullets shot at a time can seemingly mean more chances of a hit...the shooter still needs to aim and be a good shot.

In any event...
It is the criminal here who is the problem...not the device or firearm.
From personal experience...while full auto fire can be useful at times...
To be blunt...only hits matter.
So....while lots of bullets shot at a time can seemingly mean more chances of a hit...the shooter still needs to aim and be a good shot.
Aimed fire is more effective than spray & pray, if your goal is to hit specific targets.

But if a group of people are bunched together, full auto might injure more innocent bystanders - although, it might not. I think it increases the chance of unintended targets being hit due to poor weapon control.

Either way, antigunners are trying to make a big deal out of this, hoping for knock on effects; more gun control sentiment and laws, maybe even sue Glock for the "flaw" in the design of the pistol, cause a recall, or have the ATF restrict further production/sales in the USA because of the ease of converting it to full auto (unlikely to happen since there are so many Glocks in private hands - probably the most popular semi-auto handgun in the USA).
Aimed fire is more effective than spray & pray, if your goal is to hit specific targets.

But if a group of people are bunched together, full auto might injure more innocent bystanders - although, it might not. I think it increases the chance of unintended targets being hit due to poor weapon control.

Either way, antigunners are trying to make a big deal out of this, hoping for knock on effects; more gun control sentiment and laws, maybe even sue Glock for the "flaw" in the design of the pistol, cause a recall, or have the ATF restrict further production/sales in the USA because of the ease of converting it to full auto (unlikely to happen since there are so many Glocks in private hands - probably the most popular semi-auto handgun in the USA).
Having experienced incoming full auto fire from shoulder fired firearms and crew served weapons...
I still say that only hits matter.*
Also I am here to tell the tale...and many of the above are not...due to my shooting and willingness to do so....
Mostly with semi auto fire from my rifle.

I am not arguing against what might happen...since again...I am only concerned with what happened.

Howeer i do agree with you that anti gunners and folks who don't know anything about firearms...
Make a big deal out of full auto fire.

* Suppressing fire is another matter....

Edit to add...
None of the above truly matters...

Since it is still a crime and criminal problem...not a firearm , type of firearm or device problem.
Last Edited:
Is his hindsight of regret from uncontrolled use by deviants, or pressure and threats from the antigun zealots?
Nylons stockings were once used to obscure the face of criminal activities, should the inventor chastise themselves over the misuse of their creation?
Seems unsolicited, unvetted, uncontrolled public opinion is more a threat to our society then any physical invention.
Perhaps it would be feasible to start a new trend where the crims will tightly wrap ones head with a plastic bag.

The inventor of the plastic shopping bag can then come out of the woodwork and take great pride in solving the crime plague.

The inventers will cancel each other out and the universe will be rebalanced.

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