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EDC? Three: Victorinox Classic SD in front pocket gets the most use. Kershaw Cryo in jeans watch pocket for larger tasks. Leatherman Wingman in pouch on belt for use of stronger screwdrivers, pliers, etc. Works for me!
I like the Cryo series and own both - nice knives, I've just never put them into rotation so they sure in my knife case.
Regarding a previous post about Benchmade destroying some guns.

Yeah, it upset a lot of people, me included.
But before you "get on your high horse" take a good look around your house.
Most everything you have has probably been made by some company that donates millions of dollars to the politicians that are against firearms.
And what wasn't made by one of those companies probably came from the Commies.
But mention Benchmade, (a little operation that wouldn't hardly fill a Texas barn,) and people get all bent out of shape with this "Holier than thou" attitude.
Regarding a previous post about Benchmade destroying some guns.

Yeah, it upset a lot of people, me included.
But before you "get on your high horse" take a good look around your house.
Most everything you have has probably been made by some company that donates millions of dollars to the politicians that are against firearms.
And what wasn't made by one of those companies probably came from the Commies.
But mention Benchmade, (a little operation that wouldn't hardly fill a Texas barn,) and people get all bent out of shape with this "Holier than thou" attitude.

I can't say for everyone but for me at least, big part of the issue is that they are a small local business that decided to basically participate in an Anti 2nd Amendment PR stunt.

Unfortunately a large chunk of loyal customers happen to be pro 2nd Amendment.

I have a couple of their knives. All bought 2nd hand. Do I think they are great knives - yes. Do I think they are so good that they are worth what they are priced as - no.

I don't think making a decision to boycott a business is getting on your high horse. I think it is a conscious decision to not spend your money supporting a company based on things they decided to participate in.

Benchmade isn't the only company I avoid supporting and I am sure there are company's that I unknowingly give my income to that are anti 2nd amendment as well as sometimes there just are not any viable options.

Benchmade made their bed for the folks that did not appreciate their pandering but those folks have the right to do with their dollars as they choose.

I didn't see anyone bashing people that do decide to buy their gear - it's their prerogative to do as they please.

It's a fun thread, let's please keep it that way. I'm sure with very little searching that you can find the original threads discussing Benchmade and their gun chopping stunt to voice your opinions in if you really need to get it out.

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