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Whippersnappers all.

I lived in Lakewood long enough ago to remember "The Circus Store" when it actually had a Gorilla in a cage inside the store, and the huge unfenced Peat Bog almost right next to James Sales Elementary School.

Since then, I have desperately tried to avoid living in a city at all.
My son-in-law, 4th generation in a family-owned business in Tacoma, calls it the armpit of Washington. The business has bought two properties outside the city limits and will move the warehouse, vehicles, offices, etc. to get away from weekly break-ins, homeless taking a dump on their front steps, vehicle theft while employees are on the job, etc. That said, the city, on the whole, has improved since UW established a campus downtown.

Daughter and son-in-law live on the southside. One of their neighbors was shot to death on the sidewalk next to their house after making the wrong drunken remark to people at a party three houses away. My daughter came into the kitchen and asked me and the son-in-law to check on a guy laying on the sidewalk. He was unresponsive, but when I rolled him over there was two contact wounds in the center chest. Fluttery pulse, but I knew he wasn't going to make it. Gave strong chest compressions until the ambulance and police arrived. Shooter was caught a couple days later.
As sadly always happens with blue gov. They run off the people paying taxes then when they run out of money they blame people who have nothing to do with it. Then ask to be elected again to fix the mess. King Co got talked into getting rid of an elected Sheriff. Boy are they finding out how fun getting what you ask for is now. :s0140:
Whippersnappers all.

I lived in Lakewood long enough ago to remember "The Circus Store" when it actually had a Gorilla in a cage inside the store, and the huge unfenced Peat Bog almost right next to James Sales Elementary School.

Since then, I have desperately tried to avoid living in a city at all.
Used to love going to see Ivan. That building is still BARELY standing. Its a dilapidated out of code mess but city will not shut it down. Every time they try people who own it scream race is the reason and the city backs off. Fully expect one day there will be a major fire or failure of the structure. Then of course if anyone is killed they will run out and sue :s0092:
All I will say is that it's all about perspective.

Easy for anyone to say that a particular city is horrible if it's the only city in which they've ever lived... or they've never lived there, and formed their opinion based solely on the judgments of others who've never lived there, either...

Is Tacoma really one of the "top three cities in the USA" because CNN said so? Not by any measure I'd ever use. But there's a lot of way worse places to live in every state, and I know plenty of folks who've been lifelong Tacoma residents that feel they've got a pretty good quality of life.

Anything negative that's happening in Tacoma is also happening in every other city of comparable size throughout the country.
I went to Seattle one time back in about 2014 or so to a 49er club near Old Town to watch the 9ers take on the Seahags. We went to Old Town and I went to a pub where I was served fried chicken strips that were ice cold in the middle. They eventually got the order right, but the waitress was a snob.

Saw more homelessness there and run-down infrastructure than I have ever seen in any other state I've been to. It was quite shocking.

I won't be back again any time soon. Nothing nice to say about that place. One star rating.
Granted I haven't been to Tacoma in five years, but I used to go to the West Rock paper mill a couple times a year for five years. I forget who owned it when I first started going there ten years ago.
Good food was available downtown, but you could tell it was a city that was struggling for survival.
Every hotel I stayed at had armed guards, from Hilton on down.
I honestly don't get all the Tacoma hate. But then, I'm originally from Detroit, and still get sick of all the people talking **** about the city who've never spent even one day there.
Growing up in Detroit teaches you a thing or two about watching your back.
Six Mile and Livernois, which was relatively safe compared to other neighborhoods where my friends lived.

Anything negative that's happening in Tacoma is also happening in every other city of comparable size throughout the country.
True. I've visited small towns that had a much worse feeling about them.

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