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Americans choosing.

This is the same REI whose CEO decided not to carry products from companies who did business in gun products even though the products they were selling through REI had nothing to do with guns.


Man, if I'd seen that guy walking through Cabella's with his piece of cardboard and selfie stick, I'd have gone "What an ahole." :s0140:
I only go into Cabela's to look at gun stuff. They're not the worst and far from the best for that. Buying a gun there consumes a lot of time.

Having said the above, I can say that I've been in an REI store a couple of times years ago, not going back. The guy in the video is correct, the difference in clientele is noticeable.

The video guy said, about Cabela's, "Smells like USA in here." I don't know about that. I've never been to China, but judging by all the plastic consumer goods that come out of that country, I'd guess Cabela's smells more like China.
Cant say I heard anything true in that rant. REI does not cater to the wealthy any more than overpriced Cabelas. Anyone participating in the outdoor recreation lifestyle has some money to spend, but of all the outdoor pursuits hiking and backpacking alone has to be one of the cheapest to get set up in.
REI house brand caters specifically to entry level prices, and cranks out some quality hiking and backpacking gear at affordable prices.

We can talk about what social movements each store supports and the people that shop there but who cares. If you want hiking gear go to REI. If you want hunting gear go to Cabelas.
We can argue REI stopped supporting camelback over gun rights, but Cabelas sells The North Face products which is woke AF. As long as they sell TNF, Cabelas isn't the conservative company it makes itself out to be.
Cant say I heard anything true in that rant. REI does not cater to the wealthy any more than overpriced Cabelas. Anyone participating in the outdoor recreation lifestyle has some money to spend, but of all the outdoor pursuits hiking and backpacking alone has to be one of the cheapest to get set up in.
REI house brand caters specifically to entry level prices, and cranks out some quality hiking and backpacking gear at affordable prices.

We can talk about what social movements each store supports and the people that shop there but who cares. If you want hiking gear go to REI. If you want hunting gear go to Cabelas.
We can argue REI stopped supporting camelback over gun rights, but Cabelas sells The North Face products which is woke AF. As long as they sell TNF, Cabelas isn't the conservative company it makes itself out to be.

I didn't listen to much of the video, but I can tell you from my experience that the fundamental difference between REI and Cabela's is that REI focusses on city people. They both seem overpriced to me, with REI being moreso, from what I can recall.
We can talk about what social movements each store supports and the people that shop there but who cares. If you want hiking gear go to REI. If you want hunting gear go to Cabelas.
We can argue REI stopped supporting camelback over gun rights, but Cabelas sells The North Face products which is woke AF. As long as they sell TNF, Cabelas isn't the conservative company it makes itself out to be.
The difference is that Cabelas isn't taking away my choice.
They both seem overpriced to me, with REI being moreso, from what I can recall.
This is my view as well. With Cabela's, they send out lots of coupons/discounts for purchases over $X amount. If one watches for sales and uses coupons, you can actually get decent deals. Honestly though, I've quit using my Cabela's branded VISA where you build up money to spend at Cabela's and moved to a simple cash-back card.

Maybe REI has something similar, but I'm not hooked up to their network. I know the few times I've gone into the store, the prices were so laughable I didn't stick around long.
The perspectives are interesting because ive found good deals at both stores, likewise both stores sell way overpriced items, i see this equally . Both stores offer a store visa with cash rewards that work the same. I cant recall if Cabelas lets you cash but but I've done it with the REI card.

REI has always catered to the hiking, skiing and mountaineering community, Cabelas has the hunting, fishing community. The overlap in items sold is there but different groups focus on what they need so everything else mayby seems overpriced.
About 25 years ago I was big into rock climbing. REI was my go to store for equipment. I loved that place. I was like a kid in a candy store with all the latest ropes and climbing equipment.

After I retired in '13 I haven't been back to one since, but I would still shop there if one was close enough I didn't have to plan a day trip to get too.
About 25 years ago I was big into rock climbing. REI was my go to store for equipment. I loved that place. I was like a kid in a candy store with all the latest ropes and climbing equipment.

After I retired in '13 I haven't been back to one since, but I would still shop there if one was close enough I didn't have to plan a day trip to get too.
I used to shop at REI for back country hiking/camping gear. There was no Cabelas within 1000 miles at that time. Gear was expensive, but niche. You couldn't get that type of gear at a regular sporting goods store. Still, the typical REI shopper at the time was either hardcore outdoorsmen or rich posers. REI is a coop by the way.
"...shooting a dear and, pfbbrt... putting its head on a wall..."

I made it to 1:15... and I'm proud of me today. Thats one minute and fifteen seconds of patience I showed someone with no clue about what they're saying... 🙌

What a d-bag. Somebody get this tool a happy meal and take his damn camera away...
The choice of buying a relevant product regardless of the manufacturer's politics. Isn't that what you meant when you mentioned Camelbak ?
Ah, got it now.
I mentioned camelback as a comparison...

Its true REI took away your Camelback choice, at their store. But its also true that Cabelas selling The North Face is financially supporting a company thats doing more than just supporting gun control. Why arent we boycotting Cabelas?

Is there a store anywhere that sells everything we want or need that only supports politics and social movements that conservatives do?
Cabelas/Bass and REI...

They both seem overpriced to me, with REI being moreso, from what I can recall.
Cabela's used to regularly have some good deals. It was worth it having their card and shopping there. Then Bass Pro moved in and basically destroyed that.
There is a reason people drop the B from their name. I visit every so often since I have one close to me but rarely if ever buy anything as the prices are just to extreme. Think I have bought maybe 3 items over the last 2-3 years. One was too good a sale to pass up. One other was to use up some reward points on something small.

One thing Cabela's can be good for is if you want to see something before purchasing from somewhere more affordable. It's a good store to go have a look see.

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