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Good video dealing with an often overlooked topic...what should your spouse/family say to the police after a defensive shooting. Note that the time to discuss this is BEFORE a shooting happens and not during/after.

Basically the same rules for the shooter apply to the rest of the family... a very brief statement like, "that guy broke into our house and my husband/daddy defended us. I will cooperate fully and give a complete statement, but I'm too shaken up right now and would like to speak to my attorney first." And then shut up.

Sandwich, huh? Lmao!

While I guess its great they have video like this it most likely is worthless. Shoot someone? After the Police read your rights you say Lawyer. Almost no one seems to be able to do this.:s0092:
So shoot someone and other family member see it? They to should say Lawyer. None of them will so moot point sadly. :(
Jesus fat white Albert and blondie slim are bubbleguming irritating. I can't take 30 seconds of them.
Have to agree. I watched one video of theirs and about half way in turned it off. I like the OPs topic though cuz it's something we've talked about. Video is an important job if they are in a safe place/family is safe. After that "life was in danger, I want him arrested, I would like to talk to you more but I can't until I talk with my attorney" no matter if shooter or spouse.

Every single thing I've been involved with including car accidents the other party lies and video makes it clear you are the one telling the truth.

Every. Single. Time.

The scum that does the deed will lie. Take it to the bank. With video the truth comes literally in seconds and there are no questions after that. Nowadays having video is one of the best things you can do for after the fact.
Have to agree. I watched one video of theirs and about half way in turned it off. I like the OPs topic though cuz it's something we've talked about. Video is an important job if they are in a safe place/family is safe. After that "life was in danger, I want him arrested, I would like to talk to you more but I can't until I talk with my attorney" no matter if shooter or spouse.

Every single thing I've been involved with including car accidents the other party lies and video makes it clear you are the one telling the truth.

Every. Single. Time.

The scum that does the deed will lie. Take it to the bank. With video the truth comes literally in seconds and there are no questions after that. Nowadays having video is one of the best things you can do for after the fact.
I don't disagree, but I'm guessing the brevity of "Everyone STFU to the cops" doesn't make a whole lot of Yoootoob buks.
I don't disagree, but I'm guessing the brevity of "Everyone STFU to the cops" doesn't make a whole lot of Yoootoob buks.
Best attorney videos I've seen imo are James reeves. He cites case laws and trials he has been involved in. He has tons of info before he starts the video and gives pretty complete info.

Many attorney type videos it seems they gather just enough info to make a video, tell you what you should do (which may be wrong because they are only accessing part of the info available) then move on to the next video.

The other of course who is very accurate is mark smith at four boxes diner. Colin noir is good as well although has more opinion than info sometimes. James reeves I watch any legal type video.

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