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Yeah they are gonna save the children.

Utter tardation. Performed for an audience of tards. Just imagine the typical constituent who thinks this is a good idea.
Unfortunately I see something like that coming to Oregon too. I'm actually surprised it already hasn't been done. The idiot politicians must be getting really nervous about all of us common folk having rights.
Unfortunately I see something like that coming to Oregon too. I'm actually surprised it already hasn't been done....

I would strongly suspect that there is plenty of anti_2A collusion occurring among fellow travelers and their special interest groups in deep blue coastal states regarding the proposal of similar laws. Here is what was passed in the California legislature this past session and signed into law:

36011. Commencing July 1, 2024, an excise tax is hereby imposed upon licensed firearms dealers, firearms manufacturers, and ammunition vendors, at the rate of 11 percent of the gross receipts from the retail sale in this state of any firearm, firearm precursor part, or ammunition.

This "excise" tax is in addition to sales tax or any other special fees that our political betters might think up.

So, don't take it lightly and say: I'll just purchase it the next state over" or " I'll just buy it online." How is that working for your magazines in WA and OR?

In addition, the legislatures will enact laws making it illegal to self-import across state lines and/or turn their State Franchise Taxing Authorities loose on out of state vendors to stem the flow of 2A commerce under threat of legal action. In either case, previously law-abiding citizens and businesses are being herded into situations of potentially becoming criminals under these new laws. And if that isn't bad enough, some these new 2A criminals will also be in danger of having their ability to possess firearms removed for either specific periods of time or permanently.

So, fight it hard and strongly now to avoid pain of having to live under this legislative tyranny and/or protracted court cases later.
This will add at most 11% to the cost per shot for mass murderers who use guns and ammo to kill their victims. It will be interesting to see how much of a mass shooting deterence this is. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately I see something like that coming to Oregon too. I'm actually surprised it already hasn't been done. The idiot politicians must be getting really nervous about all of us common folk having rights.
If there is anything the antis like more than banning guns it's taxes, they love taxes.
They simply don't like gun owners. It's not "common sense", on the contrary it is 100% personal.

"Here's an overview of the bills (in numerical order) that are considered "dead," after fiscal committees finished their work on February 5.

  • HB 2238 would have imposed a new 11% tax on each retail sale of ammunition."

"Here's an overview of the bills (in numerical order) that are considered "dead," after fiscal committees finished their work on February 5.

  • HB 2238 would have imposed a new 11% tax on each retail sale of ammunition."
Oh, don't worry, it'll be back like a zombie in the next legislative session.

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