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All true. And the newest generation isn't all that dumb either, they may be deceived in a lot of social narratives but They have the entire older generation openly telling them how destroyed their bodies usually are after a career of construction.
The youngsters these days are driven by statistics and there's tons of insurance and healthcare stats these days. Not to mention probably school counselors telling them yo go into programming etc or something that's easier on your body.
I can't blame anyone for working smarter not harder. Your health is irreplaceable I don't care how much someone is paying, I've seen WAY too many folks hooked on pain killers and hard drugs nursing messed up backs due to workplace injuries.

Anyway. I expect we all know this its nothing new to anyone. I for one hate repeating the obvious so I'll bow out.
Driven by statistics? That is hilarious. Construction work, or any other hard physical work, is good for you done properly and safely. OSHA has come a LONG way since I worked in construction in the 90s. If statistics drove much of anything for the younger generations, just about everything would be not only different, but better. And as far as I can tell, for the same reasons the thread was started to begin with, things are going backward. There is a reason there are Starbucks every 2 miles and the big sellers are milk shakes disguised as lattes - and that is just one sliver of an example of fiscal and dietary ignorance. It is precisely their lack of knowledge in statistics and an over reliance on feelings that has gotten us here.

Sadly, it is all but unavoidable. Part of the "Tytler Cycle". We are living in the time of weak men created by the good times and overabundance.
My oldest son told me recently that he didn't ever want to see me again because I voted for Trump. You know what? I felt a sense of relief after trying to be there for him for over 40 years only to be the cause of all the problems in the world being a white, christian, heterosexual, gun owning, unenlightened caveman and all.
My oldest son told me recently that he didn't ever want to see me again because I voted for Trump. You know what? I felt a sense of relief after trying to be there for him for over 40 years only to be the cause of all the problems in the world being a white, christian, heterosexual, gun owning, unenlightened caveman and all.
An amazing number of people who seemed up to that point to be rational really did go clinically insane over Trump. Like Covid it showed just how powerful the legacy media really can be when they pull out all the stops. I have to hope maybe the kid will wake up one day. Really sad that Trump derangement would hurt him that badly. For what its worth he is far from being an outlier though. An amazing number of people really did go to the point of a mental break over him due to what they were told. :(
An amazing number of people who seemed up to that point to be rational really did go clinically insane over Trump. Like Covid it showed just how powerful the legacy media really can be when they pull out all the stops. I have to hope maybe the kid will wake up one day. Really sad that Trump derangement would hurt him that badly. For what its worth he is far from being an outlier though. An amazing number of people really did go to the point of a mental break over him due to what they were told. :(
It was the roe vs wade thing that was the final straw for my son. It was all my fault because I voted for Trump and therefor he didn't want to be my son anymore.

All true. And the newest generation isn't all that dumb either, they may be deceived in a lot of social narratives but They have the entire older generation openly telling them how destroyed their bodies usually are after a career of construction.
The youngsters these days are driven by statistics and there's tons of insurance and healthcare stats these days. Not to mention probably school counselors telling them yo go into programming etc or something that's easier on your body.
I can't blame anyone for working smarter not harder. Your health is irreplaceable I don't care how much someone is paying, I've seen WAY too many folks hooked on pain killers and hard drugs nursing messed up backs due to workplace injuries.

Anyway. I expect we all know this its nothing new to anyone. I for one hate repeating the obvious so I'll bow out.

Its not like it used to be. Everything is a lot easier than it was 20 years ago. some jobs will wreck your body yes but it has to be done for the world to keep going. there is a lot of construction job out there people can do clear into their late 60s i know because i see them everyday. its not about working your body till its broke but work and learn a trade where you can retire with good money. You can work smart and not harder in construction and most people work that way now. Construction is one of the biggest industry in the USA and if it falls everything falls with it.
Most people cant work construction physically or mentally. we have a zero tolerance for fighting and do not tolerate anyone being disrespectful.
When I was doing it back in the day, it was weekly. Two guys in particular, Joe and Mac, were constantly choking or punching each other. A few days later they'd be buying each other lunch or carpooling.

Men, particularly, young men, used to have the ability to get, IT, out of their system and move on. No need for a gun or festering emotions. "Yeh, I said it and I meant it!". There was no fear or bullying. Joe even lost most of the time. Kinda brings a tear to my eyes.
It was the roe vs wade thing that was the final straw for my son. It was all my fault because I voted for Trump and therefor he didn't want to be my son anymore.

Ask him if he is one of those guys too selfish to wear a condom.

That whole debate is hilarious, because "muh body, muh choice" only seems to take effect AFTER a perfectly preventable outcome.
An amazing number of people really did go to the point of a mental break over him due to what they were told. :(
These people have access to the same information you have, but made a choice. I agree, based on their choice to ignore facts we have an alternate trajectory in our near future. I paid $42 for 1/4 tank of gas in the Ram.

The best thing to do is limit your programming. Less mainstream entertainment from all sources. I like certain people, but I am not beholden to them. Their job is to work for us.
WOW ! Count my blessings. Some people have way too much drama in their lives. :(

Me, I'll just...:s0093:
I swear, some people have too much family! It's times when like this that I'm damned glad all I have is a dick brother. And a butt load of mormon cousins that don't care to have anything to do with me!
When I was 20 something young, I obviously knew everything, For the most part, Dad and I were much alike, we enjoyed the same things, backpacked and fished every blazed and unblazed trail all of oregon and much of Washington from border to border. Did wood working and other projects together, but after I returned form the service, and a war, I started viewing the world very differently, so much so that when we started discussing politicks or religion we would walk away hollering! Depending on an outsiders view point it was either very bad or comical, At some point, entering my mid thirties, we oddly enough both had an epiphany. We realized if we were to have a relationship, Politicks and religion were off the discussion table.
Our lives changed considerably returning to earlier and grand times when such philosophical discussions were not part of our lives. Eventually both our attitudes and beliefs became a little closer aligned but having learned from the past still kept our distance on those two subjects.
As if deja vu, or maybe karma, having seemingly now become my father, I'm now at the same precipice in life with my daughter (albeit she is over fifty). I related to her my wish to enact the same truce my father and I embraced I just related to. Its been a year, while we are both very, or maybe overly, opinionated, it did take some time to mellow, we actually now enjoy each others company again.
Also, little crumbs of her life that pass my ears, some from her comments and actions, but mainly mainly through her mothers ever patient and always non judgmental and attentive listening, I actually believe she is coming to view some of my politicks in a more positive light.
Now that I think on it, that's more likely wishful thinking. :rolleyes:
Driven by statistics? That is hilarious. Construction work, or any other hard physical work, is good for you done properly and safely. OSHA has come a LONG way since I worked in construction in the 90s. If statistics drove much of anything for the younger generations, just about everything would be not only different, but better. And as far as I can tell, for the same reasons the thread was started to begin with, things are going backward. There is a reason there are Starbucks every 2 miles and the big sellers are milk shakes disguised as lattes - and that is just one sliver of an example of fiscal and dietary ignorance. It is precisely their lack of knowledge in statistics and an over reliance on feelings that has gotten us here.

Sadly, it is all but unavoidable. Part of the "Tytler Cycle". We are living in the time of weak men created by the good times and overabundance.
True, I won't deny that. But yet still one of my closest buddies blew his back out carrying a P200 panel out of a 787 with him on one end and one other dude on the other. It was totally ridiculous, his back was jacked up for two years and Boeing's and Sedgwick wouldn't pay out for years because his back would never stabilize. The number one people left bloeing was injuries. I was a level II safety focal. Safety was a joke @ Boeing idk how many died there in the 5 years I worked there. OSHA laws don't mean jack if you can't implement them. Pretty much every job I have is like that. And it's openly falsified when the FAA comes around everyone is warned a day or two before and all of a sudden everyone follows the processes and procedures. Its a joke. I could go on endlessly.
But yes you are correct, when followed yeah I can be pretty safe. And yeah there are a bunch of weaklings out there that's for sure, but there's an awakening happening as well I wouldn't lump all them together.. A lot of people developed and change over time. I know a few former "D's" who woke up and voted for Trump. Mainly because they were gun people and were NEVER going to vote for killary. Since they voted right their party went even further away from their ideals and they were outright turned on just like most of us have experienced the pariah factor.
Thats fine with me, I'm ok with thinking for myself. Make me a pariah all the better, at least I know who to trust and who not to trust, that's worth the head ache to me. I WONT be there with the olive branch when the arrows are unleashed. When the fury comes to their doors they can face it themselves. I will sit and watch.. I have zero sympathy for idiots, I blame them for the society we are loving in and would love to sort out the problems that caused this mess.
Having rules in a house while growing up is not a punishment, they show an expectation of learning how to work for what you want.

i.e. My daughter was told at 13 that if she wanted to go for her drivers license at 16 she had to work to have enough to pay for her insurance. She did it and asked if she should just pay Mom via her bank but I had her bring the cash in and lay it out so she can see how much money that is. Never had an accident (or a ticket) since.
Yeah good rules, for sure. I've seen a lot of stupid household rules as well. Its bad parenting that raises bad kids. I think a lot of the kids we are having problems with are because childish immature parents raised them to be that way. Meanwhile two generations of that later. I've seen some of those two and those results are terrifying!

My own parents were pretty utterly ridiculous, mom was psychotically christian constantly telling her kids from the age of toddlers that demons walk amongst us, and the end of the world has been coming 40 years now. Meanwhile my dads hitting us and for asking questions about mechanical things and showing interest in hobbies etc. The both weren't really suited for raising kids. None of my family gets along all of us kids has significant problems. I don't think its a coincidence.

Count yourself lucky if you had good parents who actually wanted to teach and raise you.

And no I'm not blaming the OP in the slightest, I'm merely giving my own insight. OP sounds like a good dad for all I know. But things are a lot more nuanced than can be covered here in a text format forum.

I worked at subway for 2.5 yrs working at the highest grossing sales subway in Washington, working solo and closing the entire store every night when I was in high school and going to votech school for half the time. I bought my own car before I could even drive and had to pay for everything that wasn't even a question. And I still saved up enough to buy my first firearms as soon as I was legal to. I've been around, I'm not just whistling Dixie. I'm just open minded. I just don't like lumping groups of people together.
@thorborg agreed. I'm jealous this is something my family (most of them) has never been able to understand. The level of religious and political fervor from several members that just won't stop just makes me have zero will to talk whatsoever.
I'm glad to hear you fared better. Me I'm pretty libertarian, I'm christian (for the most part) don't don't want to force it on everyone. I'm against abortion but pro freedom of choice Etc. I'm fairly moderate. People are just extremely... Extremist these days. The TDS is a big problem. He wasn't my fav. choice but I was happy to vote for him! (and thrilled to vote for him a second time) Jeez get over it already! Lol.
When I was 20 something young, I obviously knew everything, For the most part, Dad and I were much alike, we enjoyed the same things, backpacked and fished every blazed and unblazed trail all of oregon and much of Washington from border to border. Did wood working and other projects together, but after I returned form the service, and a war, I started viewing the world very differently, so much so that when we started discussing politicks or religion we would walk away hollering! Depending on an outsiders view point it was either very bad or comical, At some point, entering my mid thirties, we oddly enough both had an epiphany. We realized if we were to have a relationship, Politicks and religion were off the discussion table.
Our lives changed considerably returning to earlier and grand times when such philosophical discussions were not part of our lives. Eventually both our attitudes and beliefs became a little closer aligned but having learned from the past still kept our distance on those two subjects.
As if deja vu, or maybe karma, having seemingly now become my father, I'm now at the same precipice in life with my daughter (albeit she is over fifty). I related to her my wish to enact the same truce my father and I embraced I just related to. Its been a year, while we are both very, or maybe overly, opinionated, it did take some time to mellow, we actually now enjoy each others company again.
Also, little crumbs of her life that pass my ears, some from her comments and actions, but mainly mainly through her mothers ever patient and always non judgmental and attentive listening, I actually believe she is coming to view some of my politicks in a more positive light.
Now that I think on it, that's more likely wishful thinking. :rolleyes:
My Dad was so far left he was almost commie. Mother too. When I was old enough to start to see what was going on I watched as they both got over the top mad at what the people they voted for were doing to them. :confused:
When I pointed out that the people they voted for were the same ones they were mad at they both got mad at me.:confused:
Decades later my Dad and I got along great. He knew better than to bother to try to talk to me about the people he was still voting for who were still screwing him as he knew my answer. So he just did not tell me about it any more. He was also a STONE COLD racist. Another thing he avoided talking to me about until Obama won. Now all of a sudden he found a black guy he liked.:eek:
Hey it is really a funny thing the way the mind works for many.

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