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Sorry to say it's one of mine.... My son married a SJW princess who will smile and hug you while plunging a knife into your gut. She hates firearms among many other things and over time he's embraced her metal ilness as his own. When he was younger I bought him a bolt action rifle and a single shot shotgun that were his when we went shooting. At a gathering the other night he asked me to give his guns to his friend, I told him that since he has a felony conviction the guns are not his to give and to go pound sand.
I would tell him to stick it too!

The guns are NOT his to give away and you should keep them or do what YOU choose to do with them.

I do KNOW females who are EXACTLY like your son's SJW Princess wife and some of them are young and some of them are OLDER WOMEN who were hippies (Gag!) when they were younger. They ended up raising females exactly like them and the ones who had sons turned into some pretty strange men (?) who know how to play the VICTIM CARD and the rest of the cards in the deck.

I agree with what STOMPER said too.

I'd start calling him " bus pass" or maybe " EBT " , if he ever comes back to work.
Mean nicknames are the foundation of dudeness.
When I was younger, my best hope was trading one crappy job for another hopefully better crappy job. Even though I had been in the military and seen a lot of the world, I didn't consider myself skilled labor. I had some college but no degree.

Bad resume writing skills and running with a crowd of dummies doesn't help. With no more skills than I already had, I finally landed a tech job and never looked back.

That's brought me independence, not wealth, but I get by. If you didn't grow up with solid examples of the process of success or don't know influential people, as a 20 something, the next step can be elusive. But you better be ready when it presents itself.
my life has never been better then when I put ALL of my family (minus the wife and kid) at a full arms distance. I have friends that are better family to me then my blood so after decades of doing the 'bloods thicker then water' thing I finally made the change and it was fantastic - my family is super toxic and left minded.

Once apon a time I was to inherit all of my dads dads guns (maybe 9). My dad ended up with 1 revolver that was my great grandfathers police service pistol and the rest scattered about my extended family (one to an uncle that cheated on my aunt afterwards so that one's gone and I don't ever expect to see the others).

Unfortunately, even being a Vietnam vet my dad has swallowed the 'nobody needs more then a double barrel shotgun' kool aid and gave me his shotgun, his dads shotgun and his dads revolver.

After my brother (who thinks 10 rounds is plenty and married then divorced crazy incarnate) and isn't into guns had a son my grandfather before he died declared the pistol should go to my brother to 'keep it in the family name' (sorry to all of my kin that I had one amazing daughter and no kids with a pecker).

My dad and I had a very long and calm discussion about the fact that his dad did say that but it was currently in my possession and it was my choice to do with it as I saw fit - so in a round about way my dad gave me his blessing to keep the gun.

My daughter is not into guns at all and her BF and most likely my future SIL is also not into guns even though he has some really nice old hunting rifles that he got from his grandfather.

Long story short my grandkids or their kids better get on the gun bus or I have no idea where mine will end up.

Anyway y'all aren't alone…
When I was younger, my best hope was trading one crappy job for another hopefully better crappy job. Even though I had been in the military and seen a lot of the world, I didn't consider myself skilled labor. I had some college but no degree.

Bad resume writing skills and running with a crowd of dummies doesn't help. With no more skills than I already had, I finally landed a tech job and never looked back.

That's brought me independence, not wealth, but I get by. If you didn't grow up with solid examples of the process of success or don't know influential people, as a 20 something, the next step can be elusive. But you better be ready when it presents itself.
My life was very similar to what you wrote.

I got married at 19 and had a kid at 20 which made me grow up fast.

I built my first car from scraps cuz I didn't have the money for anything decent and a love of going fast. My dad worked overseas so I was left in the states to figure stuff out as best I could - and I mean I rigged about everything I touched, it worked but wasn't done right.

I was working as an apartment maintenance on-site guy that I had applied for and from there out my work ethic got me poached from one job to another over and over again. I got very lucky in life, when I needed a lot of money I made it and when I needed more family time I ended up invert flexible jobs. I would say 90+% of the jobs in my life I was offered after someone saw me working.

I'm currently making it (minus being on workers comp for 5 months for a head hit that was a freak thing) and have plenty of family time when working so I'm happy not being rich but I have a great boss and a great job so life is good.
Honesty 90% of my family are anti gun anti rights. I never shot a firearm till my 21st Birthday when I wanted to go to the range. I was fascinated with firearms since I was 12 watching FPS Russia on YouTube. I wasn't fortunate enough to have family or friends who owned guns so I never had the luxury of hunting or recreational target practice. Once I got into guns at 21 I was hooked! I started buying a lot of guns most of my family was shocked and a lot of people are uneasy with having a gun in the house… For a little bit I cared what people thought but when Biden got into office with all his BS anybody that wanted to take my 2A rights I pretty much cut off.. Except very close family. Life is to short to deal with ignorant people. I can't stand this whole cater to one person or group of people! I'm going to live my life as I see fit. If it bothers some snowflake then so be it I'm not going out of my way to make them feel uncomfortable.. In your case love your son if she doesn't want a relationship simply because of what you like then she is petty. There is no pleasing people these days everybody is easily offended.
Cut the rope they are all lost causes. My buddies son was working for me and quit. He said we were all racist and he couldn't handle it anymore. I have white guys Mexicans and I am half Asian getting called racist by a white "woke" kid that was never raised that way.
That is the biggest head scratcher isn't it? Middle class white kids speaking on behalf of POC. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. It's all just self-interest.

my life has never been better then when I put ALL of my family (minus the wife and kid) at a full arms distance. I have friends that are better family to me then my blood so after decades of doing the 'bloods thicker then water' thing I finally made the change and it was fantastic - my family is super toxic and left minded.
Me too. I have several family members than have been radicalized and I'm perfectly fine to be arm's length from them. One thing that makes me angry is they are actively trying to poison my elderly parents and my wife.
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Yeah but bubblegum talking gets real old REAL fast, its not all that entertaining. I would quit a job too if this was the standard. Ever wonder why people shoot places up? Maybe some of them deserve it. Maybe some people are do dim to realize some bubblegum talking makes people want to smash your face. And MOST people don't know how to keep it somewhat civil without escalating it too far leading to my former statement.
Sounds like a terrific excuse to kill people.
My life was very similar to what you wrote.

I got married at 19 and had a kid at 20 which made me grow up fast.

I built my first car from scraps cuz I didn't have the money for anything decent and a love of going fast. My dad worked overseas so I was left in the states to figure stuff out as best I could - and I mean I rigged about everything I touched, it worked but wasn't done right.

I was working as an apartment maintenance on-site guy that I had applied for and from there out my work ethic got me poached from one job to another over and over again. I got very lucky in life, when I needed a lot of money I made it and when I needed more family time I ended up invert flexible jobs. I would say 90+% of the jobs in my life I was offered after someone saw me working.

I'm currently making it (minus being on workers comp for 5 months for a head hit that was a freak thing) and have plenty of family time when working so I'm happy not being rich but I have a great boss and a great job so life is good.
I couldn't agree more with this^^^^^. Doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, if you can instill in your children a work ethic they can be a success in life. My daughter has had a job since she was 14. Saved her money and paid for her personal expenses in college. She has had 4+ jobs since graduation and every one of them has been a step up in her career. In that I am very proud of her, but...

I'm sorry to say that she has been very 'left'. Its disappointing but I never wanted her to be like me, but rather to be a good human. Wish it were different. I don't argue politics but it can end up with her hands over her ears and saying "La la la!! (sarcasm). Don't hate her, just disappointed.
On the bright side, I asked my daughter who's married to a deputy sheriff what she wanted for her birthday and she said a Glock 19. She got the Glock, extra mags. 1k ammo and a membership at the local range.
have woke kids calling us racist as it's a 2 way street.
Oh I know, but this is what I'm saying on their parts. Not veiled, not sarcastic, just straight disrespect, and that's the kind of sh!t talking that would potentially require physical correction or other action, yeah you can obviously ignore it and usually do, but then it just persist. And I'm well acquainted with the job site sarcasm.
Sounds like a terrific excuse to kill people.
I never said it was a legitimate excuse, but yeah I don't outright blame people who are bullied sometimes it's kill or be killed. Usually you never know every facet of their lives and the "why" but I do wonder. People usually don't do that bubblegum for no reason. And yeah obviously most of the time it is the individual. But I would agree 90% of the time or so people are a product of their environment..
Oh I know, but this is what I'm saying on their parts. Not veiled, not sarcastic, just straight disrespect, and that's the kind of sh!t talking that would potentially require physical correction or other action, yeah you can obviously ignore it and usually do, but then it just persist. And I'm well acquainted with the job site sarcasm.
Most people cant work construction physically or mentally. we have a zero tolerance for fighting and do not tolerate anyone being disrespectful. there is a big difference in that vs job site sarcasm. You will never change that in the old timers working construction. most the time the new generations takes it too personal and thinks everyone is picking on them, when it happens to all at some point. they are generally too soft for any kind of work force, office work or construction or any job really. 5 years from now this country will be in a world of hurt as there will be no skilled workers and everyone wants to work from home.
I would tell him to stick it too!

The guns are NOT his to give away and you should keep them or do what YOU choose to do with them.

I do KNOW females who are EXACTLY like your son's SJW Princess wife and some of them are young and some of them are OLDER WOMEN who were hippies (Gag!) when they were younger. They ended up raising females exactly like them and the ones who had sons turned into some pretty strange men (?) who know how to play the VICTIM CARD and the rest of the cards in the deck.

I agree with what STOMPER said too.

One of my high school friends dad was a pedo, and his dad spent most of his life in walla walla. So his socially immature single mom raised him and it was a sight to behold. No real schooling, wouldn't let him drive till he was like 20 or 21 or something. I was always driving wherever we went I was always asking him why don't you just go get it? Aren't there places you want to go see things to do and not take the bus etc? Last time I talked to him he's in a very shakey marriage to a flaky gal and he's openly trying to have kids with. Even though they talk about divorce fairly often.. I had to quit talking to him.

Idk there is a very strong dependency crutch that developed with some men/boys that are raised by single moms who are way to over sheltering. His sister turned out to have a pretty tumultuous life as well.

All true. And the newest generation isn't all that dumb either, they may be deceived in a lot of social narratives but They have the entire older generation openly telling them how destroyed their bodies usually are after a career of construction.
The youngsters these days are driven by statistics and there's tons of insurance and healthcare stats these days. Not to mention probably school counselors telling them yo go into programming etc or something that's easier on your body.
I can't blame anyone for working smarter not harder. Your health is irreplaceable I don't care how much someone is paying, I've seen WAY too many folks hooked on pain killers and hard drugs nursing messed up backs due to workplace injuries.

Anyway. I expect we all know this its nothing new to anyone. I for one hate repeating the obvious so I'll bow out.

All true. And the newest generation isn't all that dumb either, they may be deceived in a lot of social narratives but They have the entire older generation openly telling them how destroyed their bodies usually are after a career of construction.
The youngsters these days are driven by statistics and there's tons of insurance and healthcare stats these days. Not to mention probably school counselors telling them yo go into programming etc or something that's easier on your body.
I can't blame anyone for working smarter not harder. Your health is irreplaceable I don't care how much someone is paying, I've seen WAY too many folks hooked on pain killers and hard drugs nursing messed up backs due to workplace injuries.

Anyway. I expect we all know this its nothing new to anyone. I for one hate repeating the obvious so I'll bow out.
The flip side is I get my workout in at work and sitting in a chair all day is probably as bad for you if not worse in the long run
The definition of success is not wealth. Being a hard worker at any job that you do, from riding on the back of a garbage truck (do they even do that anymore?) to construction ,to being an artist of some form, to sales or management. Just doing enough to get by is a weakness. Having rules in a house while growing up is not a punishment, they show an expectation of learning how to work for what you want.

i.e. My daughter was told at 13 that if she wanted to go for her drivers license at 16 she had to work to have enough to pay for her insurance. She did it and asked if she should just pay Mom via her bank but I had her bring the cash in and lay it out so she can see how much money that is. Never had an accident (or a ticket) since.
The definition of success is not wealth. Being a hard worker at any job that you do, from riding on the back of a garbage truck (do they even do that anymore?) to construction ,to being an artist of some form, to sales or management. Just doing enough to get by is a weakness. Having rules in a house while growing up is not a punishment, they show an expectation of learning how to work for what you want.

i.e. My daughter was told at 13 that if she wanted to go for her drivers license at 16 she had to work to have enough to pay for her insurance. She did it and asked if she should just pay Mom via her bank but I had her bring the cash in and lay it out so she can see how much money that is. Never had an accident (or a ticket) since.
YEP! One Daughter was quite liberal growing up. knew an adult not far from us who lived in Section 8. Nice two bed place, free. Her "disability" was drug addict with kid. Daughter could not understand why this made her Mom and I so mad until she turned 18. She had been working 15 hours a week at Min wage. I got her a full time gig at twice that. Paid every two weeks. First check came around girl comes to me with it in shock at what was taken out. I said now you are paying the ladies rent, how does it feel? She did not turn right wing overnight but she started to look at things slightly different :D

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