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This is even funnier. Your great Beckian truth, the one you'd like to discuss on the basis of its logical merits goes like this- because an Obama offical mentions Mao, and since Mao killed lots of people, therefore the progressives want to kill lots of people. OK, here goes, ready, this argument has NO logical merit, period!

As to arrogance, I think it takes far more of that suff to promote this 'hoot' of an argument, then it does to simply call poop, poop.

As to having a functioning BS detector, you blew this test a long time ago.
As to the insult I made it up and thanks for the compliment!

As to the vote in MA:
The Becks of the world are out there to convince you that the Republican Party is far superior to the Democratic Party, because the well entrenched monarchy of money knows that the Republicans are far less pesky to buy, heck you can get them by the gross. The Beck's frame the debate as a great holy war between the hard working, right minded true patriots - lovers of America, against the evil progressive, liberals, who hate America, don't work, and just want a free ride. This is done with all the subtle workings of a comic book plot and presented over and over again as a given (a necessary understanding to grasp the meaning of a new layered comment) until the audience begins to see reality in it. Meanwhile the people pulling the strings ($$$$$$) are stealing this country from the lower and middle classes, preventing reforms aimed toward restoring a fair playing field, and setting themselves, and their heirs, up to be financial kings for the duration of this country.

Bringing this back to gun control, the Repubs will say what you need to hear to get your votes but as I've said before, as soon as the poor start going armed up the hill to extract some revenge on the wealthy the Repubs will be the first in line to get our guns. Betrayal is basic to all politics, and power in America = $$$$$$. Beck, and his ilk are smokescreen generators, where ever they tell you look your future is being kidnapped 180 degrees away.

When Beck does a program about this topic please let me know, honest I will watch it, as what else am I going to do with a cold day in hades. PS, Beck would have flunked that logic course I once took, I can see right though him and I only got a C.

:s0112::s0112::s0112: Really long winded for not saying anything. Part one of your reply just about covers the tunnel vision of your thinking. Mao is just one of many murdering commies leaders and you failed to mention any of them. There is alot you fail to mention because it wasn't part of the indoctrination :D

What is going on now is the second stage of the progressive power grab. Since you know so much about the world maybe you could tell us who the progressives are and what they have allready done to us.

Beck of course has written a couple of best sellers in which gun control is covered. I am sure you missed them while you were patting yourself on the back for getting a average grade in logic and not studying who you were getting your education from.:s0112::s0112:

It's OK bugeye, just like you have no intrest in Beck he is like the rest of us and have far less intrest in what an average logic has to say.:D


"As to the insult I made it up and thanks for the compliment!"

You may think yourself a wit but you are only half right.:s0112::s0112:
I happen to like it when Beck plays a video clip of one of Obama's minions making a statement about the wisdom of Hugo Chavez, or how they admire the work of chairman Mao.
I tend to agree with Beck at this point when he questions that person's ability to advise the President and remain within the constructs of Constitutional law.
I like it even more when someone like Bugeye comes along and makes statements about "Beckian Truths" because he played said video clip.
Nothing like demonstrating your willful ignorance Bugeye. Beck didn't say it, but he is the one and only person in the press, with the exception of maybe Lou Dobbs, that will show these clips. Especially the ones that are the most damning of the current admin. Then the progressives jump on Beck as if he misquoted someone or is telling a lie.:nuts: He doesn't need to misquote anyone or lie about them if he has a video clip of them cutting their own throat politically.

And anyone that thinks Beck is out to show us all why the 'Pubs are better than the 'Dems, has obviously NEVER watched his program. He has spent way too much time hammering on 'Pubs since I've been listening/watching, to advocate for a 'Pub, unless it was as the "lesser of two evils". I was watching Beck when he was still on CNN and he spent alot of time pounding on McCain for his progressive ideas and support for progressive legislation. Same goes for Romney.

From what I have seen Beck is a constitutional libertarian/conservative.

But definitely not a 'Pub. It just looks that way to progressives/liberals because they think anyone that doesn't agree with them must be a neocon redneck.

Get a clue!
I happen to like it when Beck plays a video clip of one of Obama's minions making a statement about the wisdom of Hugo Chavez, or how they admire the work of chairman Mao.
I tend to agree with Beck at this point when he questions that person's ability to advise the President and remain within the constructs of Constitutional law.
I like it even more when someone like Bugeye comes along and makes statements about "Beckian Truths" because he played said video clip.
Nothing like demonstrating your willful ignorance Bugeye. Beck didn't say it, but he is the one and only person in the press, with the exception of maybe Lou Dobbs, that will show these clips. Especially the ones that are the most damning of the current admin. Then the progressives jump on Beck as if he misquoted someone or is telling a lie.:nuts: He doesn't need to misquote anyone or lie about them if he has a video clip of them cutting their own throat politically.

And anyone that thinks Beck is out to show us all why the 'Pubs are better than the 'Dems, has obviously NEVER watched his program. He has spent way too much time hammering on 'Pubs since I've been listening/watching, to advocate for a 'Pub, unless it was as the "lesser of two evils". I was watching Beck when he was still on CNN and he spent alot of time pounding on McCain for his progressive ideas and support for progressive legislation. Same goes for Romney.

From what I have seen Beck is a constitutional libertarian/conservative.

But definitely not a 'Pub. It just looks that way to progressives/liberals because they think anyone that doesn't agree with them must be a neocon redneck.

Get a clue!

+1 Well said!
:s0112::s0112::s0112: Really long winded for not saying anything. Part one of your reply just about covers the tunnel vision of your thinking. Mao is just one of many murdering commies leaders and you failed to mention any of them. There is alot you fail to mention because it wasn't part of the indoctrination :D

What is going on now is the second stage of the progressive power grab. Since you know so much about the world maybe you could tell us who the progressives are and what they have allready done to us.

Beck of course has written a couple of best sellers in which gun control is covered. I am sure you missed them while you were patting yourself on the back for getting a average grade in logic and not studying who you were getting your education from.:s0112::s0112:

It's OK bugeye, just like you have no intrest in Beck he is like the rest of us and have far less intrest in what an average logic has to say.:D


"As to the insult I made it up and thanks for the compliment!"

You may think yourself a wit but you are only half right.:s0112::s0112:

Beck is just plain nuts, and while I can't say that all his followers are in the same mental state, it would apply fully to the 30, or so, of them I've met personally. Based on that, I figured it may be a prerequsite.

Have you met Beck's ghost writers yet? They live right next door to Palins.
Beck is just plain nuts, and while I can't say that all his followers are in the same mental state, it would apply fully to the 30, or so, of them I've met personally. Based on that, I figured it may be a prerequsite.

Have you met Beck's ghost writers yet? They live right next door to Palins.

Ya, and the writers that put words on the teleprompter for Obama to read, are right down the street...........:winkkiss:
Ya, and the writers that put words on the teleprompter for Obama to read, are right down the street...........:winkkiss:

Good one, but it's much worse than that, as key phrases in presidential speeches are all pre tested in focus groups, since about the time of Nixon. They pick the phrases that rate very well, with as large a cross section of the public as they can. So really, all you get is a bunch of slogans, strung together with floss.

If you look at a speech this way, from the standpoint of its editor, you can see how, and sometimes why, it was made. Of course, you can do that with some rather poor politcal books too, and some fantasy news shows that are about as vague as the X files.
Beck is just plain nuts, and while I can't say that all his followers are in the same mental state, it would apply fully to the 30, or so, of them I've met personally. Based on that, I figured it may be a prerequsite.

Have you met Beck's ghost writers yet? They live right next door to Palins.

Guess Beck is now the second most watched next to Oprah. Bet you are a big Oprah fan:s0112::s0112::s0112: Beck had 4 million people watch his special, highest number ever for that type of show.

Palin is pro gun the same as Beck so it must be another reason the progressives hate her. Everyday Beck works to expose more corruption on both sides and you call him nuts, guess we can figure what is important to you.:D

You want reviews of the content?
Or maybe a review of some slick editing of 2 year old discussions?

Or maybe you have the same kind of agenda that bugeye has?

Yeah, I thought so.
Good one, but it's much worse than that, as key phrases in presidential speeches are all pre tested in focus groups, since about the time of Nixon. They pick the phrases that rate very well, with as large a cross section of the public as they can. So really, all you get is a bunch of slogans, strung together with floss.

If you look at a speech this way, from the standpoint of its editor, you can see how, and sometimes why, it was made. Of course, you can do that with some rather poor politcal books too, and some fantasy news shows that are about as vague as the X files.

Yup, it always amazed me when a "brilliant speech" is delivered, it is most always attributed to the speech giver. It doesn't take brillance to read words someone else wrote, off a teleprompter..........(Not picking on anyone particular)
Guess Beck is now the second most watched next to Oprah. Bet you are a big Oprah fan:s0112::s0112::s0112: Beck had 4 million people watch his special, highest number ever for that type of show.

Palin is pro gun the same as Beck so it must be another reason the progressives hate her. Everyday Beck works to expose more corruption on both sides and you call him nuts, guess we can figure what is important to you.:D


So popular = good, so Survivor must by 5 times better than Beck as they drew 20 million viewers. Other argument include, MacDonalds, Paris Hilton, and Richard Simmons.

Palin is all about attitude and noting about substance, she is to politicans as people magazine is to the news.

I did watch Beck last night and there he was putting up the picture of Mao and Anita Dunn, what a hoot. This is nitpicking and then making vast distortions of the situation that links these too. But Beck practicing the art of repetition as this high school graduation mention of Mao was 6 months ago, has made this link concrete in the minds of his viewers. While I didn't have time to check out the rest of Becks list of progressive enemies, I did just check out Andy Stern. Yes, he is an evil figure and well worthy of attack if you a wealthy employeer or investor as Andy is a Union Guy through and through. Andy is head of the service internation union the largest growing one in the US. He stands for lots of union values like working wage jobs, universal health care and econominc fairness in America. His union contributes to the Democratic party, and that clip that Beck show where he talks about the 'power of persuasion' is about unions and not about the Obama admin. So to support my contention that Beck is the voice of the money. here you have an attack on organized labor through Andy Stern. Organized labor has been a progressive force in the history of the US, and some things we should be thankful for are: no child labor, the 40 hour week, holiday pay, minimum wage, and no company store or payment in script. Of course, if you Beckites really hate organized labor that much just tell your boss you don't need these benefits anymore.

So, with Dunn and Stern you have two of Beck favorite portraits, and I can only wonder, 'is this all you got?' because if these distorted descriptions are all the dirt the right has on the Obama Admin after a year, they are a hunded times more squeaky clean than Bush's admin. Everytime Beck puts them up it is lie, plain and simple.

I could look up the rest of Becks perpetual rogues gallery, but really since Beck has promoted his followers to blameless 'Patriots' for sitting on their tush and watching, maybe you could actually do something worthy of a patriot and invest a few minutes on the net doing some independent research and fact checking your savior. Sheesh.

In addition Beck started talking about the Gov doing regulation, and then used the mortage chrisis as an example of a state of regulation, that he implied came from legislation encouraging finance to let anyone have a home. This was really funny because the problem with the mortages was about too little regulation and not one of too much regulation. Really, the reason they were giving mortages to everyone was about investment banks that were buying up every mortgage they could grap regardless of its legitimacy, bundling them up in the huge bonds, bribing the rating agencies to give them a good rating, and then selling them to the money along with a totally worthless, non backed by a dime, CDS that assured the buyers that they wouldn't loose any money regardless of what happened. This process badly needed regulation as it was risky as demonstrated by the fall of Lehman and the near fall of AIG who held Lehman CDS's. So, even when Beck tries to make a point without portraits he gets it wrong. Again, the money hates regulation, so Beck hates regulation.

As to being bipartisan, Beck did say MaCain was a poor candidate and that he is progressive. Beck indirectly insulted Palin too by association. I've heard that he also took on Larry Craig, in short the members of the GOP he attacks are the moderates and toe tappling airport stall types. Easy targets.

As to guns, I've been obsessing over my SKS, and I'm full of stupid faith that I can get is shooting 2.5 moa at 100 yards if I can find some more good Chinese Commie ammo, that capitalist Ruskie wolf stuff stinks, lol.
So popular = good, so Survivor must by 5 times better than Beck as they drew 20 million viewers. Other argument include, MacDonalds, Paris Hilton, and Richard Simmons.

Palin is all about attitude and noting about substance, she is to politicans as people magazine is to the news.

I did watch Beck last night and there he was putting up the picture of Mao and Anita Dunn, what a hoot. This is nitpicking and then making vast distortions of the situation that links these too. But Beck practicing the art of repetition as this high school graduation mention of Mao was 6 months ago, has made this link concrete in the minds of his viewers. While I didn't have time to check out the rest of Becks list of progressive enemies, I did just check out Andy Stern. Yes, he is an evil figure and well worthy of attack if you a wealthy employeer or investor as Andy is a Union Guy through and through. Andy is head of the service internation union the largest growing one in the US. He stands for lots of union values like working wage jobs, universal health care and econominc fairness in America. His union contributes to the Democratic party, and that clip that Beck show where he talks about the 'power of persuasion' is about unions and not about the Obama admin. So to support my contention that Beck is the voice of the money. here you have an attack on organized labor through Andy Stern. Organized labor has been a progressive force in the history of the US, and some things we should be thankful for are: no child labor, the 40 hour week, holiday pay, minimum wage, and no company store or payment in script. Of course, if you Beckites really hate organized labor that much just tell your boss you don't need these benefits anymore.

So, with Dunn and Stern you have two of Beck favorite portraits, and I can only wonder, 'is this all you got?' because if these distorted descriptions are all the dirt the right has on the Obama Admin after a year, they are a hunded times more squeaky clean than Bush's admin. Everytime Beck puts them up it is lie, plain and simple.

I could look up the rest of Becks perpetual rogues gallery, but really since Beck has promoted his followers to blameless 'Patriots' for sitting on their tush and watching, maybe you could actually do something worthy of a patriot and invest a few minutes on the net doing some independent research and fact checking your savior. Sheesh.

In addition Beck started talking about the Gov doing regulation, and then used the mortage chrisis as an example of a state of regulation, that he implied came from legislation encouraging finance to let anyone have a home. This was really funny because the problem with the mortages was about too little regulation and not one of too much regulation. Really, the reason they were giving mortages to everyone was about investment banks that were buying up every mortgage they could grap regardless of its legitimacy, bundling them up in the huge bonds, bribing the rating agencies to give them a good rating, and then selling them to the money along with a totally worthless, non backed by a dime, CDS that assured the buyers that they wouldn't loose any money regardless of what happened. This process badly needed regulation as it was risky as demonstrated by the fall of Lehman and the near fall of AIG who held Lehman CDS's. So, even when Beck tries to make a point without portraits he gets it wrong. Again, the money hates regulation, so Beck hates regulation.

As to being bipartisan, Beck did say MaCain was a poor candidate and that he is progressive. Beck indirectly insulted Palin too by association. I've heard that he also took on Larry Craig, in short the members of the GOP he attacks are the moderates and toe tappling airport stall types. Easy targets.

As to guns, I've been obsessing over my SKS, and I'm full of stupid faith that I can get is shooting 2.5 moa at 100 yards if I can find some more good Chinese Commie ammo, that capitalist Ruskie wolf stuff stinks, lol.

What union do you belong to?:D Certianly since you praise unions then you must belong to one:s0112::s0112:

The only thing that you and I can agree with in your reply is Chinese ammo does shoot better in Chinese guns. I play around with a SKS I bought new in the cosmoline for $88 and bought 1,000 rnds of chinese ammo for it. Also got a couple thou of Russian. The Chinese shoots better.

What is certian is your loyaties are for the party and not for the Constitution. Time and again you have been shown here where the dems in particular are anti gun and anti Constitution and all you can say is "
'is this all you got?". So it appears you don't care about the rule of law or our rights, what are you even doing here?

What union do you belong to?:D Certianly since you praise unions then you must belong to one:s0112::s0112:

The only thing that you and I can agree with in your reply is Chinese ammo does shoot better in Chinese guns. I play around with a SKS I bought new in the cosmoline for $88 and bought 1,000 rnds of chinese ammo for it. Also got a couple thou of Russian. The Chinese shoots better.

What is certian is your loyaties are for the party and not for the Constitution. Time and again you have been shown here where the dems in particular are anti gun and anti Constitution and all you can say is "
'is this all you got?". So it appears you don't care about the rule of law or our rights, what are you even doing here?


I've never belonged to a union, do you dispute my list of good things given us by organized labor? You think employeers gave us all these benefits out of the kindness of their hearts?

I'm a gun nut, what can I say. I sit like a good student begging advice from the sages at the range who shoot half an moa.

I like the Constitution, but I know that we have about 10 million laws in the US that are existant to support and define the practical meaning of the Constitution. We live in a bubble of these legal decisions and not in the raw words of the document. And that is the rule of law, what you're talking about I can only wonder, your attacks are too vague to even respond to? Law is a political hack, and can take twists and turns that I have no faith in. The rule of law is a subset of the golden rule, 'them with the gold makes the rules'.

According to Wikkepedia about 40% of Democrats are gun owners, does that surprise you? The support for ownership of weapons is high in the party. We figure that it was liberals that gave us the bill of rights in the first place, and progressive radicals that both founded this nation and wrote that Constitution you so admire.

So, It appears you had no knowledge of the Anita Dunn case and just took it on face value that She was connected to Mao because 'Beck says so'. Still you shout your adopted political opinions as fact even though it is clear you really haven't bothered to do your homework. Strong opinions without strong facts is just posing, so what are you doing here?
According to Wikkepedia about 40% of Democrats are gun owners,

Here's what Wicka says about the Dems

"Gun control"

With a stated goal of reducing crime and homicide, the Democratic Party has introduced various gun control measures, most notably the Gun Control Act of 1968, the Brady Bill of 1993, and Crime Control Act of 1994. Many Democrats believe that the Second Amendment does not grant an individual right to bear arms. However, some Democrats, especially rural, Southern, and Western Democrats, favor fewer restrictions on firearm possession and warned the party was defeated in the 2000 presidential election in rural areas because of the issue.[90] In the national platform for 2008, the only statement explicitly favoring gun control was a plan calling for renewal of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.
Here's what Wicka says about the Dems

"Gun control"

With a stated goal of reducing crime and homicide, the Democratic Party has introduced various gun control measures, most notably the Gun Control Act of 1968, the Brady Bill of 1993, and Crime Control Act of 1994. Many Democrats believe that the Second Amendment does not grant an individual right to bear arms. However, some Democrats, especially rural, Southern, and Western Democrats, favor fewer restrictions on firearm possession and warned the party was defeated in the 2000 presidential election in rural areas because of the issue.[90] In the national platform for 2008, the only statement explicitly favoring gun control was a plan calling for renewal of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

Yes, but the worst of the gun control laws have a local base, situations like the pistol ban in Chicago and the ban that was just removed in DC. California and New York have lots of strange gun laws, like taking thumbprints for buying pistol ammo. These laws tend to be in dense populated areas with high crime rates. While I don't like these laws, it would be hypocritical of me as I support state and local rights, and realize that these areas have different problems than my local area does. Again, the supreme court gets to decide what is Constitutional, and that body is a political one too.

Most of the developed word has far more stringent gun laws than does the US, for example you are not allowed to have a semi auto weapon in Australia, a law put into effect as a knee jerk reaction to the Port Arther shootings where a nut took out about 30 people.

I assure you there is a strong group of people in the Democratic party that support gun rights and are gun owners. We like leaders that are strong on all our rights, liberals are big on personal freedoms and fight government or corporation when they attempt to take them away.

When I think of a bad president I hit on Bush's war for personal revenge in Iraq, and I consider such a use of the armed forces of this country to be an act of treason. Now I can defend this point of view with many better arguments than any Beck has ever bothered to make, yet I can't say it is absolutely true, but Beck, who has no love for truth, presents his poop as TRUTH! To me I have an act of treason vs. Anita Dunn's mention of Mao in a high school graduation speech, Now one of these poor acts has killed a million people and cost a trillion dollars while accomplishing nothing, and the other made some kids at a graduation laugh, I guess I know what crime is important and what one is BS. And that is why I say, 'Is that all you got!'.
Andy is head of the service internation union the largest growing one in the US. He stands for lots of union values like working wage jobs, universal health care and econominc fairness in America.
Please show us all, where the Constitution guarantees "economic fairness."

Promote class envy,...
The doctrine of Marx and/or Alinsky.
Take your pick.
Please show us all, where the Constitution guarantees "economic fairness."

Promote class envy,...
The doctrine of Marx and/or Alinsky.
Take your pick.

Yeah, this is an old rightie argument.
This isn't about Class Envy or Marx, it is about the reality that the top 5% own 90% of the wealth, the poor own nothing, and the 60% of us in the middle are trying to hold on to keep part of our 10%. The uppers use their disproportional amount of political influence to keep the playing field tilted in their direction (not one man one vote but one billion dollars ten million votes - I think that is about the current price for buying votes). This is why we have no laws banning lobbys and the Republican nominated supreme court justices (except for the turncoat Stevens) just opened the slush gates allowing corporations to directly buy congress, setting back any reform of the system, decades.

The major generator of wealth of late is the derivates trade in the investment bank sector, where they buy and sell useless securites to each other making the big bucks off nothing. This system is not classical capitalism, John Maynard Keynes would spin faster in his grave then a light 223 from a 1 in 7 twist if he knew what kind of BS was going on. It was these risky tades that made it necessary for public funds to do the Bank bailouts, and guess what, if you want to see the influence of money in action, no regulation has been passed to stop them since and they are at it again in full force. They have gambled 1000 trillion bucks they don't have betting on every financial they can define, now that is about 18 times the gross domestic product of the world. This is an insane financial system and one that must be stopped, it has nothing to do with Marx or Envy, it is simple horse sense, what is OK at a casino is not OK with world financials.

And I could go on, but you have to be able to watch the money because money = power.

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