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Sometimes the replys are just too much:s0112::s0112::s0112: So Dunn was talking about a young Mao who later killed over 60 million. So it's possible if she would have been talking about a young Hitler then that would have been fine with you too.:D

So you don't agree that the socialist murder millions yet they have and it's a fact. Plus they murder the unborn by the millions and that's a fact. Hitler was a socialist and used gas to kill who knows how many and that's a fact. So far the only fantasy is in your mind and the koolaide that you drink.

Beck is pro gun. Beck has exsposed the left for who they are, gun grabers. Without Beck standing up to these progressives we don't stand a chance of keeping our guns. The left wing news media is in lockstep with the progressives so they will never tell the truth. I don't think you would know it if you saw it.


Glenn Beck is not a factor in keeping our gun rights, get realistic! By the time he gets around to airing a hot topic on gun control it's all ready old news to the gun community.
Glenn Beck is not a factor in keeping our gun rights, get realistic! By the time he gets around to airing a hot topic on gun control it's all ready old news to the gun community.

I guess being the third most listened to show in America and backing our gunrights isn't good enough for you:s0112::s0112: He reaches alot of people, can you think of anyone who is doing better? What is realistic to you? The internet:s0112::s0112::s0112:

Glenn Beck is not a factor in keeping our gun rights, get realistic! By the time he gets around to airing a hot topic on gun control it's all ready old news to the gun community.

The gun community is small potatoes. Fox News reaches many fence sitters and independents whose major political concerns probably don't include firearms regulation.
Put me in the camp that believes that whoever Glenn Beck is, he speaks the truth that no one else will (or maybe can) on national television to a large audience.

I believe he is educating some people who otherwise wouldn't have clue. He's the first I've seen on TV who teaches the constitution as written, and the original intent of the founders.

No one is perfect, but I think his show is good for the country.
Sometimes the replys are just too much:s0112::s0112::s0112: So Dunn was talking about a young Mao who later killed over 60 million. So it's possible if she would have been talking about a young Hitler then that would have been fine with you too.:D

So you don't agree that the socialist murder millions yet they have and it's a fact. Plus they murder the unborn by the millions and that's a fact. Hitler was a socialist and used gas to kill who knows how many and that's a fact. So far the only fantasy is in your mind and the koolaide that you drink.

Beck is pro gun. Beck has exsposed the left for who they are, gun grabers. Without Beck standing up to these progressives we don't stand a chance of keeping our guns. The left wing news media is in lockstep with the progressives so they will never tell the truth. I don't think you would know it if you saw it.


Yeah sure, a fellow who loves Beck and says things like "Thank God we have our guns for that is the only reason Progessives haven't set up gas chambers to kill the unwanted here in America.", says that my response is "too much". One thing you can say for Beck's Boys, they lack the necessary genetic material for the detection of hypocrisy
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Yeah sure, a fellow who loves Beck and says things like "Thank God we have our guns for that is the only reason Progessives haven't set up gas chambers to kill the unwanted here in America.", says that my response is "too much". One thing you can say for Beck's Boys, they lack the necessary genetic material for the detection of hypocrisy! Inappropriate language deleted

:s0112::s0112::s0112: When you can't refute the truth you turn to insults. It is the progresive liberal way to follow Kloward and Piven and try to destroy the messenger with insults. That ain't going to work anymore:s0112::s0112: When you can man up and talk on topic with real information then look us up but until then keep your insults to yourself:D and besides you probably copied the insult from somewhere else as you are not clever enough to think that up yourself.

See we do have our BS detectors on and we spotted you with very little in the smell test:s0112::s0112: The funny thing about liberals is their arrogance is allways their undoing, witness Mass.

:s0112::s0112::s0112: When you can't refute the truth you turn to insults. It is the progresive liberal way to follow Kloward and Piven and try to destroy the messenger with insults. That ain't going to work anymore:s0112::s0112: When you can man up and talk on topic with real information then look us up but until then keep your insults to yourself:D and besides you probably copied the insult from somewhere else as you are not clever enough to think that up yourself.

See we do have our BS detectors on and we spotted you with very little in the smell test:s0112::s0112: The funny thing about liberals is their arrogance is allways their undoing, witness Mass.


I believe you were insinuating that someone here was a communist for not believing that Fox News is truthful. What happened to this forum? We are all on the same side of gun control yet we tear each other down all the time.

I will not listen to Beck because he greatly skews the truth to get people fired up. Do the research yourself after his shows and you will find many holes in his logic. Some of his connections to historical events are laughable when compared to your own research. There is a reason his show has become a joke even among many conservatives.

News outlets are not how we should be getting an understanding of how things are going in this country. Follow the politics yourself and make your own judgements.
Unfortunately JJ the progressives and the general far left never have facts to argue on only hypothetical. Then when their hypothetical doesn't correlate with any facts they use diversions or just insults. I'm still waiting for someone on here to refute Glenn Beck or Fox News with some facts instead of just "they're biased" or "Glenn's a weirdo" or "my un-biased MSNBC poll says Fox News is just wrong"..... First two might be true but, seriously, how about some facts. Just a thought :).
I will not listen to Beck because he greatly skews the truth to get people fired up. Do the research yourself after his shows and you will find many holes in his logic. Some of his connections to historical events are laughable when compared to your own research[.QUOTE]

Please do fill me in! If this guy has been misleading us in some way please fill us in more specifically!
:s0112::s0112::s0112: When you can't refute the truth you turn to insults. It is the progresive liberal way to follow Kloward and Piven and try to destroy the messenger with insults. That ain't going to work anymore:s0112::s0112: When you can man up and talk on topic with real information then look us up but until then keep your insults to yourself:D and besides you probably copied the insult from somewhere else as you are not clever enough to think that up yourself.

See we do have our BS detectors on and we spotted you with very little in the smell test:s0112::s0112: The funny thing about liberals is their arrogance is allways their undoing, witness Mass.


This is even funnier. Your great Beckian truth, the one you'd like to discuss on the basis of its logical merits goes like this- because an Obama offical mentions Mao, and since Mao killed lots of people, therefore the progressives want to kill lots of people. OK, here goes, ready, this argument has NO logical merit, period!

As to arrogance, I think it takes far more of that suff to promote this 'hoot' of an argument, then it does to simply call poop, poop.

As to having a functioning BS detector, you blew this test a long time ago.
As to the insult I made it up and thanks for the compliment!

As to the vote in MA:
The Becks of the world are out there to convince you that the Republican Party is far superior to the Democratic Party, because the well entrenched monarchy of money knows that the Republicans are far less pesky to buy, heck you can get them by the gross. The Beck's frame the debate as a great holy war between the hard working, right minded true patriots - lovers of America, against the evil progressive, liberals, who hate America, don't work, and just want a free ride. This is done with all the subtle workings of a comic book plot and presented over and over again as a given (a necessary understanding to grasp the meaning of a new layered comment) until the audience begins to see reality in it. Meanwhile the people pulling the strings ($$$$$$) are stealing this country from the lower and middle classes, preventing reforms aimed toward restoring a fair playing field, and setting themselves, and their heirs, up to be financial kings for the duration of this country.

Bringing this back to gun control, the Repubs will say what you need to hear to get your votes but as I've said before, as soon as the poor start going armed up the hill to extract some revenge on the wealthy the Repubs will be the first in line to get our guns. Betrayal is basic to all politics, and power in America = $$$$$$. Beck, and his ilk are smokescreen generators, where ever they tell you look your future is being kidnapped 180 degrees away.

When Beck does a program about this topic please let me know, honest I will watch it, as what else am I going to do with a cold day in hades. PS, Beck would have flunked that logic course I once took, I can see right though him and I only got a C.
I believe you were insinuating that someone here was a communist for not believing that Fox News is truthful. What happened to this forum? We are all on the same side of gun control yet we tear each other down all the time.

I will not listen to Beck because he greatly skews the truth to get people fired up. Do the research yourself after his shows and you will find many holes in his logic. Some of his connections to historical events are laughable when compared to your own research. There is a reason his show has become a joke even among many conservatives.

News outlets are not how we should be getting an understanding of how things are going in this country. Follow the politics yourself and make your own judgements.

You won't listen to Glenn Beck but do you listen to his polar opposites that are equal in skewing the truth but are left wing propaganda masters?

Do you feel Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow are anything more than partisan propaganda puppets?

JustJim...Beck is pro gun. Beck has exsposed the left for who they are, gun grabers.

So he stated what everyone has known for that last 40 years pfft

JustJim...Without Beck standing up to these progressives we don't stand a chance of keeping our guns.

That's total B.S. the pro gun lobby has been around since before he was born and has done real work, Beck only repeats what everyone else says as second hand news.

JustJim...The left wing news media is in lockstep with the progressives so they will never tell the truth.

And this is news you learned from Beck? You need to get out more!

JustJim...I don't think you would know it if you saw it.

What you fail to see is that neither party has our back and that we are succumbing to the divide and conquer strategy.

The only fix for this great country we call America is to stop aligning ourselves with the Republicans and/or Demorats and start aligning ourselves against them both!

I still stick by my statement that Glenn Beck is not relevant in our fight for second amendment rights. The fight was here before he was on air and will be here long after he is gone.
Beck Facts as dispensed, so an Obama Flunky turns to Mao? I can only guess this is referring to Anita Dunn, who mentioned the young Mao, and not the latter despot, an example of someone who defined themselves. Dunn also used Mother Theressa as another example in this speech. And this important speech was for a high school graduation, yes an affair of state for sure, sheesh.

So, an Obama Funky turns to Mao, yeah sure!

Your last line is just pathetic, take a distorted reference and turn it into a desire by progressives to murder people? McFacts become McFantasy! I see no value in this sort of BS, it can't be used to solve anything and we end up fighting only about the character of reality.

+1:s0155: Well said!
The Revolutionary Holocaust




You won't listen to Glenn Beck but do you listen to his polar opposites that are equal in skewing the truth but are left wing propaganda masters?

Do you feel Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow are anything more than partisan propaganda puppets?

So he stated what everyone has known for that last 40 years pfft

That's total B.S. the pro gun lobby has been around since before he was born and has done real work, Beck only repeats what everyone else says as second hand news.

And this is news you learned from Beck? You need to get out more!

What you fail to see is that neither party has our back and that we are succumbing to the divide and conquer strategy.

The only fix for this great country we call America is to stop aligning ourselves with the Republicans and/or Demorats and start aligning ourselves against them both!

I still stick by my statement that Glenn Beck is not relevant in our fight for second amendment rights. The fight was here before he was on air and will be here long after he is gone.

Amen brother. That's why i quit supporting either party a long time ago and became a full fledged Libertarian.

Libertarian Self-Defense Platform
The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights — life, liberty, and justly acquired property — against aggression. This right inheres in the individual, who may agree to be aided by any other individual or group. We affirm the right to keep and bear arms, and oppose the prosecution of individuals for exercising their rights of self-defense. We oppose all laws at any level of government requiring registration of, or restricting, the ownership, manufacture, or transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition.
Amen brother. That's why i quit supporting either party a long time ago and became a full fledged Libertarian.

Libertarian Self-Defense Platform
The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights — life, liberty, and justly acquired property — against aggression. This right inheres in the individual, who may agree to be aided by any other individual or group. We affirm the right to keep and bear arms, and oppose the prosecution of individuals for exercising their rights of self-defense. We oppose all laws at any level of government requiring registration of, or restricting, the ownership, manufacture, or transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition.

"What you fail to *see* is that neither party has our back and that we are succumbing to the divide and conquer strategy."
Man, you hit the nail right on the head! The key here is to elect people who will stand up for US and follow the Constitution. Is this possible? Yes. Is it probable? You answer that question.
You follow your indoctrination well:D Comrade:s0112::s0112:


Hi All
I think that the spin doctors have done a great job trying to turn us all against each other and to take sides, they call this divide and conquer and most of us don’t even know that this has or is being done to us every day. Please take a few minutes out of your time and go to the link I have included here to read what is really happening in politics and in our schools and meeting halls and educate yourselves on how to deal with this time tested deception that is being perpetrated to all of us with Hollywood style imagery and Disneyland fantasy

Keep in mind it is all about perceptions and images in the minds eye that these people use to form your opinions and spend billions every year to do this.
So alot of replys saying Beck isn't telling the truth but no specific instance of him telling a lie. We have heard spin telling us Dunn was just praising a young Mao but still not a single point where he has been proven a liar. As the Man caused global warming progressive people say " the issue is settled and the debate is closed".

Beck isn't a liar and if you took the time to listen you would learn the truth. Of course you can't trust him cause he is neither a repub or a democrat. He is pro gun however.


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