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Feb. 11, 2019

Since 2013, 61 people have been killed and 98 injured in 38 school shootings, according to a school shooting tracker that NBC News is making public.
Interesting, NBC seems to be taking an honest, objective stance to report factual information, not trumped up by political motivation. Perhaps they'll be able to add credibility to the numbers reporting game. Only time will tell If they can be successful and maintain honestly and integrity of reporting said statistics.
I'm skeptical...

"In an effort to be more consistent, and to more closely align our statistics with our reporting, teams within NBC News collaborated, studied existing school shooting databases and sources, and created a criteria for school shooting counts for use across the company's newsrooms."
I'm skeptical...

"In an effort to be more consistent, and to more closely align our statistics with our reporting, teams within NBC News collaborated, studied existing school shooting databases and sources, and created a criteria for school shooting counts for use across the company's newsrooms."

What part are you skeptical about? They detail their criteria and you can easily verify their numbers based on those criteria.
What part are you skeptical about? They detail their criteria and you can easily verify their numbers based on those criteria.
I'm skeptical that any member of the mainstream media is actually attempting to be objective. Especially given their history of distorting and twisting facts to make conservatives and their values appear to be negative, ignorant, evil, and stupid.

The media is the ultimate enemy of freedom and America. Damn them all to hell.

Listen to any top of the hour newscast on any AM radio station and if you don't think that the media is heavily biased towards the leftist agenda, then I'd like to sell you some oceanfront property in Arizona.
They will screw it up or get paid off to change it.o_O

They don't need to be paid off. The media is all in for transforming America into a socialist/communist paradise.

I mean, really, when only 7% of journalist claim to be conservative... Doesn't take a math genius to realize there is some bias going on...

Guess How Many Mainstream Media Reporters are Democrats? ⋆ Deneen Borelli
The MSM is run by corporate interests, don't kid yourself, they're ALL about the money. That's why only the "sensational" stuff is proffered for consumption... fear, war, violence, sex, and the "abnormal" catch people's attention. Catching people's attention means revenue via neilson ratings, and "clicks".

Throughout human history there have ALWAYS been a "core elite" that do nothing but work out ways to "rule" everyone. Past ways were just brute caveman force, tribal chieftains, "Devine" monarchies, feudal societies, invented religions & political ideologies... (international) corporatism.

The major thorn in the elite's sides is that the proverbial genie was let out of the bottle and along came Republics... voting, human rights... along with pesky Constitutions specifically enumeration those rights.

There's two basic ways to influence, manipulate, and control people... the carrot or the stick, pleasure or pressure... Plato o Plumo (Silver or Lead), that's right... basically only two ways. The elietes are manipulating the masses to voluntarily give up their rights, with visions of free health care, free education, free income... free, free, free.

The communists have their elites, the socialist have theirs, and the capitalists have theirs... always have always will, and "having too much" is "never enough" for them. All of the aparachics in the MSM are useful idiots, their egos get stroked & they're led to believe they're "in the club"... but they're not. If TPTB manage to pull off the next totalitarian paradigm shift, they'll be among the first to go and get to see first-hand a Khmer Rouge type purging of society, along with much of the skilled professions. Like most human beings, their egos blind them to the reality that's going on around them.

I have come to believe (or STRONGLY suspect) that the only thing keeping an outright (overt) "overthrow" (and "purging") of our society is the private arms held by the III% of patriots in this country... but we're an aging demographic who won't live forever, and to all you "Progressive" motherbubblegummers out there (rubbing your hands together in anticipation of the day you get to "steamroll" your twisted vision upon others) who may read this are going to reap the wind for your demented egos, and if not in this life, SURELY in the next life to come... as well you should.

NOTHING is free, just nothing... especially freedom.
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Maybe after it has been pointed out NUMEROUS times, that the news agencies are either swayed, or flat out lying, maybe, just maybe, NBC opened their eyes first?

Maybe they are thinking if they start reporting more honest and accurate news they will start to get more viewers? More viewers = more revenue.

One can only hope that they they are breaking away and will actually report truth, honestly and accurately.
I'm skeptical that any member of the mainstream media is actually attempting to be objective. Especially given their history of distorting and twisting facts to make conservatives and their values appear to be negative, ignorant, evil, and stupid. ...

I agree with you that media is garbage though I might focus more on stuff like Yellowcake or "Remember the Maine" as evidence of its manipulative and dangerous nature. That said, NBC's criteria seem fair enough. I'm always annoyed when, for example, a driveby at 2:00 am on a Saturday night is characterized as a school shooting just because the targets were on a sidewalk near a school -- that smacks of padding the data. If however NBC can stick to their published criteria, that would be good:

The NBC News school shooting tracker includes shootings that meet these criteria:
  1. One or more active shooters. The FBI defines an active shooter as an individual engaged in attempting to kill people in a confined space or populated area.
  2. On school property during school hours and as students are arriving or leaving, or at school-sanctioned or school-sponsored events. "Schools" are defined as ranging from nursery schools to colleges, universities, and technical schools.
  3. There is intent to harm students or faculty with a gun.
  4. At least one person, other than the shooter, is injured or dies.
And while every case of school gun violence is serious and can cause trauma and suffering for the children and adults who experience it, in order to capture the subset of gun violence described in the Safe School Initiative report our count excludes the following cases:
  1. Accidental discharge of a weapon at school
  2. Suicide by firearm at school
  3. Isolated fights, altercations, or domestic disputes, including gang violence

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