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As some of you might remember, I wrote the Brushfire Plague trilogy several years ago. This was a pandemic survivalist/action scenario...yes pre-Covid...and set in Portland as civilization starts to crumble in the face of a virulent and deadly plague. As I'm getting ready to start writing seriously again, I wanted to ask everyone: are there any particular apocalyptic scenarios that would grab your eye if you heard about it or saw it on a bookshelf? Another way to think about it is: what are your favorite scenarios in that genre?


I read that trilogy, well done and thank you.

For an idea as you asked. How about an apocalyptic novel based on the obvious outcome of the current administrations total civilian disarmament efforts combined with the current "woke" agendas taken to their conclusion.

Add in uncontrolled immigration and rampant taxation to spice it up a bit.

That would make Stephen King's novels read like kindergarten cartoon primers.

Then again, a lot of people out there would use it as their favorite porn, maybe they would leave us alone then.
You could write about a former law enforcement officer who after he loses his family ...
Roams the wastelands in his "Pursuit Special"....errr....wait...I think that one has been done already...:D

I would love to see and read a historically correct account of Hugh Glass....
Even if it were more historic fiction than non fiction...simply because what we actually know as fact about Hugh Glass wouldn't fill a possibles bag...:D
Lord Grizzly by Fredrick Manfred is good if a bit dated...The Revenant both novel and movie was .....terrible.
pre-Covid...and set in Portland as civilization starts to crumble in the face of a virulent and deadly plague.
You didn't know at the time that you were writing non-fiction,.

are there any particular apocalyptic scenarios that would grab your eye if you heard about it or saw it on a bookshelf?
Well, a story about an Airman First Class releasing classified information on a large scale that would help Russia and Red China bring down the US might be a good one. There might be some real grist for the literary mill in the world of cyber intelligence and espionage.

I like to read personal accounts, point of view if you will. So maybe something like people are sometimes discussing here. With a range of characters all engaging with a SHTF scenario. Like the guys driving around in SUV's with fording snorkels on them: They are set to go, yet the simple act of massive, simultaneous traffic jam traps them in the urban areas just as surely as those having made no prior preparations. This is a very real problem, unresolved, right back to "Panic in Year Zero" in 1962.

Then you could morph the story into taking a look at those who did manage to escape the conflagration. They get to the woods, then they find opposition in the form of already resident tweakers and bandits. This is real life, because they are out there.

The nature of the SHTF situation is almost limitless. The major powers are finding that all their pre-existing ideas about how modern warfare will unfold are erroneous and or obsolete. Now we have constellations of low orbit satellites, hypersonic missiles, and unmanned toy aircraft (drones). With The Bomb lurking in the background. There is plenty of potential danger to be imagined.

Second volume, the transition of the initial survivors to venues further inland.

Sounds like shades of the recent TV series, "The Last of Us." But this kind of stuff always seems to interest a fair share of people. Those trying to get a glimpse of what might be in the future? Or how they would deal with it?

One survival scenario that I've pondered. For those in positions of authority, including individual police and soldiers, at what point does their loyalty to their responsibilities break? They are charged with protecting the public and the regime. But what about their own family back home, which itself may be in dire need? When things get bad enough, you know cops and soldiers are gonna start to melt away and take care of their own business.
How about a group of long distance / precision shooters who meet innocently enough, but their common interest and the anarchical unrest in in a major libtard west coast city motivate them to band together and start removing certain 'figures' from the game thus equalizing the odds, and improving the possibilty of this regions return to a state of normal, ethical morality.
I've already got the bare bones start . . . want to collaborate?

Actually, I've got a couple of starts like that. I wanted to get together with D. S. Edwards on a project, but he never got back with me.
Greater Idaho becomes a reality. With even less conservatives in OR gov, progressivism goes into overdrive. Police are disbanded and most crimes are eliminated. Portland is the epicenter of the ultra progressive movement.

As chaos starts to unfold, businesses close and leave, and gov tax revenue drops, OR institutes a sales tax to compensate. Kids are removed from families and placed in gender affirmation centers. A charismatic but ruthless leader takes total control of an ultra left wing militia and sets up their headquarters in the old press gang tunnels under Portland, setting up roadblocks, taking control of Portland, and providing lies to gov agencies resulting in targeting families opposing their ideology.

Story centers on a Portland family that finds itself the relentless target of this leader from some past perceived insult. Barely avoiding their 3 children from being taken by a gov reeducation team after being turned in by the militia due to invented evidence of gender suppression, they make plans to escape Portland to Free Greater Idaho.
The "one second after" trilogy was a really good read about life after an EMP. I wouldn't mind reading another author's take on the subject

Also, do you sell your books directly? I prefer to give an author all the profits if possible and cut out the amazons of the world
If I had the talent and the time, I would base a series on what would happen if the Cascadia fault let loose.

In addition to the direct damage to the PNW, there would be sympathetic events triggered due to it's size and magnitude. You could see dormant volcanoes in the Cascades become active as well as more activity in Alaska. The Yellowstone supervolcano icould be in play as is the New Madrid fault that rocked the Mississipi in 1912. Even the San Andreas fault is linked to Cascadia. The scope of damage for a fictional piece is as big as you want, and there is a lot of info already about the preparations for the event to assist with research.

It's also not a "what if" scenario, but an "eventually WILL happen" one.
I'd be interested in seeing a futuristic take on the subject. Our society is becoming more and more dependent upon technology, which could make apocalyptic scenarios even worse when it is suddenly unavailable. Think about how far down that road some folks are already - smart locks on their doors, smart thermostats, smart appliances, etc. It would be cool to see something set a decade or two in the future - nothing too SciFi, but where most people's lives and homes are entirely tech dependent. No light switches, no handles to turn on or off plumbing, everything voice activated, that kind of a thing, but across all aspects of everyday life - healthcare, transportation, law enforcement, cooking / food prep, housing, work, shopping, entertainment, education, farming, property, etc. I think it would be a poignant perspective, especially if it takes current trends in consumer tech consumption and highlights just how far society might take it.
Yeah, great stuff all! I'll let it churn around for a bit, might come back with a poll on which topic or scenario people are most interested in! Appreciate y'all!
So hear me out…

A mild Chinese invasion.

IE the deterioration of society through Chinese influences in American politics leading to a division among the nation. West coast going further Chinese socialistic, left coast going further European Socialistic. Center of country going further Conservative. Civil war is on the brink, west coast starts to lock its citizens in and tax them extremely heavily if they try to leave towards the southern middle part of the country. More checkpoints start to pop up on western and eastern state borders harassing those leaving or traveling outside of their own (political ideology) state.

All the while the main character is semi stuck in his place as he is starting a new family and financially becoming unable to move. Things aren't all that bad, yet.

Then it happens, some politically motivated bombing from an extremest group finally pushes the middle of the country to push back and start withholding resources to the outside states. Starts arming their side of the boarder and screening those trying to escape their areas to the middle southern states. Turning some away. This causes further tension among the socialistic coastal states and center conservative states.

Meanwhile, main character is dealing with a newly discovered family illness, and the more liberal states allow better freedoms to do what you wish with your body. Doctors and hospitals in these areas are the best in the region and his work already has guaranteed coverage.

Anxiety is rising with main character as laws are now being passed making all of his hard earned (through years of saving and collecting) firearms illegal. He is becoming a criminal in his own home. His job is starting to work with the local government to crack down on firearm ownership. His insurance starts managing firearms policies.

Escalations with the center of the country and coastal states escalate, more political attacks on both sides. Curfews issues in western areas. Crime is rampant for those that don't care. Western states go full blown dictatorship and start confiscating weapons in a last ditch effort to establish some form of control. The Chinese start showing up to provide aid. The camels back is about to break.

The main character has been able to avoid all the all the criminal prosecutions for owning guns and avoids confiscations by hiding everything. He go undetected for a few years as this unfolds so his son/daughter/wife can get the medicine they need to live.

Sickness starts to get better.

Civil war is just about full swing and coastal states start joining alliances with the Chinese or European nations to continue receiving finances and other aid.

Main character is now trapped and needs to get out or they will likely make his life much more unpleasant.

Ok, thanks for reading!
So hear me out…

A mild Chinese invasion.

IE the deterioration of society through Chinese influences in American politics leading to a division among the nation. West coast going further Chinese socialistic, left coast going further European Socialistic. Center of country going further Conservative. Civil war is on the brink, west coast starts to lock its citizens in and tax them extremely heavily if they try to leave towards the southern middle part of the country. More checkpoints start to pop up on western and eastern state borders harassing those leaving or traveling outside of their own (political ideology) state.

All the while the main character is semi stuck in his place as he is starting a new family and financially becoming unable to move. Things aren't all that bad, yet.

Then it happens, some politically motivated bombing from an extremest group finally pushes the middle of the country to push back and start withholding resources to the outside states. Starts arming their side of the boarder and screening those trying to escape their areas to the middle southern states. Turning some away. This causes further tension among the socialistic coastal states and center conservative states.

Meanwhile, main character is dealing with a newly discovered family illness, and the more liberal states allow better freedoms to do what you wish with your body. Doctors and hospitals in these areas are the best in the region and his work already has guaranteed coverage.

Anxiety is rising with main character as laws are now being passed making all of his hard earned (through years of saving and collecting) firearms illegal. He is becoming a criminal in his own home. His job is starting to work with the local government to crack down on firearm ownership. His insurance starts managing firearms policies.

Escalations with the center of the country and coastal states escalate, more political attacks on both sides. Curfews issues in western areas. Crime is rampant for those that don't care. Western states go full blown dictatorship and start confiscating weapons in a last ditch effort to establish some form of control. The Chinese start showing up to provide aid. The camels back is about to break.

The main character has been able to avoid all the all the criminal prosecutions for owning guns and avoids confiscations by hiding everything. He go undetected for a few years as this unfolds so his son/daughter/wife can get the medicine they need to live.

Sickness starts to get better.

Civil war is just about full swing and coastal states start joining alliances with the Chinese or European nations to continue receiving finances and other aid.

Main character is now trapped and needs to get out or they will likely make his life much more unpleasant.

Ok, thanks for reading!
The toughest aspect of a Chinese invasion is transportation. They have the numbers and don't really care how many survive, but the gotcha is how do they get them here? There aren't enough ships, and they were it takes along time and ships are easy to sink. Even after our collapse, we still have resources a plenty for this. The story would have to somehow account for this.

The second thing is that currently we are maiking China rich and making our intellectual property av ailable to steal. They won't act until the gains of an invasion outweigh the gains of out voluntary contribution. That will eventually happen, it just affects when it could plausably take place.
JMHO, but whatever plotline you pick, no matter if it's one book or fifteen, if you find yourself at a loss on how to end it and wrap everything up I beg of you, please, please, PLEASE! do not, 3 pages from the end suddenly decide that there were super soldiers engaging in a Dragon Ball Z battle to decide the fate of mankind that you somehow forgot to mention AT ALL!! ANYWHERE ELSE!!! IN THE BOOK!!!
That's why my first book was non-fiction and my second was a kids (fiction) book!! I don't do sci-fi or fantasy. It can get too weird.
But I'll add this excerpt;


In the undulating, chaotic mass of black-clad demonstrators, he was fairly well camouflaged, but he had repeatedly made a big mistake. Though dressed similarly to his co-protestors, he continually wore the same black and yellow, what appeared to be a Pittsburg Steelers watch cap. Because of that, he was identifiable; and labelled with the code name, 'Steeler'.

Steeler had been under surveillance for some time, primarily since he was, or at least appeared to be one of the leadership figures at both BLM and Antifa gatherings. As observed, he would help get things spun up and running hot, and then disappear for a brief time, showing up again in the surging crowd. His usual practice was to work his way forward in the crowd, and then when adequately concealed by the heaving throng's noise and movement, he would light the fuse on his device and then hurl it up and forward from the middle of the crowd, toward the line of police. The method had worked, and worked well three times now. Three times Steeler had thrown small incendiary-type bombs, and injured several officers without being ID'ed, as far as he knew. His self-confidence was high, and that made him vulnerable.

Pierce watched carefully for the Steeler's caps reappearance in the crowd. When it showed, Pierce called it in. Then he watched as the target snaked his way forward through the marchers.
"Target is about two rows back from the front and completely enveloped."
"Roger, I've got him" Pierce replied to the voice in his headphone as he brought up the suppressed rifle, "Watching for fire."
"As soon as you see him ignite the device, you are cleared to shoot."
"Roger that."
Then he saw it; there low in the mob, a sudden brightness; Steeler had lit the fuse. Keeping the flame low and masked in the crowd, Pierce watched through the scope as Steeler straightened up and was preparing to throw it toward the cops. As Steeler reached full height and glanced toward the police line, Pierce followed steeler's arm down to where he could positively ID him as the thrower, then reacquired Steeler's head in the reticle and lightly stroked the trigger. The suppressed .17 HMR rifle hissed, sending a 17 grain, .17 caliber bullet whizzing across the block and into Steeler's skull. Moments later, the device detonated in the midst of the mob.
Steeler lay there, his eyes blinked, knowing, yet not knowing, as his lifeblood drained away through the holes in his head, onto and spreading slowly across the dark wet streets. And next to his dead body, his fellow rioters were enveloped in the flames.
Pierce smiled.
I read a lot. I like my stories researched with a lot of truth in them. So much is happening it should be easy to write a book on where it all leads us.

Don't kill the heros.

Use up to date technology to build interest, the war in Ukraine is modern technology and YT will be there to help you sell because of all the war videos they run.

Maybe tie in some culture change for some drama, culture has really shifted for the worse.

China is a great adversary but tie in their allies from Iran to the Mexican drug cartels. You could run 4 stories at the same time, 🇺🇸 is a big country with a lot of borders to defend.

Good luck.

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