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I can feel the hate coming down already. Yep. I'm moving to Fresno. Taking a job as engineering manager with a hugigantic winery. 24 million gallons in cooperage. NFA stuff is staying up here so I can visit it sometimes. The rest of the CA legal stuff is coming with.
Trading snow for Palm trees. Yeah, I dont see much of a difference on the West Coast. Did a few interviews in the south but you couldnt pay me enough to live in Mississippi or Alabama.
Moving to Fresno...Might be a good time to stock up on:

1.) non roster but legal handguns to flaunt at the range
2.) good A/C

You may wish to check into repeating #1 above. If you do so, you may create some instant Calgunner friends, bring relief behind enemy lines and finance your move :s0159: :s0060: :s0160: .

"Please Sir, may I have some more VP9s, Gen 5 Glocks, EDC firearms that are newer than 2015?"


Good luck with the move OP!
I live in Yakima. You think it gets hot in Fresno? Californians like to talk smack about California more that SIG owners like to talk smack about SIG. I'm from there originally but have only lived there about 8 years of my life. Tired of the winters and we were looking for something warmer to retire in down the road.

I plan on picking up a few more non roster guns before I head down. I loath shooting at ranges but i bet I can make a few bucks :).
Shaver Lake is about a 45 min drive up the hill from Fresno. Used to live up there in the early 70's. When I lived there it was around 460 population. I can't imagine what it is now. Shaver is a great fishing and boating lake. About 20 miles up the road from Shaver is China Peak for skiing. Keep going pass China Peak and you start getting into the back country. We're talking 9000+ ft peaks with sheer granite walls. Some of us that were on the dumber side would pack back into Humphy Basin (spelling) and wait for the lightning. The Basin was solid granite with fissures that went on for miles. Really put the fear of God into you when the lightning was dancing on the granite and the fissures would glow blue. Fresno people are a bit strange. Opening day of hunting season they would walk around Shaver with revolvers strapped to their leg and were convinced it was the old West and they might have to draw at any time. Often their wife, girlfriend or whatever was walking behind them with a deer rifle she had no idea how to carry. People would spray paint "DOG" on the side of their canines to hopefully give them half a chance to survive the season. I worked on the volunteer ambulance and would always sign up for the day before and the opening day of hunting season. Back then I got $25 per patient to get them down to Fresno before they died of gunshot wounds. No chopper airlift in those days. Often I would have them stacked up in the back of the ambulance. Good money. Try to spend as much off time in the Sierras and you will probably keep your sanity. Best to you.
Ah, Yakima! Yes, you should be prepared for Fresno.

I have to laugh and ask - is the guy still sitting on the little island in the pond beside the freeway on the opposite side but near the "Yakima, the Palm Springs of Washington" sign?
Fresno is the Yakima of California :) . Havent seen the sign yet. Yep. The guy is still there.

Actually I'll be living in Clovis which is quite nice with good schools etc.
Ah, Yakima! Yes, you should be prepared for Fresno.

I have to laugh and ask - is the guy still sitting on the little island in the pond beside the freeway on the opposite side but near the "Yakima, the Palm Springs of Washington" sign?
He is. And was covered in snow last week when I drove through.
2 1/2 feet of snow in the yard right now and more on the way. Tired of it. Only thing worse is that sogging you guys on the west side get.
Tired of the winters and we were looking for something warmer to retire in down the road.

I hear you on this. We had been going back and forth between heading to Idaho or Arizona. This winter convinced me of the latter. I'm done with the rain, snow, and wet damn near half the year.

Anyway, good luck and best of wishes on your new gig and the move. :)
Yeah , whenever I hear anyone talk smack about California I just bring up Yakima . If they know what I'm talking about its the end of the discussion. Ive had 3 murders within a mile of my house in the last year and I live in the nice part of town.
2 1/2 feet of snow in the yard right now and more on the way. Tired of it. Only thing worse is that sogging you guys on the west side get.

Ha, Ha, my son is in Walla Walla and keeps trying to get me to move to "temperate" Washington - someplace with seasons.

I don't really plan on buying a snow shovel and if I want snow I think I will take a day trip to Tahoe :)
I actually "lived" in Sacramento back a ways when pop. was right at 50,000. Then Marysville & Grass Valley area. Drove thru about 1992. Good luck with that Fresno job.
Lo Siento.

There are a lot of problems with California, especially Fresno, but I'll share with you two positives of that city

1. The Taco Trucks are amazing. No mexican food in the NW can compare. Buy a larger belt now and enjoy

2. There is a pretty great little military museum in Fresno

Good luck.
Fresno is a pretty chill place. Used to stop there often on the stretch from Reno to San Luis Obispo.

Pismo beach and tons of wine in that are are tons of good times.

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