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Peace takes two sides to agree. War only takes one. If you look at what Hamas actually says that sect will not be happy with just the land. Their charter explicitly states they intend to genocide the Jews. All of them, wherever they are found.

Remember there was some fairly extreme animosity between the Jews and their prophet Mohammad, and it is recorded in fairly explicit detail in the Quran.

Giving the Jews NYS just means that Hamas et. al. will try to figure out how to export their war over here. This is a cultural/religious issue before it is anything else. If you want peace you have to fix that. The question then becomes "how do you force a people to adopt an entirely new culture?" That is a hard question to answer given how ingrained their hatred is towards the Jews.
Once the Muslims get their land back and the jews are in their own nation in America the fighting in the middle east stops. We save billions and Israel gets peace here. Throwing out a few new Yorkers is a small price to pay.
Once the Muslims get their land back and the jews are in their own nation in America the fighting in the middle east stops. We save billions and Israel gets peace here. Throwing out a few new Yorkers is a small price to pay.
I doubt it. The war between the Muslims and the Jews (and the Muslims and the Christians, and the Muslims and whoever else) has been raging for over a millennia. The tenets of their religion and culture do not lend themselves to peace with neighbors. The only times those nations have had significant periods of peace is when they were under heavy influence from other cultures. It really is a culture war, in every sense of the term. It just so happens to flair up into bloody shooting wars when there is enough impetus to do so.
You're kidding right?

Christian nations have killed the hell out of a lot of people over the last century. Far more effectively than any other group of people. In machine-like ways. One might suggest that Anglo-German peoples are the most gifted in violence... Or at least that's what Teddy Roosevelt thought.

Athiest regimes have done pretty well with the mass killings as well.
Atheist regimes are a relative newcomer to human history. I am also not making comparisons on who is worse. I am merely pointing out historical trends and the basic tenets a specific culture professes. Furthermore they do not have to be good at war to export strife to their neighbors. All they have to be is willing, as the current conflict with Israel demonstrates.
The jews should never have re established israel if they wanted peace. Not only is their cultural differences and religious differences but it's a fight for property. The endless war over the land won't stop when Hamas is defeated, Hezbollah will take up the war. We of course will spend billions killing then billions more trying to keep the peace.

We are out of money.
Atheist regimes are a relative newcomer to human history. I am also not making comparisons on who is worse. I am merely pointing out historical trends and the basic tenets a specific culture professes. Furthermore they do not have to be good at war to export strife to their neighbors. All they have to be is willing, as the current conflict with Israel demonstrates.
Right, I realized i had hoisted a flag of nonsense as I had misinterpreted your comment. Hence the "oops."
The jews should never have re established israel if they wanted peace.
You realize the circumstances of the foundation of the modern state of Israel, don't you? They had just been rounded up from among nearly every nation in Europe and murdered by the millions, in an actual genocide. They had no nation of their own, and no way to defend themselves. I certainly can't blame them for wanting their own land, and their own army to defend it, so that kind of thing could never happen again.

If a person makes the argument that Israel has been heavy-handed with the Palestinians, I could respect that argument, whether I agree or not, but no, genocide it is not.
You realize the circumstances of the foundation of the modern state of Israel, don't you? They had just been rounded up from among nearly every nation in Europe and murdered by the millions, in an actual genocide. They had no nation of their own, and no way to defend themselves. I certainly can't blame them for wanting their own land, and their own army to defend it, so that kind of thing could never happen again.

If a person makes the argument that Israel has been heavy-handed with the Palestinians, I could respect that argument, whether I agree or not, but no, genocide it is not.
Not arguing at all about hamas because it's obvious that Israel is protecting itself. What I am saying is when you move into the Muslims world that you will have to fight every day to live. Give them New York state and it all goes away, no more war and they can finally live in peace.
A real quandary isn't it. I look to history and try to pick out other events similar. In America the American Indians were considered as Hamas as people moved into Indian lands. There are tribes that no longer exist because the only good Indian is a dead Indian.

I really don't know, Israel didn't exist until 1948 when the world voted them in as a country. Of course when your land is given away it tends to create violence. The violence won't end when Hamas is destroyed, Hezbollah will be the new terrorist and the war never ending.
I can't find it now, but a video I watched of Ben Shapiro seems to put the time line into focus of how the Jewish people came to have the land they live in. If you believe Ben Shapiro. The Palestinians didn't even exist at the time the Jews were finding their place. And he lined out the history of the Jews being constantly attacked buy the people surrounding them, and coming to the table, giving in to demands, signing treaties with those around them, and THEN, being attacked and bombed again! At least that's what I got from his talk.

I tend to like Shapiro, and believe him. Maybe he is full of crap? A liar? Why can't these people just live their lives without killing others that don't believe like them.
This is supposed to be what happens between religions? Makes me sick.
I can't find it now, but a video I watched of Ben Shapiro seems to put the time line into focus of how the Jewish people came to have the land they live in. If you believe Ben Shapiro. The Palestinians didn't even exist at the time the Jews were finding their place. And he lined out the history of the Jews being constantly attacked buy the people surrounding them, and coming to the table, giving in to demands, signing treaties with those around them, and THEN, being attacked and bombed again! At least that's what I got from his talk.

I tend to like Shapiro, and believe him. Maybe he is full of crap? A liar? Why can't these people just live their lives without killing others that don't believe like them.
This is supposed to be what happens between religions? Makes me sick.
I love America and hate to see us involved in the middle east. How many times before 1948 were we involved defending Israel? Once Israel became a nation with our support it's cost us dearly in lives and money. 911 would never have happened if we had not supported Israel.

Right now thousands are being killed and we are paying and helping it happen. The consequences when we are already in a war with Russia could turn out to be our destruction.

My solution is to give New York state to Israel, it's not like we are giving up a part of America, it's New York.

No doubt my opinion isn't what others think but there better be a solution soon because every death in the middle east is going to be blamed on us. With the border open and thousands of middle eastern men coming across we have given them all the reason in the world to murder us.
The only problem is that New York is not the Biblical Promised Land, and that is the very problem.. the Judea/Israel/Pre-Abrahamic religion has at its core; the concept of a God-Given Promised Land that is where Israel is right now on a map, defined in the Christian OT and in the Jewish holy texts... and its nowhere near America.

On the flip side, it is explicitly stated by Islamic leaders of certain groups fighting over there that one of their core tenets is the complete elimination of Israel, and the elimination of all who refuse to convert to Islam. So..

Until that area gets nuked/glassed and either or both religions destroyed.. strife and war will continue there.
I love America and hate to see us involved in the middle east. How many times before 1948 were we involved defending Israel? Once Israel became a nation with our support it's cost us dearly in lives and money. 911 would never have happened if we had not supported Israel.

Right now thousands are being killed and we are paying and helping it happen. The consequences when we are already in a war with Russia could turn out to be our destruction.

My solution is to give New York state to Israel, it's not like we are giving up a part of America, it's New York.

No doubt my opinion isn't what others think but there better be a solution soon because every death in the middle east is going to be blamed on us. With the border open and thousands of middle eastern men coming across we have given them all the reason in the world to murder us.
Most of the problems you cite are a result of our own weak leadership. The Muslim culture in the middle east is not just against the Jews, they are against the West itself. You think the illegal immigrant problem in Europe is going to stop if Israel ceases existing? Do you really think they would stop trying to take advantage of our open borders just because we no longer get involved in the Middle East? Listen to their own words and believe them. I assure you that they do.
Most of the problems you cite are a result of our own weak leadership. The Muslim culture in the middle east is not just against the Jews, they are against the West itself. You think the illegal immigrant problem in Europe is going to stop if Israel ceases existing? Do you really think they would stop trying to take advantage of our open borders just because we no longer get involved in the Middle East? Listen to their own words and believe them. I assure you that they do.
What I do know after watching decades of fighting in the middle east is we don't need to be there. Let them kill each other to define how they worship their God and let's stay out of wars. I was just reading that under the emergency powers act we sold Israel 14,000 120mm tank rounds from our own strategic supply. In a time where we have committed to fighting Russia it's a bad move to sell our ammo we might just need.
I mean it's pretty clear, Israel wants Gaza gone so they can take over and enjoy their new land. My issue is with the government of Israel not the average Jewish citizen.

When you mass kill women and children, I would consider that genocide.…. taking out a few generations is not a walk in the park. Anyone with two brain cells can tell you that all Gaza is, is an open air concentration camp. of course I don't agree with what Hamas did. But do you think people will go crazy when their land keeps getting stolen from them by force? Do you think people might say, I have had enough of this and we are gonna fight back? What army does Gaza have to fight back? nothing, so they fight dirty.
Imagine this, your town gets bombed and your family is gone. Are you gonna strap a bomb to yourself and get revenge?

Bombing a neighborhood and killing many innocent people does not justify killing a few bad guys. This has to be a planned hit….. special forces sneaking around and taking out bad guys.

Is it really justifiable to kill a handful of terrorists at the cost of killing a bunch of innocent people? I think some of you see it as….. well if you question what and how Israel is doing things, you are seen as supporters of Hamas. Someone tell me why it's okay for us to support Israel's war? Oh and Ukraine.

I call the BS as I see it. I am not gonna chose Israel or Gaza's side, and I just want peace. Funny how no one is talking and pushing for peace. There is a lot of money to be made.

Hamas was wrong for their cowardly attacks and Israel is wrong for mass killing thousands of innocent people under the excuse of fighting terror.
I mean it's pretty clear, Israel wants Gaza gone so they can take over and enjoy their new land. My issue is with the government of Israel not the average Jewish citizen.

When you mass kill women and children, I would consider that genocide.…. taking out a few generations is not a walk in the park. Anyone with two brain cells can tell you that all Gaza is, is an open air concentration camp. of course I don't agree with what Hamas did. But do you think people will go crazy when their land keeps getting stolen from them by force? Do you think people might say, I have had enough of this and we are gonna fight back? What army does Gaza have to fight back? nothing, so they fight dirty.
Imagine this, your town gets bombed and your family is gone. Are you gonna strap a bomb to yourself and get revenge?

Bombing a neighborhood and killing many innocent people does not justify killing a few bad guys. This has to be a planned hit….. special forces sneaking around and taking out bad guys.

Is it really justifiable to kill a handful of terrorists at the cost of killing a bunch of innocent people? I think some of you see it as….. well if you question what and how Israel is doing things, you must support Hamas. Someone tell me why it's okay for us to support Israel's war? Oh and Ukraine.

I call the BS as I see it. I am not gonna chose Israel or Gaza's side, and I just want peace. Funny how no one is talking and pushing for peace. There is a lot of money to be made.

Hamas was wrong for their cowardly attacks and Israel is wrong for mass killing thousands of innocent people under the excuse of fighting terror.
In the following comments, the term "attackers" means those who struck the first blow of the exchange. "Victim" means the object of that blow. Anyone who wants to take the issue back further can do so, but it really isn't relevant to this discussion, other than to examine a root cause that started the whole conflict.

It is amazing how many fall for the strategy of using women, children, and hostages as shields. This strategy is intended to put the original victim of the attackers in a position of causing collateral damage to "innocents" in order to effectively respond to the attackers. The goal is to raise opposition to the victim because of the response, thereby putting it in a "no-win" situation.

This only works when the onlookers fail to hold the attackers responsible for bringing the "innocents" into the line of fire. Ignoring this fact undermines the intellectual power of that argument, and reveals it as based on emotion. Taking advantage of this weakness is the intent of the strategy.
I mean it's pretty clear, Israel wants Gaza gone so they can take over and enjoy their new land. My issue is with the government of Israel not the average Jewish citizen.

When you mass kill women and children, I would consider that genocide.…. taking out a few generations is not a walk in the park. Anyone with two brain cells can tell you that all Gaza is, is an open air concentration camp. of course I don't agree with what Hamas did. But do you think people will go crazy when their land keeps getting stolen from them by force? Do you think people might say, I have had enough of this and we are gonna fight back? What army does Gaza have to fight back? nothing, so they fight dirty.
Imagine this, your town gets bombed and your family is gone. Are you gonna strap a bomb to yourself and get revenge?

Bombing a neighborhood and killing many innocent people does not justify killing a few bad guys. This has to be a planned hit….. special forces sneaking around and taking out bad guys.

Is it really justifiable to kill a handful of terrorists at the cost of killing a bunch of innocent people? I think some of you see it as….. well if you question what and how Israel is doing things, you are seen as supporters of Hamas. Someone tell me why it's okay for us to support Israel's war? Oh and Ukraine.

I call the BS as I see it. I am not gonna chose Israel or Gaza's side, and I just want peace. Funny how no one is talking and pushing for peace. There is a lot of money to be made.

Hamas was wrong for their cowardly attacks and Israel is wrong for mass killing thousands of innocent people under the excuse of fighting terror.
Yeah, that is not what is happening at all. Hamas lies about civilian casualties, and Western media repeats the lie without question. Did you learn nothing from the "Israel boomed a hospital and killed 500 people!" lie? Hamas actually dropped a dud rocket on a hospital parking lot, killed probably less than a dozen people and blamed Israel for the attack. They say Israel kills dozens, hundreds or thousands of "civilians" every time Israel does anything. The vast majority of the time all those killed "civilians" are, to use the internationally recognized definition of the term, illegal combatants. I.e. terrorists who fight without uniform from within the civilian population itself.

Furthermore Israel does a ton of work to minimize civilian casualties. They will mass call phone numbers, drop leaflets and even blast announcements over airborne PA systems warning people of operations before they start. It is Hamas who prevents civilians from leaving these zones, often setting up armed road blocks and killing their own who are trying to flee. And then of course blaming Israel for those deaths, which most people in the West happily assume is correct. This behavior has been caught on camera.

Gaza has not had Israel "occupation" for about 15 years, all Israel has done is keep the border closed since an open border with Gaza just leads to more dead Israelis. You know who else keeps a closed border with Gaza? Egypt, whom you would think of as a sister Arab nation. They refuse to take in Gazan refugees, as do every other Arab nation in the world. When Israel was formed millions of Jews were expelled from Arab lands by force and were relocated to Israel. These Jews were accepted by Israel with open arms, and were fully integrated into Jewish society basically from day 1. Only a few hundred thousand Arabs were expelled from Israel due to militant activity, and none of them were accepted by the many Arab nations of the world (who were presumably too busy expelling Jews). Those few hundred thousand have now grown into ~4 million over the course of nearly a century.

When you look at the history you will see that the Arab nations thought the formation of Israel was a wonderful idea. It let them expel their own Jews and concentrate them in one place for final extermination. When Israel won the war of extermination it kinda threw a wrench into those plans, and it took half a century before the first Arab nation would recognize the right of the Jews to exist in their own homeland.

And that is an important point to remember; Israel is the homeland of the Jews too, if the Jews are "stealing land" at all it is stealing their land back from centuries of occupation and diaspora. And no, you cannot say Israel is not willing to live on the same land with others, because they already do that. There are ~2 million Arab-Israeli citizens right now, many of whom are fighting in the IDF in Gaza. You want to know why the citizens of Gaza never integrated into Israel like their Arab brethren? It's because the population of Gaza did not want to become Arab-Israeli, they wanted to kill Jews. A recent poll indicates that upwards or %70 of the population of Gaza approves of the October 7th attack, including the mass rape and torture of innocent people. They want to genocide the Jews. How are you supposed to have a peaceful coexistence with people like that?

Trying to morally equate the two sides in this conflict is its own form of antisemitism. The Jews have been victimized for centuries, with no where to turn for safety and security. The world has refused to acknowledge that they even come from somewhere, let alone that that somewhere is Israel. They are not occupiers or land thieves, and indeed their native range today, as concentrated in Israel, is vastly reduced from their historical range. Did you know there are more Arab-Israeli citizens than there are Jewish-anything citizens in the rest of the Arab nations combined? So why the hell do people in the West get on Israel's case for not accepting more people who want to kill them as citizens yet give the rest of the Arab world a 100% free pass for the expulsion of the Jews which continues to this day?

In short everything you have written is a historical fiction. A lie promulgated in the west as a way to justify the genocide of the Jews. A lie so insidious and pervasive that it is taught as fact even in public learning institutions. But it is still a lie, and it is not supported by the known and documented historical record.
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Yeah, that is not what is happening at all. Hamas lies about civilian casualties, and Western media repeats the lie without question. Did you learn nothing from the "Israel boomed a hospital and killed 500 people!" lie? Hamas actually dropped a dud rocket on a hospital parking lot, killed probably less than a dozen people and blamed Israel for the attack. They say Israel kills dozens, hundreds or thousands of "civilians" every time Israel does anything. The vast majority of the time all those killed "civilians" are, to use the internationally recognized definition of the term, illegal combatants. I.e. terrorists who fight without uniform from within the civilian population itself.

Furthermore Israel does a ton of work to minimize civilian casualties. They will mass call phone numbers, drop leaflets and even blast announcements over airborne PA systems warning people of operations before they start. It is Hamas who prevents civilians from leaving these zones, often setting up armed road blocks and killing their own who are trying to flee. And then of course blaming Israel for those deaths, which most people in the West happily assume is correct. This behavior has been caught on camera.

Gaza has not had Israel "occupation" for about 15 years, all Israel has done is keep the border closed since an open border with Gaza just leads to more dead Israelis. You know who else keeps a closed border with Gaza? Egypt, whom you would think of as a sister Arab nation. They refuse to take in Gazan refugees, as do every other Arab nation in the world. When Israel was formed millions of Jews were expelled from Arab lands by force and were relocated to Israel. These Jews were accepted by Israel with open arms, and were fully integrated into Jewish society basically from day 1. Only a few hundred thousand Arabs were expelled from Israel due to militant activity, and none of them were accepted by the many Arab nations of the world (who were presumably too busy expelling Jews). Those few hundred thousand have now grown into ~4 million over the course of nearly a century.

When you look at the history you will see that the Arab nations thought the formation of Israel was a wonderful idea. It let them expel their own Jews and concentrate them in one place for final extermination. When Israel won the war of extermination it kinda threw a wrench into those plans, and it took half a century before the first Arab nation would recognize the right of the Jews to exist in their own homeland.

And that is an important point to remember; Israel is the homeland of the Jews too, if the Jews are "stealing land" at all it is stealing their land back from centuries of occupation and diaspora. And no, you cannot say Israel is not willing to live on the same land with others, because they already do that. There are ~2 million Arab-Israeli citizens right now, many of whom are fighting in the IDF in Gaza. You want to know why the citizens of Gaza never integrated into Israel like their Arab brethren? It's because the population of Gaza did not want to become Arab-Israeli, they wanted to kill Jews. A recent poll indicates that upwards or %70 of the population of Gaza approves of the October 7th attack, including the mass rape and torture of innocent people. They want to genocide the Jews. How are you supposed to have a peaceful coexistence with people like that?

Trying to morally equate the two sides in this conflict is its own form of antisemitism. The Jews have been victimized for centuries, with no where to turn for safety and security. The world has refused to acknowledge that they even come from somewhere, let alone that that somewhere is Israel. They are not occupiers or land thieves, and indeed their native range today, as concentrated in Israel, is vastly reduced from their historical range. Did you know there are more Arab-Israeli citizens than there are Jewish-anything citizens in the rest of the Arab nations combined? So why the hell do people in the West get on Israel's case for not accepting more people who want to kill them as citizens yet give the rest of the Arab world a 100% free pass for the expulsion of the Jews which continues to this day?

In short everything you have written is a historical fiction. A lie promulgated in the west as a way to justify the genocide of the Jews. A lie so insidious and pervasive that it is taught as fact even in public learning institutions. But it is still a lie, and it is not supported by the known and documented historical record.
I can't thank you enough for going to all that work! But I have a feeling it fell on at least two deaf ears in this thread.

I'm a person that sees any media, these days, as being less than completely truthful. In my thoughts I can't help but think there are things in the above that are not truthful. Unfortunately, that's the kind of person I've become.

Still, many thanks for your effort.
I can't thank you enough for going to all that work! But I have a feeling it fell on at least two deaf ears in this thread.

I'm a person that sees any media, these days, as being less than completely truthful. In my thoughts I can't help but think there are things in the above that are not truthful. Unfortunately, that's the kind of person I've become.

Still, many thanks for your effort.
I do not expect anyone to take what I have said as gospel. Basically everything has corroborating sources and historical references that can be found if you look for it. They are not always easy to find, as there are many interest groups that work hard to suppress it, but it is all still out there.

For example, one could argue that the citation of the number of Arabs in Israel vs. the number of Jews in Arab nations is not accurate. The Arab nations do not like counting their Jews, and the Jews in those nations do not like being counted. It can be argued that there are, in reality, far more undocumented Jews in Arab nations than we know of, thus making the factoid false.

I would argue, however, that even if this were true it still proves the point I was making. The Jews in Arab nations hide, because they have something to hid from (namely continued expulsion or genocide), while the Arabs in Israel are happy to stand up an be counted, and indeed even contribute to the national defense right along side their Jewish brethren. IT highlights a fundamental difference in how Israel treats minority ethnicity vs. how the Jews are treated as minorities elsewhere. My question to people who do not like Israel is how do you justify the double standards, laying all blame for inter-ethnic strife at the feet of Israel, expecting them to give everything in the pursuit of a fix for the problem, and letting the Arab nations off with a 100% free pass and zero criticism at all?

This can go right back to things like demanding Israel accept a "two state solution." I have news for people; the two state solution was the solution, already happened, and is the status quo today. When Israel was created it was done so from British Judea (or Jordan, or trans Jordan, depending on when/who you ask). This territory was ceded back to the native populations, the Arabs and the Jews, as two nations; modern Israel and Jordan. Israel for the Jews, Jordan for the Arabs. When people advocate for a "two state solution" today, that is actually advocating for a three state solution, one where Israel gives up even more land so that the Arabs who did not want to integrate into the Israeli state and who did not want to migrate to their own Arab state can have "their own land" outside of "Jewish rule" or something.

Yet no one ever advocates for a "right to return" for any Jews who were expelled from Arab lands. There are no calls for Jordan to create a separate Jewish state from their territory, or let Jews return and reintegrate into Jordanian society. Nor are there call to let Jews return to the other Arab nations from which they were ejected; Egypt, Iraq, Iran etc. etc. No, all the calls for "compromise" and "accommodation" are placed 100% at the feet of Israel who is the only one people claim can "fix" the whole situation.

I ask again (to the general audience) how is this expectation that Israel must do everything, while the rest of the Arab nations must do nothing, not in itself an expectation rooted in its own form of antisemitism?

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