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I wonder if this is all going to end with their eyes and tongues melting, as their flesh is consumed right where they stand.... ;)

Ya, when I tell people that I think we will survive the current situation (economic collapse, turmoil in the Middle East, etc.) I like to throw in the disclaimer "unless we really are at the end of the End." It wouldn't surprise me if we are, but no way to know until we see how it all plays out. Interesting period of history though.
How many foolish Americans will have to go? This crap has gotten out of hand and the military industrial complex is making too much money and the influence it has on the whores running this country is real sad.
Our government calls out the "other side" for arming them, while we secretly arm "our side". What's the difference?

I've said it so many times before that I may just finally puke the life out of my guts. WHEN WILL WE STOP ARMING PEOPLE THAT WILL VERY SOON BE KILLING US WITH OUR WEAPONS?

How much do you need to completely hate America to justify arming Islamic extremist's?
Based on the photo in post #21, does Syria have Section 8 housing? How in the hell else do you get that many satellite dishes on crumbling shacks? Is there a 42" plasma TV in each of those dirt floor "homes"?

Suddenly, those Syrians look awfully American.

"I may have 2&1/2 walls, no insulation and no roof, but man oh man does ESPN 5, 6 & 7 come in crystal clear!"
Al Qaeda threat closes some U.S. embassies -

So the US may close some embassies this weekend due to a perceived risk from Al Qaeda, and yet we are arming them (the rebels) in Syria?...


That terror threat is total BS. They want to justify the NSA's warrantless spying on American citizens any way they can. If anything does actually happen, how much you wanna bet the money trail ultimately leads to either the Obama Administration and/or the CIA, NSA, or any of the other alphabet agencies?
That terror threat is total BS. They want to justify the NSA's warrantless spying on American citizens any way they can. If anything does actually happen, how much you wanna bet the money trail ultimately leads to either the Obama Administration and/or the CIA, NSA, or any of the other alphabet agencies?

On August 12, Joe DiGenova, attorney for one of the Benghazi whistleblowers, told Washington D.C.'s WMAL that one of the reasons people have remained tight-lipped about Benghazi is because 400 U.S. missiles were "diverted to Libya" and ended up being stolen and falling into "the hands of some very ugly people."

DiGenova represents Benghazi whistleblower Mark Thompson. He told WMAL that he "does not know whether [the missiles] were at the annex, but it is clear the annex was somehow involved in the distribution of those missiles."

He claimed his information "comes from a former intelligence official who stayed in constant contact with people in the special ops and intelligence community." He said the biggest concern right now is finding those missiles before they can be put to use. "They are worried, specifically according to these sources, about an attempt to shoot down an airliner," he claimed.

On August 4, Breitbart News covered a report in The Telegraph that said 35 CIA operatives were working in Benghazi when the attack against the consulate took place. The Telegraph claimed these operatives were allegedly in an "annex near the consulate [working] on a project to supply missiles from Libyan armories to Syrian Rebels."

Months earlier, following then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's February 7 testimony on Capitol Hill about the Benghazi attacks, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) suggested that one of the causes behind the terrorist attack "may have been that there was a gun running operation going on in Benghazi, leaving Libya and going to Turkey and [distributing] arms to the [Syrian] rebels
The U.S. channels Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria

Saturday, August 24, 2013 9:49

Who has Crossed the "Red Line"? Barack Obama and John Kerry are Supporting a Terrorist Organization on the State Department List.
Is president Obama setting the stage for a "humanitarian intervention" by casually accusing the Syrian president of killing his own people?
"Following a deliberative review, our intelligence community assesses that the Assad regime has used chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on a small scale against the opposition multiple times in the last year,"

White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said in a statement. "Our intelligence community has high confidence in that assessment given multiple, independent streams of information."
"Obama has give notice to President Bashar Al Assad of ‘enormous consequences' for having crossed the ‘red line'" by allegedly using chemical weapons.
Money and Weapons for Al Qaeda
A WMD saga modeled on Iraq based on fabricated evidence is unfolding. The Western media in chorus relentlessly accuse the Syrian government of premeditated mass-murder, calling upon the "international community" to come to the rescue of the Syrian people.
"Syria crosses ‘red line' on chemical weapons. How will Obama respond?"
The Syrian "opposition" is calling upon the US and its allies to implement "a no fly zone".
In turn, the White House has acknowledged that the red line "has been crossed", while emphasizing that the US and its allies will "increase the scope and scale of assistance" to the rebels.
The chemical weapons pretext is being used to justify further military aid to the rebels, which in large part have been decimated by Syrian government forces.
These defeated opposition rebel forces –largely composed of the Al Qaeda affiliated Al Nusrah– are supported by Turkey, Israel, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
US-NATO-Israel have lost the ground war. Their Al Nusrah Front fighters, which constitute the foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance, cannot, under any circumstances, be rapidly rebuilt through a renewed flow of US-NATO military aid.
The Obama administration is in an impasse: its foot soldiers have been defeated. A "no fly zone" would, at this stage, be a risky proposition given Syria's air defense system, which includes the Russian S-300 SAM system.
US-NATO Are Training "Opposition" Rebels in the Use of Chemical Weapons
The chemical weapons accusations are fabricated. In a bitter irony, the evidence amply confirms that the chemical weapons are being used not by Syrian government forces but by the US supported Al Qaeda rebels.
In a twisted logic whereby realities are turned upside down, the Syrian government is being accused of the atrocities committed by the US sponsored Al Qaeda affiliated rebels.
The Western media is feeding disinformation into the news chain, casually refuting its own news reports. Confirmed by various sources including CNN, the Western military alliance has not only made chemical weapons available to the Al Nusrah Front, it has also sent in military contractors and special forces to train the rebels:
The training [in chemical weapons], which is taking place in Jordan and Turkey, involves how to monitor and secure stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials, according to the sources. Some of the contractors are on the ground in Syria working with the rebels to monitor some of the sites, according to one of the officials.
The nationality of the trainers was not disclosed, though the officials cautioned against assuming all are American. (CNN, December 09, 2012, emphasis added
While the news report does not confirm the identity of the defense contractors, the official statements suggest a close contractual relationship to the Pentagon:
The US decision to hire unaccountable defense contractors to train Syrian rebels to handle stockpiles of chemical weapons seems dangerously irresponsible in the extreme, especially considering how inept Washington has so far been at making sure only trustworthy, secular rebels – to the extent they exist – receive their aid and the weapons that allies in the Gulf Arab states have been providing.
It also feeds accusations that the Syrian Foreign Ministry recently made that the US is working to frame the Syrian regime as having used or prepared for chemical warfare.
"What raises concerns about this news circulated by the media is our serious fear that some of the countries backing terrorism and terrorists might provide the armed terrorist groups with chemical weapons and claim that it was the Syrian government that used the weapons," the letters said."( John Glaser, Us Defense Contractors Training Syrian Rebels,, December 10, 2012, emphasis added)
Lets be under no illusion. This is not a rebel training exercise in non-proliferation of chemical weapons.
While president Obama accuses Bashar Al Assad, the US-NATO military alliance is channeling chemical weapons to Al Nusrah, a terrorist organization on the State Department blacklist.
In all likelihood, the training of Al Nusrah rebels in the use of chemical weapons was undertaken by private military contractors.
The United Nations Independent Mission confirms that Rebel Forces Are in Possession of Sarin Nerve Gas
While Washington points its finger at president Bashar al Assad, a United Nations independent commission of inquiry confirmed in May 2013 that the rebels rather than the government have chemical weapons in their possession and are using sarin nerve against the civilian population:
U.N. human rights investigators have gathered testimony from casualties of Syria's civil war and medical staff indicating that rebel forces have used the nerve agent sarin, one of the lead investigators said on Sunday.
The United Nations independent commission of inquiry on Syria has not yet seen evidence of government forces having used chemical weapons, which are banned under international law, said commission member Carla Del Ponte. [see image right]
"Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated," Del Ponte said in an interview with Swiss-Italian television.
"This was use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities," she added, speaking in Italian. ("U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator," Chicago Tribune, May, 5 2013, emphasis added)
Turkish Police Report: US Supported Al Nusrah Terrorists Possess Chemical Weapons

According to Turkey's state media agency Zaman, the Turkish General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü):
[Police have] ceased 2 kg of sarin gas in the city of Adana in the early hours of yesterday morning. The chemical weapons were in the possession of Al Nusra terrorists believed to have been heading for Syria.
Sarin gas is a colourless, odorless substance which is extremely difficult to detect. The gas is banned under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.
The EGM [Turkish Police] identified 12 members of the AL Nusra terrorist cell and also ceased fire arms and digital equipment. This is the second major official confirmation of the use of chemical weapons by Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria after UN inspector Carla Del Ponte's recent statement confirming the use of chemical weapons by the Western-backed terrorists in Syria.
The Turkish police are currently conducting further investigations into the operations of Al-Qaeda linked groups in Turkey. (For further details see Gearóid Ó Colmáin, Turkish Police find Chemical Weapons in the Possession of Al Nusra Terrorists heading for Syria, Global, May 30, 2013)
Who has Crossed the "Red Line"? Barack Obama and John Kerry are Supporting a Terrorist Organization on the State Department List
What is unfolding is a diabolical scenario –which is an integral part of US military planning– namely a situation where opposition terrorists of the al Nusrah Front advised by Western defense contractors are actually in possession of chemical weapons.
The West claims that it is coming to the rescue of the Syrian people, whose lives are allegedly threatened by Bashar Al Assad.
Obama has not only "Crossed the Red Line", he is supporting Al Qaeda. He is a Liar and a Terrorist.
The forbidden truth, which the Western media has failed to reveal, is that the US-NATO- Israel military alliance is not only supporting the Al Nusrah Front, it is also making chemical weapons available to its proxy "opposition" rebel forces.
The broader issue is: Who is a threat to the Syrian people? Syria's President Bashar al Assad or America's President Barack Obama, who has ordered the recruitment and training of terrorist forces which are on the US State Department blacklist.
In a bitter irony, according to the US State Department Bureau of Counter-terrorism, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, not to mention Senator John McCain could be held responsible for "knowingly providing, or attempting or conspiring to provide, material support or resources to, or engaging in transactions with, al-Nusrah Front":
The Department of State has amended the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and Executive Order (E.O.) 13224 designations of al-Qa'ida in Iraq (AQI) to include the following new aliases: al-Nusrah Front, Jabhat al-Nusrah, Jabhet al-Nusra, The Victory Front, and Al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant. The consequences of adding al-Nusrah Front as a new alias for AQI include a prohibition against knowingly providing, or attempting or conspiring to provide, material support or resources to, or engaging in transactions with, al-Nusrah Front, and the freezing of all property and interests in property of the organization that are in the United States, or come within the United States or the control of U.S. persons. (emphasis added)
The State Department advisory acknowledges that from November 2011 to December 2012:
"Al-Nusrah Front has claimed nearly 600 attacks – ranging from more than 40 suicide attacks to small arms and improvised explosive device operations – in major city centers including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr. During these attacks numerous innocent Syrians have been killed. ....
The advisory also confirms that "the United States takes this action [of blacklisting the Al Nusrah Front] in the context of our overall support for the Syrian people. ... "
What it fails to mention is that the Obama administration continues to channel money and weapons to Al Nusrah in blatant defiance of US counter-terrorism legislation.
Washington's "Go-Between": General Salem Idriss
Washington's "Go Between" is the Head of the FSA Supreme Military Council Brigadier General Salem Idriss
, who is permanent liaison with the Al Nusrah military commanders.
Secretary of State John Kerry meets representatives of the Syrian opposition. US officials meet with General Idriss. The latter, acting on behalf of the Pentagon, channels money and weapons to the terrorists. This model of supporting Al Nusra is similar to that implemented in Afghanistan in the 1980s whereby the Pakistani military government of General Zia Ul Haq would funnel weapons to jihadist "Freedom Fighters" in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war.
US support to terrorists is always sent through a trusted intermediary. According to an Obama administration official: "While the United States may have leverage with General Idris, it has no ability to control some jihadists — like the Nusra Front, which is also fighting Syrian government forces." (New York Times, May 23, 2013)
John McCain Enters Syria, Mingles with US Sponsored Terrorists
Meanwhile, Senator John McCain "entered Syria [early June] from the country's border with Turkey and stayed there for several hours ... McCain met with assembled leaders of Free Syrian Army units in both Turkey and Syria." See image below John McCain together with General Salem Idriss)
The Contradictory Role of the United Nations Security Council
In late May 2013, the UN Security Council added Al Nusrah to the UNSC "Al-Qaida Sanctions List." Yet at the same time, the Security Council decision casually dismissed the fact, amply documented, that three permanent members of the Council, namely Britain, France and the US continue to provide military aid to the Jabbat Al Nusrah Front, in defiance of international law and the UN Charter.
See annex information here.
‘Obama Overtly supports Al-Qaeda, Provides Terrorists with Chemical Weapons'
In the midst of pre-Geneva II talks on Syria Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization and Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa tells the Voice of Russia about the controversial role the Obama administration plays in the Syrian conflict and the possibility that the US Head of State not only cooperates with Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations but also supplies them with chemical weapons.
In one of your recent articles you suggested that the chemical weapons accusations in Syria are fabricated. You said that "in a bitter irony, the evidence amply confirms that the chemical weapons are being used not by Syrian government forces but by the US supported Al Qaeda rebels." Can you elaborate on this issue?
If we look at various media reports, including CNN but it is also acknowledged in Israeli media, the rebels namely Al-Nusra are in possession of chemical weapons but moreover it is acknowledged that western forces are actually training Al-Nusra rebels in Jordan and Turkey and this is confirmed by a December 9 CNN report.
We had subsequently the report of the United Nations independent mission which confirms that rebel forces are in possession of sarin nerve gas and the United Nations human rights investigators actually made a statement to that effect and refuted the accusations that government forces were in possession of chemical weapons.
In fact what they said is that the rebels were in possession of chemical weapons.
Then we also had a Turkish police report, which essentially confirmed these previous reports, the fact that the Al-Nusra terrorists who are supported by the Western military alliance, they were arrested with sarin gas in their possession.
Regarding the issue of chemical weapons in Syria you have also said that "Obama has not only "Crossed the Red Line", he is supporting Al Qaeda. He is a Liar and a Terrorist." Other than the provision of chemical weapons to Syrian opposition, is there any other evidence to support the claim that Obama might be supporting Al-Qaeda?
I think that we are beyond the issue as to whether Obama is supporting Al-Qaeda. John Kerry is directly in contacts with commanders, which are in link with Al-Qaeda rebels. We've got a fairly large documentation to the effect that weapons and money are being channeled to the rebels and that these rebels actually are on the US state department list of terrorist organizations.
So, what I am saying essentially is that these Al-Qaeda affiliated organizations are not longer supported covertly by the CIA, they are supported overtly by the US president and the Secretary of State who is in touch with commanders of that terrorist force, in particular the main intermediary is a General Idriss who is with the Free Syrian Army and who is in constant contact with the rebels.
But what I think we should understand is that Obama administration and its allies are harboring a terrorist organization which is on the state department list and that means that president Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry could under the US law be held responsible: And I quote the document of the state department "knowingly providing or attempting or conspiring to provide material support or resources to or engaging in transactions with Al-Nusra front"
so that essentially what I am contending is that Obama is in violation of the Patriot Act, he is in violation of US anti-terrorist legislation and in fact the US government is in blatant violation of its own counter-terrorism legislation while waging a so-called war on terrorism.
You can't wage a war on terrorism and then provide support to the terrorists.
Turkish Police find Chemical Weapons in the Possession of Al Nusra Terrorists heading for Syria

By Gearóid Ó Colmáin
Global Research, May 30, 2013

Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: US NATO War Agenda
In-depth Report: SYRIA: NATO'S NEXT WAR?

According to a report in Turkey's state media agency Zaman, agents from the Turkish General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü) ceased 2 kg of sarin gas in the city of Adana in the early hours of yesterday morning. The chemical weapons were in the possession of Al Nusra terrorists believed to have been heading for Syria.
Sarin gas is a colourless, odorless substance which is extremely difficult to detect. The gas is banned under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.
The EGM identified 12 members of the AL Nusra terrorist cell and also ceased fire arms and digital equipment. This is the second major official confirmation of the use of chemical weapons by
Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria after UN inspector Carla Del Ponte's recent statement confirming the use of chemical weapons by the Western-backed terrorists in Syria.
The Turkish police are currently conducting further investigations into the operations of Al-Qaeda linked groups in Turkey.[1]
This further confirmation that the Syrian ‘rebels' are using chemical weapons while also using Turkey as a base of terrorist operations against Syria, could cause further domestic problems for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whom Turkish opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu has called the ‘chief of the terrorists'.[2]
The Syrian National Coalition abroad has persisted in accusing the Syrian government of using chemical weapons. The Syrian National Coalition Head of Media Khaled Saleh told Al Jazeera on May 26th that Turkish authorities were certain about the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government.
Saleh also claimed that he was in contact with several ‘brigades' fighting in Syria. Perhaps, Mr. Saleh should be advised to consult the Turkish police now that one of his ‘brigades' has been arrested in possession of chemical weapons.[3]
Unsurprisingly, this Turkish report failed to make international headlines. From the beginning of the Syrian war, the international press agencies have attempted to portray the Al-Qaeda invasion of Syria as a ‘popular revolution', which started out as a ‘peaceful protest' against a ‘brutal regime'. The fact that there was never a modicum of evidence to support such claims has not hindered the avalanche of vituperation and demonization of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad and the Syrian Arab Republic.
France's daily Le Monde published an ‘exclusive' report on the 27th​ of May 2013 which claimed to have ‘proof' that the Syrian government was using chemical weapons ‘against its own people'. However, the report simply relied on statements by ‘activists' and ‘rebels', who most serious commentators have described as unreliable sources of information.
Le Monde's report came just in time as the French government was pushing the European Union to lift the embargo on arms to the terrorists in Syria. The confirmation by previous articles in Le Monde that the opposition in Syria is in fact Al Qaeda [4],
together with the reluctance of EU partners Germany, Austria, and other countries to openly back the terrorists, has isolated Paris and London, exposing the British and French governments as state sponsors of terrorism.
In January 2013, Russian television station RT published leaked documents from British corporation Britam Defense, which revealed a plan by Qatar to deliver chemical weapons to Homs in Syria, with the aid of Britam Defense. The British company was to provide Ukrainian personnel to act as Russian military advisors in order to implicate the Russian government in the crime. The email suggested that the Qataris were providing ‘enormous' amounts of money for the plan and that it was approved by Washington. [5]
The Japhat Al-Nosra terrorist organization has not hidden its desire to gas the Alawite minority in Syria. A video was posted on U Tube on December 4th​ 2012 showing terrorists testing chemical weapons on rabbits, while vowing to exterminate Alawite Syrians in a similar fashion.[6]
Iran's Press TV also published a report which showed terrorists using chemical weapons.[7]
As the Western-backed terrorists lose ground to government forces in Syria, the likelihood of further massacres committed by the terrorists and blamed on the Syrian government grows. However, as more and more reports contradict the official media narrative on the Syrian war, the voices of truth are acquiring critical mass, threatening to bring down once and for all NATO's oppressive media empire.
The end game looks more and more like an Ozomba Caliphate along with a insurgent attack on America to destroy the infrastructure and occupy the nation, something like Jerico but with a lot more minerets

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